第65章 报赏之地作为服务的动机
Chap. 65 - The Place of Reward as a Motive in Service
救主一再说:“有许多在前的将要在后,在后的将要在前”(太19:30)。耶稣希望为祂服务的人不要急于获得报赏,或者觉得自己所作的一切都必须得到补偿。上帝要我们换一种思维方式,因为祂看人不象人看人。祂不凭外表来判断,而是根据人的内心是否真诚来评价他。{CS 339.1}[1]
Repeatedly the Saviour says, "Many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first." Jesus would have those who are engaged in His service, not eager for rewards, nor feel that they must receive compensation for all that they do. The Lord would have our minds run in a different channel; for He sees not as man sees. He does not judge by appearances, but estimates a man by the sincerity of his heart. {CS 339.1}[1]
那些抱着真正牺牲和自我谦卑的精神参加服务的人,在后的会成为在先的。第一批受雇的工人,代表妒忌和自以为义的人。他们主张自己的工作需要得到比别人更多的报酬。家主对那质问为何多给别人却少给他的人说:“朋友,我不亏负你。你与我讲定的不是一钱银子吗”(太20:13)?我已遵守了我的协议。{CS 339.2}[2]
Those who have brought into their service the spirit of true sacrifice, of self-abasement, are the ones who will stand first at last. The laborers who were first hired, represented those who have an envious, self- righteous spirit, and claim that, for their services, preference should be given to them rather than to others. The householder said to the one who questioned his right to give more to others than to him, "Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?" I have kept my part of the agreement. {CS 339.2}[2]
退一步说,我们都关心报酬的问题。但我们一方面要重视所应许的福,另一方面则要完全信任耶稣基督,相信祂必会公平地按照我们的行为报答我们。上帝的恩赐就是永生,但是主耶稣却不希望我们过分关心奖赏,而要遵行上帝的旨意,因为这样做是对的,不管报酬怎么样。{CS 339.3}[3]
In a subordinate sense we should all have respect unto the recompense of the reward. But while we appreciate the promise of blessing, we should have perfect confidence in Jesus Christ, believing that He will do right, and give us reward according as our works have been. The gift of God is eternal life, but Jesus would have us not so anxious concerning rewards, as that we may do the will of God because it is right to do it, irrespective of all gain. {CS 339.3}[3]
保罗念念不忘那将要赐给他的生命冠冕。这冠冕不仅要赐给他,也要赐给所有爱慕祂显现的人。之所以获得冠冕,是因信耶稣基督而得的胜利。他时刻高举耶稣。夸耀自己的才能和胜利是不合适的。“智慧人不要因他的智慧夸口,勇士不要因他的勇力夸口,财主不要因他的财物夸口。夸口的却因他有聪明,认识我是耶和华,又知道我喜悦在世上施行慈爱公平和公义,以此夸口。这是耶和华说的”(耶9:23,24)。{CS 339.4}[4]
Paul kept in view the crown of life to be given him, and not only to be given to him, but to all who love His appearing. It was the victory gained through faith in Jesus Christ that made the crown so desirable. He ever exalted Jesus. All boasting of talent, of victory in ourselves, is out of place. "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord." {CS 339.4}[4]
那领受最丰厚赏赐的,乃是那些将怜惜穷人、孤儿与受压迫遭苦难者的心念,融和于自己的服务及热忱之中的人。但那些“从那边过去了”的人过于忙碌,顾不上基督的宝血所救赎的生灵,忙于做大事,结果发现自己成了最小的和最后的。{CS 340.1}[5]
Those who will receive the most abundant reward will be those who have mingled with their activity and zeal, gracious, tender pity for the poor, the orphan, the oppressed, and the afflicted. But those who pass by on the other side, who are too busy to give attention to the purchase of the blood of Christ, who are full of doing the great things, will find themselves least and last. {CS 340.1}[5]
人的行为表现出内心真正的品格。我们四周有些心里柔和谦卑、具有基督精神的人,作许多小事帮助他们周围的人,而全不放在心上,他们最后要诧异基督竟注意到那向灰心者所说安慰的话语,计及那付上克己为代价而周济贫穷的最小捐赠。上帝所衡量的是人的精神,并据此施行报赏。纯真、谦卑和孩子般仁爱的精神,使奉献在祂眼中视为宝贵。(《评论与通讯》1894年7月3日){CS 340.2}[6]
Men act out the true character of the heart. There are about us those who have a meek and lowly spirit, the spirit of Christ, who do many little things to help those around them, and who think nothing of it; they will be astonished at last to find that Christ has noticed the kind word spoken to the disheartened, and taken account of the smallest gift given for the relief of the poor, that cost the giver some self-denial. The Lord measures the spirit, and rewards accordingly, and the pure, humble, childlike spirit of love makes the offering precious in His sight.--R & H., July 3, 1894. {CS 340.2}[6]
彼得说:“看哪,我们已经撇下所有的跟从祢,将来我们要得什么呢”(太19:27)?彼得的这个问题说明他认为使徒的工作应该获得一定的报酬。在门徒中间存在着骄傲自满的精神。他们相互比较。如果其中有一位明显地失败了,其他人就觉得自己了不起。耶稣看出这种渐长的精神必须予以抑制。祂洞悉人心,在“我们要得什么呢”的问题中看出了自私的倾向。祂必须趁着这祸害尚未扩大之前予以纠正。{CS 340.3}[7]
【As a Gift, Not as a Right】
Peter said, "Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed Thee; what shall we have therefore? This question on the part of Peter showed that he thought that a certain amount of work on the part of the apostles would be deserving of a certain amount of reward. Among the disciples there was a spirit of complacency, of self-exaltation, and they made comparisons among themselves. If any one of them signally failed, others felt themselves superior. Jesus saw a spirit coming in that must be checked. He could read the hearts of men, and He saw their tendencies to selfishness in the question, "What shall we have?" He must correct this evil before it assumed gigantic proportions. {CS 340.3}[7]
门徒有忘记福音纯正原则的危险。基督就用选召工人的比喻来教导他们:奖赏不是出于行为,免得人自夸,而完全是出于恩典。早晨蒙召进入葡萄园的工人,凭恩典得着所赐的报赏。但最后蒙召的人也得着与第一批人同样的恩典。这项工作完全出于恩典,没有人比别人多得光荣,没有人比别人享有更多的特权,也没有人可以宣称赏赐是他的权利,故此不应彼此嫉妒。彼得所表达的是雇工的心理。(《评论与通讯》1894年7月10日){CS 341.1}[8]
The disciples were in danger of losing sight of the true principles of the gospel. By the use of this parable [of the laborers who were called] He teaches them that the reward is not of works, lest any man should boast, but it is all of grace. The laborer called into the vineyard at the beginning of the day had his reward in the grace that was given him. But the one to whom the last call came, had the same grace as had the first. The work was all of grace, and no one was to glory over another. There was to be no grudging one against another. No one was privileged above another, nor could any one claim the reward as his right. Peter expressed the feelings of a hireling.--R. & H., July 10, 1894. {CS 341.1}[8]
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