第19章 决策
Chap. 19-Decision Making
行动的人——上帝的圣工需要能抓住时机迅速有效地采取行动的人。如果你慢吞吞地权衡所面临的每一个困难,你的成效就会甚少。你将处处遇到困难和障碍。你必须以坚定的宗旨坚决克服这些困难,否则你就会被困难所战胜。{ChL 50.1}[1]
Men of Action--The cause of God demands men who can see quickly and act instantaneously at the right time and with power. If you wait to measure every difficulty and balance every perplexity you meet, you will do but little. You will have obstacles and difficulties to encounter at every turn, and you must with firm purpose decide to conquer them, or they will conquer you. {ChL 50.1}[1]
有时,在我们心中有各种各样办理上帝圣工的方法、途径和宗旨在考虑权衡。在这个时侯需要最好的判断力。若要为了达到目的而要做什么事,就要在最佳时刻去做。要看明天平上一点点的差异,并立即作出决定。长期的耽搁连天使都感到厌倦了。(GW 133,134){ChL 50.2}[2]
Sometimes various ways and purposes, different modes of operation in connection with the work of God, are about evenly balanced in the mind; and it is at this very point that the nicest discrimination is necessary. And if anything is accomplished to the purpose, it must be done at the golden moment. The slightest inclination of the weight in the balance should be seen, and should determine the matter at once. Long delays tire the angels.--Gospel Workers, pp. 133, 134. {ChL 50.2}[2]
犹豫的领导是软弱的领导——有时做出一个错误的决定,要比左顾右盼、犹疑不决、优柔寡断更可原谅一些。这种犹疑会比有时的匆匆行动产生更大的困难和灾难。{ChL 50.3}[3]
Hesitant Leadership is Weak Leadership--It is even more excusable to make a wrong decision sometimes than to be continually in a wavering position; to be hesitating, sometimes inclined in one direction, then in another. More perplexity and wretchedness result from thus hesitating and doubting than from sometimes moving too hastily. {ChL 50.3}[3]
我蒙指示看到,最显著的胜利和最惨重的失败都是在短时间内决定的。上帝要求迅速行动。优柔寡断,犹疑不决常使仇敌占尽先机。(GW133, 134.){ChL 50.4}[4]
I have been shown that the most signal victories and the most fearful defeats have been on the turn of minutes. God requires promptness of action. Delays, doubtings, hesitation, and indecision frequently give the enemy every advantage.--Gospel Workers, p. 134. {ChL 50.4}[4]
行动迅速但要权衡证据——上帝已将某种或多种才能赐给每一个人去利用并增进。一个区会的会长决不可认为他个人的见解应驾乎众人的见解之上。{ChL 50.5}[5]
Quick Action But Weigh Evidence--God has given to each individual judgment, and this gift He wants His workers to use and improve. The president of a conference must not consider that his individual judgment is to be the judgment of all. {ChL 50.5}[5]
在任何区会中,所有提案若未经弟兄们对问题的各方面周详考虑,决不可草草通过。有时因为某些计划是会长提的,大家就认为可以不需要求教于主;因此有些对于信徒灵性无益的提案,也竟然通过了。其后果与当初所臆测的大相悬殊。这种举动不是上帝所定规的。{ChL 50.6}[6]
In no conference should propositions be rushed through without time being taken by the brethren to carefully weigh all sides of the question. Because the president of a conference suggested certain plans, it has sometimes been considered unnecessary to consult the Lord about them. Thus propositions have been accepted that were l not for the spiritual benefit of believers, and which involved far more than was apparent at the first casual consideration. Such movements are not in the order of God. {ChL 50.6}[6]
有许许多多的提案经众人赞成表决之后,所发生的影响远出乎原先的意料之外;要是那些赞成的人在付表决之前,多用功夫从各方面考虑这问题,他们就决不会愿意赞成了。(Lt.1907. 340){ChL 51.1}[7]
Many, very many matters have been taken up and carried by vote, that have involved far more than was anticipated, and far more than those who voted would have been willing to assent to, had they taken time to consider the question from all sides.--Letter 340, 1907. {ChL 51.1}[7]
上帝不能使用优柔寡断的领导——凡参加我们任何机构上帝圣工的人,必须与上帝有联络,在任何情况下都致力于做正确的事,以便知道在考验的日子他们会采取什么立场。任何从事上帝圣工的人,都不可能保持中间的立场。如果一个人分心,犹豫不决、不安定,直到他确信自己不会有任何损失,他就表明自己不是一个上帝所能使用的人。但是许多人却正在这样做。他们没有得到上帝的任命,要不然,他们肯定没有受过圣灵强有力的感动。(TM 403){ChL 51.2}[8]
God Cannot Use the Undecided Leader--Those who have any connection with God's work in any of our institutions must have a connection with God, and must be committed to do right under all circumstances, that they may know where they will be found in the day of trial. No one connected with the sacred work of God can remain on neutral ground. If a man is divided, undecided, unsettled, until he is sure that he will lose nothing, he shows that he is a man God can not use. But many are working in this line. They have not been appointed by God, or else they have decidedly failed to be worked by the mighty agency of the Holy Spirit.--Testimonies to Ministers, p. 403. {ChL 51.2}[8]
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