第36章 访问伊利诺斯州
Chap. 36—Visit to Illinois
1858年8月,我们参加了伊利诺斯州克雷恩斯格罗夫的聚会。这是一次相当重要的聚会。聚会一结束,J. H.瓦格纳长老和J. M.斯蒂芬森长老就讨论起安息日问题来。斯蒂芬森长老在我们的聚会结束之前就来了,并立刻违规打断我们的聚会,这种行为在不守安息日却相信将来时代的人中间是很常见的。他们的讨论在那个地方导致了一些益处,因为它使一位曾因斯蒂芬森长老对于安息日的见解而摇摆不定的姐妹变得坚定了,另一位因斯蒂芬森长老的言论而初次来到这个地方,本来有很多偏见的姐妹,也出来坚定地支持真理了。那次聚会和讨论的影响对那些来自其它地方的人明显有益。那些来到这个地方对斯蒂芬森长老有所同情的人,离开的时候已确信他不值得同情。斯蒂芬森长老因他所表现的不守安息日却相信将来时代这种异端的人所具有的龙的精神,比在那里所讲的一切支持真理的见证都更有效地坚定了摇摆不定之人的心思。反对者没有获得一丝胜利。{2SG 273.1}[1]
In August, 1858, we attended a conference at Crane’s Grove, Ills. This was a meeting of considerable interest. It was immediately followed by a discussion of the Sabbath question between Elders J. H. Waggoner and J. M. Stephenson. Eld. S. was on the ground before our conference closed, and immediately commenced his lawless interruptions of our meeting, such as are very common with the no-Sabbath, age-to-come men. The discussion resulted in some good in the place, as it established one dear sister who had become unsettled as to the Sabbath by Eld. S., and another sister, who was much prejudiced when we first visited the place by the statements of Eld. S., came out decided upon the truth. But the influence of that meeting and the discussion, upon those who came in from other places, was decidedly good. Those Sabbath-keepers who came to the place sympathizing somewhat with Eld. S. went away satisfied that he was unworthy of their sympathy. Eld. S. did more to settle the minds of the wavering by manifesting the dragon-like spirit of the no-Sabbath, age-to-come heresies, than all the testimonies for truth there given. The opposition gained not a single victory.{2SG 273.1}[1]
那些聚会结束时,我得了重病。虽然进行了治疗,却没有减轻痛苦。于是我要求弟兄姐妹们为我祷告。他们答应了我的请求,我便得到了解救,并立刻见了异象。{2SG 274.1}[2]
At the close of those meetings I was taken very sick. Remedies were used, but I obtained no relief. Then I called for the brethren and sisters to pray for me. They complied with my request, and I found relief, and was immediately taken off in vision.{2SG 274.1}[2]
我看到耶稣并没有来废除祂父的律法。十诫是永远坚立的。亚当夏娃违背上帝的律法而堕落了。亚当一家人必须灭亡。上帝不能更改或废除祂的律法以拯救失丧的人,人因犯罪而堕落到极深之处,以致上帝不能接受他所能做出的任何要遵守圣洁、公义、良善之律法的努力。耶稣看到人类的降格,怜悯人无望的状况。全天庭都知道上帝不能改变或废除祂的律法来拯救人类。耶稣怜悯堕落的人类,提出亲自承受人类应该承受的上帝的忿怒,替人受难。一位天使说:“耶稣来是要取消上帝的律法,藉着祂的死废除律法吗?不,不是的。假如上帝的律法能改变;假如它能被废除,上帝就不会舍了祂的儿子去遭受残忍可耻的死亡了。”耶稣为人类舍命的事实表明上帝律法的不变性。耶稣舍了自己的性命来拯救失丧的人脱离咒诅,或人因犯罪而应得的刑罚。祂藉着降卑自己来提拔人。祂成为踏脚石好提拔人,好使人持定祂宝血的功效,遵守上帝的律法,得以重新吃亚当夏娃无权再吃的生命树的果子。天使说:“可怜愚昧的人不知道自己在做什么。他竟举起微弱的手臂反对全能者。他藐视了上帝的律法。上帝的律法乃是将有限的人和无限的上帝连结起来的金环。它将地与天、人与上帝连在一起。”犯罪的人因违背了律法而将要面对伟大的立法者。上帝的忿怒虽长久沉睡,但不久就要醒来,祂的忿怒要以可怕的正义和压倒一切的重量临到犯罪者身上。而那伸出来违背上帝的律法,要把连接地与天、人与上帝的金环切断的手臂,则会在犯罪的人双脚站立时就枯干了。那说夸大的话反对上帝的律法,且使第四条诫命无效的舌头,会在他双脚站立时便在口中溃烂。那些违背上帝的律法并且诱导他人同样走上大胆反叛道路之人的命运必是可怕的。{2SG 274.2}[3]
