第30章 自立与自尊
chap. 30 - Self-Reliance and Sense of Honor
训练每一个孩子自立--应当尽一切可能训练每个孩童自力更生。藉着运用身体的各项功能,他会明白自己的优点和弱点何在。聪明的教师会特别留意加强孩子的软弱之处,使他能养成均衡匀称的品格。(一){CG 156.1}[1]
Train Every Child to Be Self-reliant.--So far as possible, every child should be trained to self-reliance. By calling into exercise the various faculties, he will learn where he is strongest, and in what he is deficient. A wise instructor will give special attention to the development of the weaker traits, that the child may form a well-balanced, harmonious character. {CG 156.1}[1]
过分安逸使人懦弱--父母若能趁着有生之年,教导儿女照顾自己,胜过在死时留下大笔财产给他们。那些主要靠努力而自立的孩子,要比那些依赖父亲家财的孩子,更能适合实际的生活,长大后也会成为更好的人。那些倚靠自己才智的孩子,通常重视自己的能力,善用自己的特权,并培植与使用自己的天赋,以完成人生之目的。他们常会养成勤劳、节俭和具道德价值的品格,这品格是基督化生活的成功基础。那些骄生惯养的孩子,通常感觉不到自己对父母有何责任。(二){CG 156.2}[2]
Too Much Ease Will Develop Weaklings.--If parents, while they live, would assist their children to help themselves, it would be better than to leave them a large amount at death. Children who are left to rely principally upon their own exertions make better men and women and are better fitted for practical life than those children who have depended upon their father's estate. The children left to depend upon their own resources generally prize their abilities, improve their privileges, and cultivate and direct their faculties to accomplish a purpose in life. They frequently develop characters of industry, frugality, and moral worth, which lie at the foundation of success in the Christian life. Those children for whom parents do the most, frequently feel under the least obligation toward them. {CG 156.2}[2]
困难产生力量--阻碍使人坚强。使人有道德筋骨的,不是帮助,而是困难、冲突和挫折。过多的安逸和逃避责任,只会使那些本当具有道德力和属灵力量的人,成为懦夫和侏儒。(三){CG 156.3}[3]
Obstacles Develop Strength.--It is obstacles that make men strong. It is not helps, but difficulties, conflicts, rebuffs, that make men of moral sinew. Too much ease and avoiding responsibility have made weaklings and dwarfs of those who ought to be responsible men of moral power and strong spiritual muscle. {CG 156.3}[3]
青年人自幼就当在品格中培养严格正直的原则,使自己达到做人的最高标准。他们应当时刻牢记自己是用重价买来的,要在身体和心灵上荣耀上帝,因为这一切都是属于祂的。青年人应该认真考虑他们的人生宗旨和工作,奠定良好的基础,使他们的生活习惯没有丝毫的败坏。他们如果处在能影响他人的位置上,就必须有自信心。(四){CG 157.1}[4]
From the earliest years it is necessary to weave into the character principles of stern integrity, that the youth may reach the highest standard of manhood and womanhood. They should ever keep the fact before their eyes that they have been bought with a price and should glorify God in their bodies and spirits, which are His. The youth should seriously consider what shall be their purpose and lifework, and lay the foundation in such a way that their habits shall be free from all taint of corruption. If they would stand in a position where they shall influence others, they must be self-reliant. {CG 157.1}[4]
教导儿童应付难题--除了家庭和学校的训练之外,人人都要应付生活的严格训练。如何聪明地应付这种训练,是要向每一个青少年说明的功课。上帝固然爱我们,为我们的幸福而努力,况且祂的律法若始终被人遵守,我们就绝不会知道何为苦难。但是在这个世界上,因着犯罪的结果,痛苦、烦恼和重担就临到每一个人。我们如果教导青少年勇敢地面对这些烦恼和重担,就能使他们终身获益。我们虽然要同情他们,但不可因此而养成他们的自怜之心。他们需要得到激励和加强,而不是削弱。{CG 157.2}[5]
Prepare Children to Meet Problems Bravely.-- Beyond the discipline of the home and the school, all have to meet the stern discipline of life. How to meet this wisely is a lesson that should be made plain to every child and to every youth. It is true that God loves us, that He is working for our happiness, and that, if His law had always been obeyed, we should never have known suffering; and it is no less true that, in this world, as the result of sin, suffering, trouble, burdens, come to every life. We may do the children and the youth a lifelong good by teaching them to meet bravely these troubles and burdens. While we should give them sympathy, let it never be such as to foster self-pity. What they need is that which stimulates and strengthens rather than weakens. {CG 157.2}[5]
要教导他们明白,这个世界不是阅兵场,而是战场。人人都如精兵,蒙召忍受艰难。他们当刚强作大丈夫。要教导他们:品格的真正考验,在于是否愿意担负重担,赴汤蹈火,从事需要做的工作,纵使这种工作不能带来属世的奖赏或酬劳。(五){CG 157.3}[6]
They should be taught that this world is not a parade ground, but a battlefield. All are called to endure hardness, as good soldiers. They are to be strong and quit themselves like men. Let them be taught that the true test of character is found in the willingness to bear burdens, to take the hard place, to do the work that needs to be done, though it bring no earthly recognition or reward. {CG 157.3}[6]
加强荣誉感--智慧的教育者在对待学生的时候,必设法鼓励他们的信心,加强他们的荣誉感。信任青少年对他们是有好处的。许多人,甚至小孩子,也很看重名誉,希望得到信任和尊重。这是他们的权利。不应让他们觉得自己出入必须受到监视。怀疑会令人气馁,造成所欲防止的祸害。……要使青年人觉得自己受到了信任。几乎没有人不愿意证明自己是值得信任的。(六){CG 158.1}[7]
Strengthen the Sense of Honor.--The wise educator, in dealing with his pupils, will seek to encourage confidence and to strengthen the sense of honor. Children and youth are benefited by being trusted. Many, even of the little children, have a high sense of honor; all desire to be treated with confidence and respect, and this is their right. They should not be led to feel that they cannot go out or come in without being watched. Suspicion demoralizes, producing the very evils it seeks to prevent. . . . Lead the youth to feel that they are trusted, and there are few who will not seek to prove themselves worthy of the trust. {CG 158.1}[7]
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