第26章 自我改善
Chap. 26-Self-Improvement
会长们要意识到自己的责任——我蒙指示看到,我们各区会的会长没有都在尽自己的本分。他们没有都在变得越来越能干。他们的经验是低劣的,他们既没有藉着努力运用自己的能力,倚靠上帝得效率,他们的工作就在各方面都有缺陷。仅仅具有资格还不够,必须殷勤地利用才干。{ChL 66.1}[1]
Presidents to Sense Their Responsibilities--I have been shown that the presidents of our Conferences are not all doing their duty. They are not all becoming more and more efficient. Their experience is cheapened, and as they do not exercise their powers by taxing them, trusting in God to give them efficiency, their work is defective in every respect. The mere possession of qualifications is not enough; the ability must be diligently used. {ChL 66.1}[1]
能想出什么办法使各区会的会长意识到自己的职责呢?甚愿他们能看出他们受托的职位只会增加和加强他们的责任。要是每一位会长都感到必须殷勤利用自己的才干,想方设法唤醒传道人去做应该做的工作,各区会就会发生何等大的改变啊。{ChL 66.2}[2]
Can nothing be devised to arouse the presidents of Conferences to a sense of their obligations? Would they could see that their position of trust only increases and intensifies their responsibility. If each president would feel the necessity of diligent improvement of his talents in devising ways and means for arousing ministers to work as they should, what a change would take place in every Conference. {ChL 66.2}[2]
区会的职员和传道人的忠心服务,会减轻总会会长一大部分繁重疲惫的操劳。但他们却显然缺乏忠诚。这些人意识到对每一个人工作的庄严审查不久就要在天上开始了吗? {ChL 66.3}[3]
Faithful service on the part of the Conference officers and the ministers, would relieve the president of the General Conference of a large share of taxing, wearing labor. Fidelity is wanting in a marked degree. Do these men consider that the solemn scrutiny of every man's work is soon to begin in heaven? {ChL 66.3}[3]
夫子离开时将祂的工作交给各世各代的每一个人。祂对我们所有的人说:“你们去做生意,直等我回来”(路19:13)。传道人们有没有想过这些话里面包含了何等广泛的含义啊?确实,他们和死亡之间也许只有一步之遥。上帝所委托需要善加利用的禀赋留下了怎样的记录呢?误用的才能,浪费的光阴,忽视的机会,未尽的责任,多病的教会,没有因按时分粮而得坚固的上帝的羊群。{ChL 66.4}[4]
When the Master went away, He gave to every man in every age and in every generation, his work; and He says, to us all, "Occupy till I come." Have ministers thought how much is comprehended in those words? Verily there may be but a step between them and death. How stands the record of sacred trusts committed for wise improvement? Misused talents, wasted hours, neglected opportunities, duties left undone, sickly churches, the flock of God not strengthened by having their portion of that in due season. {ChL 66.4}[4]
要成就什么啊!难道总会会长要负起区会会长和传道人们所忽视的担子,并在廊子和祭坛中间哭泣,说:“耶和华啊,求祢顾惜祢的百姓,不要使祢的产业受羞辱”(珥2:17)吗?难道他要感到自己对上帝子民的这种沉睡、麻痹负责任吗?{ChL 66.5}[5]
What is to be done! Shall the president of the General Conference carry the burden of the neglects of presidents and ministers, and weep between the porch and the altar, crying, "Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach?" Shall he feel that he is responsible for the deep sleep, the paralysis, that is upon the people of God? {ChL 66.5}[5]
要是他照以往那样工作,唤醒粗心疏忽的人,整顿别人忽视了的事态,他就会变得不能工作,且会过早地下到坟墓里去。(Ms, 1892.8 .1892,11.25.《基督与苦难》). {ChL 67.1}[6]
If he works as he has done to arouse the careless and set in order the things that others have neglected, he will become unable to labor, and will go down to an untimely grave.--Manuscript 8, 1892 (Nov. 25, 1892, Christ and Suffering). {ChL 67.1}[6]
更多的思考和筹划——区会的职员若要成功地负起身上的责任,就必须祈求、相信、依赖上帝用他们作为祂的工具,维持区会各教会的良性运作。这是他们在葡萄园中应作的工。要有更大的个人责任感,更多的思考和筹划,在主的圣工中投入更充足的精力。这样就会扩大人的智力,使人更加敏锐地认识到应该做什么,怎样做。(GW 416){ChL 67.2}[7]
More Thinking and Planning--If the officers of a conference would bear successfully the burdens laid upon them, they must pray, they must believe, they must trust God to use them as His agents in keeping the churches of the conference in good working order. This is their part of the vineyard to cultivate. There must be far more personal responsibility, far more thinking and planning, far more mental power brought into the labor put forth for the Master. This would enlarge the capacity of the mind, and give keener perceptions as to what to do and how.--Gospel Workers, p. 416. {ChL 67.2}[7]
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