第24章 米利暗
Chapter 24 - Miriam.
摩西告诉主他独自一人担当不了管理百姓的重任之后,上帝指示他拣选七十个长老,并将降在摩西身上的灵分赐给他们,亚伦和米利暗便因摩西没有与他们商量这事而心生嫉妒。摩西欣然接受他岳父叶忒罗的建议,这事他们也觉得不能甘心接受。他们担心叶忒罗比他们对摩西更有影响力。而今没有与他们商量就选出了七十个长老。他们既从未亲自体验摩西为百姓所负的责任和重担,也就看不出选七十个长老来帮助有什么实际的必要。他们说:“‘难道耶和华单与摩西说话,不也与我们说话吗?’这话耶和华听见了”(民12:2)。{1SP 285.1}[1]
After Moses had told the Lord that he was unable to bear the burden of the people alone, and God had directed him to choose seventy of the elders, and he had put the same Spirit upon them which was upon Moses, Aaron and Miriam were jealous because they had not been consulted in the matter. They had not felt reconciled to the act of Moses in so readily receiving the counsel of Jethro, his father-in-law. They feared that he had more influence over Moses than they had. And now, seventy elders had been chosen without their being consulted; and as they had never themselves felt the responsibility and burdens which Moses had borne for the people, they did not see any real necessity for the help of the seventy elders. "And they said, Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us? And the Lord heard it." {1SP 285.1}[1]
亚伦和米利暗以为自己既蒙拣选帮助摩西工作,就象摩西一样负着工作的责任。而且既然主曾藉着他们说话,与藉着摩西说话一样,摩西为何还要抱怨担子这么重,以致需要指定七十个审判官和长老来帮助他工作呢?摩西感觉到自己的软弱。他感觉到所交给他的大工,是其他任何人所没有感觉过的。亚伦曾显出他的软弱,竟向百姓屈服,当摩西不在的时候铸造了一只牛犊。上帝一直是摩西的顾问。{1SP 286.1}[2]
Aaron and Miriam thought, as they had been chosen to aid Moses in the work, that they bore the burden of the work as well as Moses. And as the Lord had spoken by them, as well as by Moses, why should he complain of such heavy burdens as to need seventy of the judges and elders appointed to the work of aiding him. Moses felt his weakness. He felt the importance of the great work committed to him, as no other man had ever felt it. Aaron had shown his weakness by yielding to the people, and making a molten calf, in the absence of Moses. God had ever been Moses' counselor. {1SP 286.1}[2]
米利暗一开始嫉妒摩西,就喜欢批评他生活中的事,其实那些事是上帝所特别掌管的。她抱怨摩西娶了一个黑人,而没有在希伯来人中娶妻。其实摩西的妻子不是黑人,但她的肤色比希伯来人稍黑。她的个性胆小而怕羞,温柔而挚爱,不忍见人受苦;正因这缘故,所以摩西在往埃及去的路上同意她回米甸去,免得让她亲眼看到上帝将要降在埃及人身上的可怕灾难。她在旷野与丈夫相见之后,看到他的挂虑和重担会使他筋疲力尽,便忧伤地把这事告诉了父亲。叶忒罗已注意到摩西负有照管众民的责任,因此劝告摩西照顾希伯来众民的宗教权益,同时拣选品格高尚、没有贪心的人照顾百姓的世俗事务。{1SP 286.2}[3]
As Miriam became jealous of Moses, she was disposed to find fault with the events of his life which God had especially overruled. She complained of Moses because he married an Ethiopian woman, instead of taking a wife from among the Hebrews. The wife of Moses was not black, but her complexion was somewhat darker than the Hebrews. She was of a timid disposition, tender-hearted, and was greatly affected upon witnessing suffering. This was the reason that Moses consented to have her return to Midian, while he was in Egypt, that she might not witness the terrific plagues which the Lord was to bring upon Egypt. After she met her husband in the wilderness, she saw that his burdens and anxieties were liable to wear away his strength, and in her distress she acquainted her father with the matter. Jethro had marked that the care of all the people was upon Moses, and therefore he counseled him to look after the religious interests of the Hebrew host, while worthy men, free from covetousness, should be selected to look after the secular concerns of the people. {1SP 286.2}[3]
米利暗既有了嫉妒之心,便想象她和亚伦都受到了忽视,而摩西的妻子就是起因——她影响了她丈夫的心思——使他不象从前一样在重要的事上与他们商量。{1SP 287.1}[4]
After Miriam became jealous, she imagined that Aaron and herself had been neglected, and that Moses' wife was the cause--that she had influenced the mind of her husband--that he did not consult them in important matters as much as formerly. {1SP 287.1}[4]
主听到了抱怨摩西的话,就不喜悦,因为摩西为人极其谦和,胜过世上的众人。“耶和华忽然对摩西、亚伦、米利暗说:‘你们三个人都出来,到会幕这里。’他们三个人就出来了。耶和华在云柱中降临,站在会幕门口,召亚伦和米利暗,二人就出来了。耶和华说:‘你们且听我的话:你们中间若有先知,我耶和华必在异象中向他显现,在梦中与他说话。我的仆人摩西不是这样;他是在我全家尽忠的。我要与他面对面说话,乃是明说,不用谜语,并且他必见我的形像。你们毁谤我的仆人摩西,为何不惧怕呢?’耶和华就向他们二人发怒而去。云彩从会幕上挪开了,不料,米利暗长了大麻疯,有雪那样白。亚伦一看米利暗长了大麻疯,就对摩西说:‘我主啊,求你不要因我们愚昧犯罪,便将这罪加在我们身上。求你不要使她象那出母腹、肉已半烂的死胎。’于是摩西哀求耶和华说:‘上帝啊,求祢医治她!’”“于是米利暗关锁在营外七天。百姓没有行路,直等到把米利暗领进来”(民12:4-13;15)。{1SP 287.2}[5]
The Lord heard the words of murmuring against Moses, and he was displeased; for Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. "And the Lord spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out, ye three, unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out. And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam, and they both came forth. And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house. With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold; wherefore, then, were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and he departed. And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle, and behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow; and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous. And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned. Let her not be as one dead." "And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee." "And Miriam was shut out of the camp seven days; and the people journeyed not till Miriam was brought in again." {1SP 287.2}[5]
因为上帝的忿怒临到了米利暗身上,云柱便远离了会幕,并且没有回来,直到把她逐到营外。上帝已拣选了摩西,并将祂的灵放在他身上。米利暗抱怨上帝所拣选的仆人,就不仅是对摩西不敬,也是对拣选摩西的上帝不敬。亚伦也感染了他姐姐米利暗的嫉妒精神。要是他不同情她,原可阻止这种恶事,向她说明她这么做是有罪的。但他非但没有这么做,反而听了她的怨言。米利暗和亚伦的怨言被记在经上,是给凡屈从嫉妒精神并抱怨上帝托付圣工责任之人的人一个谴责。{1SP 288.1}[6]
The cloud was removed from the tabernacle because the wrath of God rested upon Miriam, and it did not return until she was removed out of the camp. God had chosen Moses, and put his Spirit upon him; and by the complaints of Miriam against God's chosen servant, she not only behaved irreverently to Moses, but toward God himself, who had chosen him. Aaron was drawn into the jealous spirit of his sister Miriam. He might have prevented the evil if he had not sympathized with her, and had presented before her the sinfulness of her conduct. But instead of this, he listened to her words of complaint. The murmurings of Miriam and Aaron are left upon record as a rebuke to all who will yield to jealousy, and complain of those upon whom God lays the burden of his work. {1SP 288.1}[6]
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