第02章 伊甸的学校
Chap. 02 - The Eden School
在创世时所定下的教育制度,乃是后代所有人的楷模。为了说明这种制度的原则,上帝在我们始祖所居住的伊甸园设立了一所示范学校。伊甸园是校舍,大自然是课本,创造主亲自担任导师,人类的始祖便成了学生。{Ed 20.1}[1]
The system of education instituted at the beginning of the world was to be a model for man throughout all aftertime. As an illustration of its principles a model school was established in Eden, the home of our first parents. The Garden of Eden was the schoolroom, nature was the lesson book, the Creator Himself was the instructor, and the parents of the human family were the students. {Ed 20.1}[1]
亚当夏娃是按照“上帝的形像和荣耀”(林前11:7)所造的,得到了与他们的高贵命运相称的天赋。他们的体态匀称优雅,容貌端正美丽;面色健康,并焕发着快乐和希望的光辉;他们的外表与造他们的主相似。不仅身体相似,思想和心灵的每一功能都反映出创造主的荣耀。亚当夏娃受造,仅“比天使微小一点”(来2:7),具有心智和心灵方面很高的禀赋,不但能辩识看得见之宇宙的奇迹,还能领悟道德方面的责任和义务。{Ed 20.2}[2]
Created to be "the image and glory of God" (1 Corinthians 11:7), Adam and Eve had received endowments not unworthy of their high destiny. Graceful and symmetrical in form, regular and beautiful in feature, their countenances glowing with the tint of health and the light of joy and hope, they bore in outward resemblance the likeness of their Maker. Nor was this likeness manifest in the physical nature only. Every faculty of mind and soul reflected the Creator's glory. Endowed with high mental and spiritual gifts, Adam and Eve were made but "little lower than the angels" (Hebrews 2:7), that they might not only discern the wonders of the visible universe, but comprehend moral responsibilities and obligations. {Ed 20.2}[2]
“耶和华上帝在东方的伊甸立了一个园子,把所造的人安置在那里。耶和华上帝使各样的树从地里长出来,可以悦人的眼目,其上的果子好作食物,园子当中又有生命树”(创2:8-9)。我们的始祖就是在这未被罪恶污染的自然美景中接受他们的教育。{Ed 20.3}[3]
The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden. Genesis 2:8,9. Here, amidst the beautiful scenes of nature untouched by sin, our first parents were to receive their education. {Ed 20.3}[3]
我们的天父关怀祂的儿女,亲自主持他们的教育。经常有祂的使者——圣天使们来访问他们,指导和教育他们。每当天起凉风,他们在园中行走的时候,就听到了上帝的声音,并与这位“永生之主”面对面交谈。祂对于他们所怀的意念,是“平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念”(耶29:11)。祂的每一旨意,都是为了他们的最高利益。{Ed 21.1}[4]
In His interest for His children, our heavenly Father personally directed their education. Often they were visited by His messengers, the holy angels, and from them received counsel and instruction. Often as they walked in the garden in the cool of the day they heard the voice of God, and face to face held communion with the Eternal. His thoughts toward them were "thoughts of peace, and not of evil." Jeremiah 29:11. His every purpose was their highest good. {Ed 21.1}[4]
亚当夏娃奉命“修理看守”(创2:15)。宇宙之主供应他们的虽然很丰富,他们却不宜闲懒。让他们做有益的工作,乃是他们的福气,可以增强体质、扩大思想、发展品格。{Ed 21.2}[5]
To Adam and Eve was committed the care of the garden, "to dress it and to keep it." Genesis 2:15. Though rich in all that the Owner of the universe could supply, they were not to be idle. Useful occupation was appointed them as a blessing, to strengthen the body, to expand the mind, and to develop the character. {Ed 21.2}[5]
大自然的课本向他们展示活的功课,是他们取之不尽用之不竭的富源,使他们得到教育和喜乐。森林里的一枝一叶,深山上的大小岩石,光辉灿烂的星球,以及天地海的一切事物,无不写着上帝的圣名。伊甸园的居民可以与一切被造的生物或无生物——树木花草以及各样活物,从在水中游玩的恐龙,直到在日光之中浮沉的小虫——交谈,领悟各种生命的奥秘。上帝在诸天之上所显的荣耀,和无数星球规律化的运转,“云彩如何浮于空中”(伯37:16),以及声与光,昼与夜的奥秘,都是地上第一所学校中学生们学习的资料。{Ed 21.3}[6]
The book of nature, which spread its living lessons before them, afforded an exhaustless source of instruction and delight. On every leaf of the forest and stone of the mountains, in every shining star, in earth and sea and sky, God's name was written. With both the animate and the inanimate creation--with leaf and flower and tree, and with every living creature, from the leviathan of the waters to the mote in the sunbeam--the dwellers in Eden held converse, gathering from each the secrets of its life. God's glory in the heavens, the innumerable worlds in their orderly revolutions, "the balancings of the clouds" (Job 37:16), the mysteries of light and sound, of day and night--all were objects of study by the pupils of earth's first school. {Ed 21.3}[6]
万物的无穷创造主启发了他们的思想,使他们明白自然界的定律和运作,以及管束灵界的伟大真理原则。他们的智力和灵力在“上帝荣耀的光”里得到发展(林后4:6)。他们感受到自己圣洁生活的最高乐趣。{Ed 22.1}[7]
The laws and operations of nature, and the great principles of truth that govern the spiritual universe, were opened to their minds by the infinite Author of all. In "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God" (2 Corinthians 4:6), their mental and spiritual powers developed, and they realized the highest pleasures of their holy existence. {Ed 22.1}[7]
伊甸园乃至于全地从创造主手中出来的时候是非常美丽的。在一切华美的受造之物中,没有一点罪恶的痕迹或死亡的阴影。上帝的荣耀“遮蔽诸天,颂赞充满大地”(哈3:3)。“那时,晨星一同歌唱,神的众子也都欢呼”(伯38:7)。地球就这样成了“有丰盛的慈爱和诚实”之主的合适标志(出34:6),也成了照着祂形像所造之人的恰当的学习课程。上帝希望全地都成为伊甸园那样。祂的旨意是随着人类的繁衍,他们要建立其他家庭与学校,象祂所设的那样。到了一定的时候,全地必充满研究上帝言语和作为的家庭与学校。学生们在里面得到准备,好在无穷的岁月中越来越反映上帝荣耀知识的光。{Ed 22.2}[8]
As it came from the Creator's hand, not only the Garden of Eden but the whole earth was exceedingly beautiful. No taint of sin, or shadow of death, marred the fair creation. God's glory "covered the heavens, and the earth was full of His praise." "The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy." Habakkuk 3:3; Job 38:7. Thus was the earth a fit emblem of Him who is "abundant in goodness and truth" (Exodus 34:6); a fit study for those who were made in His image. The Garden of Eden was a representation of what God desired the whole earth to become, and it was His purpose that, as the human family increased in numbers, they should establish other homes and schools like the one He had given. Thus in course of time the whole earth might be occupied with homes and schools where the words and the works of God should be studied, and where the students should thus be fitted more and more fully to reflect, throughout endless ages, the light of the knowledge of His glory. {Ed 22.2}[8]
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