第63章 管家是个人的本分
Chap. 63 - Stewardship a Personal Responsibility
父母们应当运用上帝所赐予他们的权利,祂已把才干托付与他们,要他们用来荣耀祂。儿女是不应为父亲的才干负责的。父母们当趁头脑清晰,判断力良好之时,虔诚地思考,并在那些拥有真理经验、认识上帝旨意的好顾问的帮助下,处置自己的产业。{CS 330.1}[1]
Parents should exercise the right that God has given them. He entrusted to them the talents He would have them use to His glory. The children were not to become responsible for the talents of the father. While they have sound minds and good judgment, parents should, with prayerful consideration, and with the help of proper counselors who have experience in the truth and a knowledge of the divine will, make disposition of their property. {CS 330.1}[1]
他们若有儿女在受苦,或在贫困中挣扎,却能善用金钱,就当为其儿女着想。他们若有儿女不信、在今世富足并在侍奉世界,若仅仅因为他们是自己的儿女,就把钱置于他们手中,便得罪了那位使他们成为管家的主。上帝的要求是不可轻忽的。{CS 330.2}[2]
If they have children who are afflicted or are struggling in poverty, and who will make a judicious use of means, they should be considered. But if they have unbelieving children who have abundance of this world, and who are serving the world, they commit a sin against the Master who has made them His stewards, by placing means in their hands merely because they are their children. God's claim are not to be lightly regarded. {CS 330.2}[2]
有一件事应该清楚明白的,就是作父母的虽立下遗嘱,也不足以妨碍他们在有生之日捐助上帝的圣工。这是他们应当做的。他们于有生之年能把盈余的钱财处理妥当,就可在此世得着满足,并在来世得着报赏。他们应尽本分推展上帝的圣工,使用主所借给他们的金钱,维持祂的葡萄园中需要做的工作。{CS 330.3}[3]
And it should be distinctly understood that because parents have made their will, this will not prevent them from giving means to the cause of God while they live. This they should do. They should have the satisfaction here, and the reward hereafter, of disposing of their surplus means while they live. They should do their part to advance the cause of God. They should use the means lent them by the Master to carry on the work which needs to be done in His vineyard. {CS 330.3}[3]
贪财是万恶之根,世上所有的罪案,几乎都因此而起。父亲们自私地把钱财留下给子女,使他们致富却看不见圣工的需求和加以援手,这就犯了可怕的错误。他们以为可用自己的钱财令儿女得福,其实带给他们的竟是咒诅。{CS 330.4}[4]
The love of money lies at the root of nearly all the crimes committed in the world. Fathers who selfishly retain their means to enrich their children, and who do not see the wants of the cause of God and relieve them, make a terrible mistake. The children whom they think to bless with their means are cursed with it. {CS 330.4}[4]
遗留给儿女的金钱,往往会成为痛苦的根源。他们时常会为所得的产业而争吵;纵然立有遗嘱,也很少全都满意于父亲的分配。所留下的金钱,不但没有激起感谢、尊敬和对他的怀念,反而会造成不满、埋怨,嫉妒和轻蔑。兄弟姊妹本是和睦共处的,却变成不和;家庭的纷争往往因遗产而引起。财富只宜于供应目前之需和造福他人,但继承之钱财,却更易成为拥有者的陷阱,而不是福气。父母们不应把钱财留给儿女,使之不劳而获,以致受到这些试探。{CS 331.1}[5]
【Inherited Riches Often a Snare】
Money left to children frequently becomes a root of bitterness. They often quarrel over the property left them, and in case of a will, are seldom all satisfied with the disposition made by the father. And instead of the means left exciting gratitude and reverence for his memory, it creates dissatisfaction, murmuring, envy, and disrespect. Brothers and sisters who were at peace with one another are sometimes made at variance, and family dissensions are often the result of inherited means. Riches are desirable only as a means of supplying present wants, and of doing good to others. But inherited riches oftener become a snare to the possessor than a blessing. Parents should not seek to have their children encounter the temptations to which they expose them in leaving them means which they themselves have made no effort to earn. {CS 331.1}[5]
我蒙指示看到一些自称相信真理的儿女,会间接地促使那作父亲的把钱留给他的孩子们,而不在有生之日用在上帝的圣工上。那些曾影响他们的父亲,把管家职责转给他们的人,其实很少会明白到他们所作的是什么。他们正为自己招来双重的负担:使父亲犹豫不决,以致在处理上帝所赐的钱财上,没有成全祂的旨意,把荣耀归给祂;另外的负担,就是促使自己成为别人钱财的管家,而这些钱财,本应由父亲放给“兑换银钱的人”,以致主能连本带利收回。{CS 331.2}[6]
【Transferring Property to Children】
I was shown that some children professing to believe the truth, would, in an indirect manner, influence the father to keep his means for his children, instead of appropriating it to the cause of God while he lives. Those who have influenced their father to shift his stewardship upon them, little know what they are doing. They are gathering upon themselves double responsibility, that of balancing the father's mind so that he did not fulfill the purpose of God in the disposition of the means lent him of God to be used to His glory, and the additional responsibility of becoming stewards of means that should have been put out to the exchangers by the father, that the Master could have received His own with usury. {CS 331.2}[6]
许多父母把手上的财物放入儿女的手中,而犯上了重大的错误,其实他们要为自己善用或误用上帝借给他们的银子负责的。父母或儿女们都不会因财产的这样转移而变得更快乐,只要作父母的多活几年,通常就会因所采取的行动而后悔。这样做并没有增加父母对儿女的爱,儿女也不会因父母的慷慨而加增感谢与责任感。此事似乎带有某种咒诅,在儿女方面表露出他们的自私,而在父母方面却因须要依赖儿女而感到忧愁难受。{CS 332.1}[7]
Many parents make a great mistake in placing their property out of their hands into the hands of their children while they are themselves responsible for the use or abuse of the talents lent them of God. Neither parents nor children are made happier by this transfer of property. And the parents, if they live a few years even, generally regret this action on their part. Parental love in their children is not increased by this course. The children do not feel increased gratitude and obligation to their parents for their liberality. A curse seems to lay at the root of the matter, which only crops out in selfishness on the part of the children, and unhappiness and miserable feelings of cramped dependence on the part of the parents. {CS 332.1}[7]
父母若能趁着有生之年,教导儿女照顾自己,胜过在死时留下大笔财产给他们。那些主要靠努力而自立的孩子,要比那些依赖父亲家财的孩子,更能适合实际的生活,长大后也会成为更好的人。那些倚靠自己才智的孩子,通常重视自己的能力,善用自己的特权,并培植与使用自己的天赋,以完成人生之目的。他们常会养成勤劳、节俭和具道德价值的品格,这品格是基督化生活的成功基础。那些骄生惯养的孩子,通常感觉不到自己对父母有何责任。(《证言》卷三第122-123页){CS 332.2}[8]
If parents, while they live, would assist their children to help themselves, it would be better than to leave them a large amount at death. Children who are left to rely principally upon their own exertions, make better men and women, and are better fitted for practical life, than those children who have depended upon their father's estate. The children left to depend upon their own resources generally prize their abilities, improve their privileges, and cultivate and direct their faculties to accomplish a purpose in life. They frequently develop characters of industry, frugality, and moral worth, which lie at the foundation of success in the Christian life. Those children for whom parents do the most, frequently feel under the least obligation toward them.--3T 121-123. {CS 332.2}[8]
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