第05章 对大学城的访问
Chap. 05 - A Visit to College City
几周前,我访问了大学城(加利福尼亚州),应邀讲论节制问题。演讲费给了教会,出席的人很多。这个地方的人坚持了节制的原则,是值得赞扬的。事实上,正是基于这种状况,才在那里建了一所大学。大学的建筑所在地,连同它周围的大片土地,都为了教育的目的而捐赠给了基督教会,且有规定,在大学周围5公里内不可开设酒楼。这个协议似乎一直得到了忠心遵守。我们觉得青年在这样的城里上学比在每个街角昼夜都有酒楼营业的城里安全多了。{FE 62.1}[1]
A few weeks since, I visited College City (California), to speak, by invitation, upon the subject of temperance. The church was tendered for the occasion, and there was a good attendance. The people of this place have already taken a praiseworthy stand upon temperance principles. In fact, it was upon this condition that a college was established here. The land upon which the college building stands, with a large tract surrounding it, was donated to the Christian Church for educational purposes, with the stipulation that no saloon should ever be opened within three miles of the college. This agreement seems to have been faithfully kept. We would feel that the youth were much safer in attending school in such a town than where there are saloons open day and night on every street corner. {FE 62.1}[1]
这所大学的规定严格防止青年男女在上学期间的交往。只有当这些规定暂时解除时,比如有时候的情况,才允许男士们陪伴女士往来参加公共集会。我们自己在巴特尔克里克的学院也有类似的规定,但不这么严格。这种规定对于防止青年陷入早恋和不明智婚姻的危险是不可缺少的。年轻人被父母送到学校是为了获得教育,而不是与异性调情。为了社会的福利和学生的最高利益,他们在品格尚未形成,判断力尚未成熟,又得不到父母的照顾和指导之时,不要尝试去选择终身的伴侣。{FE 62.2}[2]
The rules of this college strictly guard the association of young men and young women during the school term. It is only when these rules are temporarily suspended, as is sometimes the case, that gentlemen are permitted to accompany ladies to and from public gatherings. Our own College at Battle Creek has similar regulations, though not so stringent. Such rules are indispensable to guard the youth from the danger of premature courtship and unwise marriage. Young people are sent to school by their parents to obtain an education, not to flirt with the opposite sex. The good of society, as well as the highest interest of the students, demands that they shall not attempt to select a life partner while their own character is yet undeveloped, their judgment immature, and while they are at the same time deprived of parental care and guidance. {FE 62.2}[2]
正是因为家庭训练有缺陷,青少年才很不愿意顺从正当的权威。我是一个母亲,我知道我在说什么,青年和儿童处在有益身心的约束之下比随从他们自己的爱好不仅更安全,而且更快乐。父母们哪,你们的儿女没有受到适当的保护。决不应该允许他们随意出入而不让你们知道,不经你们同意。这时代准予孩子们不羁的自由已造成了千万人的毁灭。多少孩子蒙允许深夜流连在街上,父母们竟满意于不知道自己的孩子所结交的人,所选择的同伴只能发挥败坏的影响。{FE 62.3}[3]
It is because the home training is defective that the youth are so unwilling to submit to proper authority. I am a mother; I know whereof I speak, when I say that youth and children are not only safer but happier under wholesome restraint than when following their own inclination. Parents, your sons and daughters are not properly guarded. They should never be permitted to go and come when they please, without your knowledge and consent. The unbounded freedom granted to children at this age has proved the ruin of thousands. How many are allowed to be in the streets at night, and parents are content to be ignorant of the associates of their children. Too often, companions are chosen whose influence tends only to demoralize. {FE 62.3}[3]
在黑暗的遮掩之下,男孩子们围聚在一起,开始学习打牌、赌博、抽烟、饮酒或狂喝啤酒。虔诚父母的儿子们冒险踏进酒楼去大嚼海鲜或作其他类似的放纵行为,因而自行置身试探之途。这些场所的气氛充满了亵渎和污秽的成分。无人能经常驻足其间而不变得败坏。由于这一类的社交,许多有前途的青年就变成了酒徒和罪犯。应该慎防犯罪作恶的开端。作父母的啊,除非你们清楚他们所处的环境并无任何问题,切不可容许你们的孩子晚上在街头去参加户外的活动,或与别的男孩子一同寻欢作乐。假若能严格地实行这个规则,顺从就必成为习惯,而犯规的愿望不久也就止息了。{FE 63.1}[4]
Under the cover of darkness, boys collect in groups to learn their first lessons in card-playing, gambling, smoking, and wine or beer sipping. The sons of religious parents venture into the saloons for an oyster supper, or some similar indulgence, and thus place themselves in the way of temptation. The very atmosphere of these resorts is redolent with blasphemy and pollution. No one can long remain in it without becoming corrupted. It is by such associations that promising youth are becoming inebriates and criminals. The very beginnings of the evil should be guarded against. Parents, unless you know that their surroundings are unexceptionable, do not permit your children to go into the streets after nightfall to engage in out-door sports, or to meet other boys for amusement. If this rule be rigidly enforced, obedience to it will become habitual, and the desire to transgress will soon cease. {FE 63.1}[4]
那些设法保护青年避免试探和预备他们度有益人生的人,正在从事一项有益的工作。我们乐于看见学校认识到合理约束和训练青年的重要性。但愿所有这类老师的努力都能取得成功。——《时兆》1882年3 月2日。{FE 63.2}[5]
Those who are seeking to shield the youth from temptation and to prepare them for a life of usefulness, are engaged in a good work. We are glad to see in any institution of learning a recognition of the importance of proper restraint and discipline for the young. May the efforts of all such instructors be crowned with success.--Signs of the Times, March 2, 1882 {FE 63.2}[5]
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