第17章 神圣的榜样
Chap. 17 - A Divine Example.
以色列民中的忠心的人从一开始非常注意教育问题。上帝指示从儿童尚在襁褓的时候起,就要教育他们有关祂的良善和伟大,尤其是依据祂的律法和以色列人的历史。藉着唱诗,祈祷,和适于启蒙的圣经课程,父母要教育儿女明白,上帝的律法是祂品格的表达。当他们在心中接受这律法的原则时,上帝的形像就会显示在他们的心灵里。在学校和家庭里,教授的方法大多是用口传的。但青年人也学习阅读希伯来文的作品。旧约圣经的皮卷是他们研究的资料。{SpTEd 157.2}[1]
From the earliest times the faithful in Israel had given much attention to the matter of education. The Lord had directed that the children, even from babyhood, should be taught of his goodness and his greatness, especially as revealed in his law, and shown in the history of Israel. Through song and prayer, and lessons from the Scriptures, adapted to the opening mind, fathers and mothers were to instruct their children that the law of God is an expression of his character, and that as they received the principles of the law into the heart, the image of God was traced on mind and soul. In both the school and the home, much of the teaching was oral, but the youth also learned to read the Hebrew writings; and the parchment rolls of the Old Testament Scriptures were open to their study. {SpTEd 157.2}[1]
在基督的时代,年轻人的宗教教育被认为很重要,以致一个城镇若没有为此提供学校,就被认为是受了上帝的咒诅。然而无论在学校还是在家里,这种教育已经成为刻板的形式。既然“祂凡事该与祂的弟兄相同”(来2:17),耶稣要像我们一样获得知识,则祂在传道时显明的对于圣经的精通和娴熟,就说明祂幼年时是如何勤读上帝的话的。{SpTEd 158.1}[2]
In the days of Christ, the religious instruction of the young was thought to be so important that the town or city which did not provide schools for this purpose, was regarded as under the curse of God. Yet in both the school and the home, the teaching had become mechanical and formal. Since "in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren" (Hebrews 2:17), and Jesus gained knowledge as we may do, the intimate acquaintance with the Scriptures, which he evinced in his ministry, testifies to the diligence with which, in those early years, he gave himself to the study of the sacred word. {SpTEd 158.1}[2]
祂天天从有生和无生的自然界这个大图书馆获得知识。那曾创造万物的主,如今是人间的一个孩童,研究祂起初亲手所写在地上、海里和空中的教训。在祂传道的时候,祂喜爱用比喻发挥真理的教训,表明祂的心灵是如何地敞开来接受大自然的影响,也说明祂如何在幼年时就喜爱从自己日常生活的环境中收集属灵的教训。如此,当耶稣象任何一个青少年一样寻求明了事物的缘由时,上帝的言语和作为的意义就向祂展开了。祂就在圣洁的思想和交通上得到了造就。祂心灵的全部窗户都向阳光敞开;祂属灵的本性在天上的亮光中越来越强健,祂的生活便显明上帝的智慧和恩典。{SpTEd 158.2}[3]
And day by day he gained knowledge from the great library of animate and inanimate nature. He who had created all things, was now a child of humanity, and he studied the lessons which his own hand had written in earth and sea and sky. The parables by which, during his ministry, he loved to teach his lessons of truth, show how open his spirit was to the influences of nature, and how, in his youth, he had delighted to gather the spiritual teaching from the surroundings of his daily life. To Jesus the significance of the word and the works of God unfolded gradually, as he was seeking to understand the reason of things, as any youth may seek to understand. The culture of holy thoughts and communings was his. All the windows of his soul were open toward the sun; and in the light of heaven his spiritual nature waxed strong, and his life made manifest the wisdom and grace of God. {SpTEd 158.2}[3]
每一个儿童都可以像耶稣那样,从自然界和上帝圣言的篇章中获得知识。当我们想藉着圣经而认识天父的时候,天使就必接近我们,我们的心志必能坚强起来。我们的品格也会得到提高和陶冶。我们就能变得更像我们的救主。我们看到大自然的美丽和伟大,就对上帝生出爱心。我们存着敬畏的心,藉着无穷上帝的作为与祂接触时,我们的心灵就必因而坚强起来。藉着祷告与上帝交通,我们的智力和道德的能力就能发展。我们若在属灵的事上培养思想,我们属灵的能力也就加强了。{SpTEd 159.1}[4]
Every child may gain knowledge as Jesus did, from the works of nature and the pages of God's holy word. As we try to become acquainted with our Heavenly Father through his word, angels will come near, our minds will be strengthened, our character will be elevated and refined, and we shall become more like our Saviour. And as we behold the beautiful and grand in nature, our affections go out after God; while the spirit is awed, the soul is invigorated by coming in contact with the Infinite through his works. Communion with God through prayer develops the mental and moral faculties, and the spiritual powers strengthen as we cultivate thoughts upon spiritual things. {SpTEd 159.1}[4]
耶稣的生活,是一种与上帝和谐的生活。甚至当祂作一个小孩子,思想言语都像小孩子的时候,祂也始终没有一点罪恶,损毁那在祂里面的上帝形像。从智力初开之时起,祂就在属天的美德与真理的知识上不断地长进。{SpTEd 159.2}[5]
The life of Jesus was a life in harmony with God. While he was a child, he thought and spoke as a child, but no trace of sin marred the image of God within him. From the first dawning of intelligence he was continually growing in heavenly grace, and knowledge of truth. {SpTEd 159.2}[5]
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