第22章 殷勤与坚持
chap. 22 - Diligence and Perseverance
工作完成后的满足感--孩子们往往热心开始一项工作;但后来却感到烦乱与疲倦,便想改变一下,从事新的活动。这样,他们可能尝试好几件事,略遇困难,便灰心放下,反复无常,一事无成。父母们不应让儿女被见异思迁的心情所制。他们不当参加太多的事项,以致无暇耐心训练那正在发展的心思。说几句鼓励的话,或是及时给予一些小帮助,都可使他们克服困难与沮丧;而且他们见到自己尝试的工作成功,便有心满意足之感,并从而得到鼓励,去作更大的努力。{CG 128.1}[1]
Satisfaction in Tasks Completed.--Children frequently begin a piece of work with enthusiasm; but, becoming perplexed or wearied with it, they wish to change and take hold of something new. Thus they may take hold of several things, meet with a little discouragement, and give them up; and so they pass from one thing to another, perfecting nothing. Parents should not allow the love of change to control their children. They should not be so much engaged with other things that they will have no time to patiently discipline the developing minds. A few words of encouragement, or a little help at the right time, may carry them over their trouble and discouragement; and the satisfaction they will derive from seeing the task completed that they undertook will stimulate them to greater exertion. {CG 128.1}[1]
许多孩子因为在工作时没有得到鼓励和少许的帮助,便感灰心而时常改变目标。他们也会将这种不幸的弱点带进成年的生活中。他们因为未受教导,在困难灰心之时,应有恒心毅力,以致屡试屡败,一事无成。许多人因为从小没有得到正确的训练,一生就这样失败了。人在童年及青年期时所得的教育,会影响及成年后的全部职业生涯,而其宗教经验也会留下相应的印记。(一){CG 128.2}[2]
Many children, for want of words of encouragement and a little assistance in their efforts, become disheartened and change from one thing to another. And they carry this sad defect with them in mature life. They fail to make a success of anything they engage in, for they have not been taught to persevere under discouraging circumstances. Thus the entire lifetime of many proves a failure, because they did not have correct discipline when young. The education received in childhood and youth affects their entire business career in mature life, and their religious experience bears a corresponding stamp. {CG 128.2}[2]
懒惰的习惯带到成年--娇生惯养的孩子总是希望得到这样的待遇。一旦他们的愿望得不到满足,便灰心丧志。这种性格会在他们的一生中表现出来。他们不能自立,却要依赖别人的帮助,指望得到别人的厚待和迁就。他们成年之后,一遇到反对,便觉得自己受了亏待。他们就是这样在忧虑中度过自己的一生,很难自食其力,常常因为不顺心而怨天尤人烦躁恼怒。(二){CG 128.3}[3]
Habits of Indolence Are Carried Into Later Life.-- Children who have been petted and waited upon always expect it; and if their expectations are not met, they are disappointed and discouraged. This same disposition will be seen through their whole lives; they will be helpless, leaning upon others for aid, expecting others to favor them and yield to them. And if they are opposed, even after they have grown to manhood and womanhood, they think themselves abused; and thus they worry their way through the world, hardly able to bear their own weight, often murmuring and fretting because everything does not suit them. {CG 128.3}[3]
养成周到敏捷的习惯--孩子应当从母亲身上学习整洁、周到和敏捷的习惯。让孩子在一、二个小时里,做他本来很容易在半个小时里完成的工作,这无异是养成他们拖拉的习惯。勤劳周到的习惯,对于青年将来入学后的生活,乃是一种说不尽的福气。(三){CG 129.1}[4]
Develop Habits of Thoroughness and Dispatch.-- From the mother the children are to learn habits of neatness, thoroughness, and dispatch. To allow a child to take an hour or two in doing a piece of work that could easily be done in half an hour is to allow it to form dilatory habits. Habits of industry and thoroughness will be an untold blessing to the youth in the larger school of life, upon which they must enter as they grow older. {CG 129.1}[4]
给姑娘的特别劝告--使我十分不安烦恼的另一缺憾,是有些姑娘有说话唠唠叨叨,把宝贵的光阴浪费在无聊的闲话上。姑娘若只顾说话,工作就必耽搁。人们一贯视这些为小事,不屑一顾。许多人受欺骗不明白小事的意义。小事对于全局有重大的关系。凡与人类家庭的福利有关的最小事情,上帝也不会置之不理。(四){CG 129.2}[5]
Counsel Especially for Girls.--Another defect that has caused me much uneasiness and trouble is the habit some girls have of letting their tongues run, wasting precious time in talking of worthless things. While girls give their attention to talk, their work drags behind. These matters have been looked upon as little things, unworthy of notice. Many are deceived as to what constitutes a little thing. Little things have an important relation to the great whole. God does not disregard the infinitely little things that have to do with the welfare of the human family. {CG 129.2}[5]
小事的重要性--不要低估小事的重要性。小事会对人生产生重大的影响。由于这些小事的陶冶,人可以变成基督的样式,也可以反映恶者的形像。上帝正帮助我们培养思想,言语,表情和行为的习惯,以便向周围所有的人证明我们是跟过耶稣,并向祂学习的!(五){CG 129.3}[6]
Importance of "Little Things."--Never underrate the importance of little things. Little things supply the actual discipline of life. It is by them that the soul is trained that it may grow into the likeness of Christ, or bear the likeness of evil. God help us to cultivate habits of thought, word, look, and action that will testify to all about us that we have been with Jesus and learned of Him! {CG 129.3}[6]
失败是成功之母--应当教导儿童和青少年:每一次战胜了错误、缺点、困难,都要成为登上更佳美更高尚之境地的踏脚石,一切度过有价值的人生,并在生活上获得成功的人,都有过这种经验。(六){CG 130.1}[7]
Make Mistakes a Steppingstone.--Let the child and the youth be taught that every mistake, every fault, every difficulty conquered becomes a steppingstone to better and higher things. It is through such experiences that all who have ever made life worth the living have achieved success. {CG 130.1}[7]
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