第28章 忠实
chap. 28 - Truthfulness
父母要作忠实的模范--父母和教师们:你们要忠于上帝。你们的生活不要有欺诈的行为。口中不要出虚谎的话。不论遇到多么不愉快的环境,你们的言语、态度和行为都要在圣洁的上帝眼前保持正直。第一个欺骗的后果是多么可怕啊!自称为上帝儿女的人,难道不应该抛弃不诚实的行为和谎言吗? {CG 150.1}[1]
Let Parents Be Models of Truthfulness.--Parents and teachers, be true to God. Let your life be free from deceitful practices. Let no guile be found in your lips. However, disagreeable it may be to you at the time, let your ways, your words, and your works show uprightness in the sight of a holy God. Oh, the effect of the first lesson in deceit is terrible! Shall any who claim to be sons and daughters of God give themselves up to deceitful practices and lying? {CG 150.1}[1]
不要让儿女有借口说,妈妈没有说实话,爸爸没有说实话。当你们在天庭受审时,你们的名下有没有写着“骗子”呢?你们的儿女是否为因那本该领他们行走真道之人的榜样而败坏呢?上帝改变人心的大能有没有进入父母的心中?为什么不让上帝的圣灵在他们儿女的身上打上印记呢?{CG 150.2}[2]
Never let your children have the semblance of an excuse for saying, Mother does not tell the truth. Father does not tell the truth. When you are tried in the heavenly courts, shall the record be made against your name, A deceiver? Shall your offspring be perverted by the example of those who ought to guide them in the way of truth? Instead of this, shall not the converting power of God enter the hearts of mothers and fathers? Shall not the Holy Spirit of God be allowed to make its mark upon their children? {CG 150.2}[2]
我们无法指望儿女完全诚实。但愚蠢的管教是很危险的。父母有可能破坏孩子应有的坦诚。父母应当尽力用言行来保护儿女的天真纯朴。在儿女成长的过程中,父母不要提供任何机会播撒那会结成欺诈与虚谎,养成不可靠习惯的种子。(一){CG 150.3}[3]
It cannot be expected that children will be altogether guileless. But there is danger that through unwise management, parents will destroy the frankness which should characterize child experience. By word and action parents should do all in their power to preserve artless simplicity. As children advance in years, parents should not give the slightest occasion for the sowing of that seed which will develop into deceit and falsehood, and mature into untrustworthy habits. {CG 150.3}[3]
不要闪烁其词--父母们应成为诚实的模范,因为这是每日要铭刻在儿童心中的教训。父母一生的事务,尤其是在教育训练儿女上,应受不离正道的原则所管束。因为“孩童的动作,是纯洁、是正直,都显明他的本性”(箴20:11)。(二){CG 151.1}[4]
Never Prevaricate.--Parents should be models of truthfulness, for this is the daily lesson to be impressed upon the heart of the child. Undeviating principle should govern parents in all the affairs of life, especially in the education and training of their children. "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right." {CG 151.1}[4]
一个不能慎思明辨,不顺从主引导的母亲,可能把儿女教育成骗子和伪君子。这样培养出来的品性,可能根深蒂固,以致说谎象呼吸那么自然,虚假被当作真实。(三){CG 151.2}[5]
A mother who lacks discernment, and who does not follow the guidance of the Lord, may educate her children to be deceivers and hypocrites. The traits of character thus cherished may become so persistent that to lie will be as natural as to breathe. Pretense will be taken for sincerity and reality. {CG 151.2}[5]
父母们:你们决不可闪烁其词,也不可在榜样和教训上显出不诚实。你们若要儿女诚实,自己就当诚实。要刚直不阿,不允许有丝毫的搪塞。母亲习惯于搪塞和虚谎,儿女就会效法。(四){CG 151.3}[6]
Parents, never prevaricate; never tell an untruth in precept or in example. If you want your child to be truthful, be truthful yourself. Be straight and undeviating. Even a slight prevarication should not be allowed. Because mothers are accustomed to prevaricate and be untruthful, the child follows her example. {CG 151.3}[6]
严厉的话引起说谎--儿女若做了错事,你们不要不耐烦。在纠正他们的时候,不要说急躁苛刻的话,免得他们不知所措,不敢说实话。(五){CG 151.4}[7]
Untruthfulness Is Encouraged by Harsh Words.-- Do not become impatient with your children when they err. When you correct them, do not speak abruptly and harshly. This confuses them, making them afraid to tell the truth. {CG 151.4}[7]
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