I saw that Jesus did not come to abolish his Father’s law. The ten commandments were to stand fast forever. Adam and Eve broke God’s law and fell, and the family of Adam must perish. God could not alter or abolish his law to save lost man, who had by his transgression fallen so low that God could not accept any effort he might make to keep that holy, just and good law. Jesus saw the degradation of man, and pitied his hopeless condition. All heaven knew that God could not change or abolish his law to save man. Jesus pitied the fallen race and offered to take the wrath of God upon himself that was due to man, and to suffer in his stead. Said an angel, “Did Jesus come to make void the law of God, and by his death abolish it? No, no. If God’s law could have been changed; if it could have been abolished, God would not have given his Son to die a cruel, shameful death.” But the fact of Jesus’ giving his life for man shows the immutability of God’s law. Jesus gave his life to save lost man from the curse or penalty he merited by transgression. He by humbling himself exalted man. He became?the stepping-stone to elevate man, that he might lay hold of the virtue of his blood, keep God’s law, and be brought back to eat of the fruit of the tree of life to which Adam and Eve forfeited all right. Said the Angel, “Poor, foolish man knows not what he is doing. He has lifted his puny arm against Omnipotence. He has defied God’s law. The law of God is the golden link to unite finite man to the infinite God. It links earth to heaven, and man to God.” The transgressor is about to meet the great Law-giver over his broken law. The wrath of God has long slumbered, but soon, with terrible justice and crushing weight will his wrath fall upon the transgressor. And that arm that has been stretched forth in rebellion against God’s law, and would sever the golden link binding earth to heaven and man to God, will wither while the transgressor shall stand upon his feet. That tongue that has boastingly and proudly spoken against God’s law, and has made the fourth commandment of none effect, will consume in his mouth while he stands upon his feet. Terrible will be the fate of those who transgress God’s law, and lead others in the same heaven-daring path of rebellion.{2SG 274.2}[3]
然后我被指向一些违背上帝律法之人讨人喜欢的教导。我蒙指示看到一道明光,是上帝所赐下的,要引导凡愿意行在得救之路上的人,也要作为一个警告,使罪人逃离上帝的忿怒,甘愿顺从祂的要求。只要这亮光还在,就有希望。然而有一段时间这亮光会停止照耀。那时圣洁的要永远保持圣洁,污秽的要永远保持污秽。那时耶稣要站起来;那时祂的工作要在至圣所里完成,那时不会再有一线亮光赐给罪人。{2SG 275.1}[4]
I was then pointed to the flattering things taught by some of these transgressors of God’s law. I was shown a bright light, given by God to guide all who would walk in the way of salvation, and also to serve as a warning?to the sinner to flee from the wrath of God, and yield a willing obedience to his claims. While this light continued there was hope. But there was a period when this light would cease. When he that is holy will remain holy forever, and when he that is filthy will remain filthy forever. When Jesus stands up; when his work is finished in the Most Holy, when there will be not another ray of light to be imparted to the sinner.{2SG 275.1}[4]
然而撒但藉着他所挑选的仆人奉承了一些人,就象在伊甸园中奉承了夏娃一样。“你们不一定死,”并告诉他们说会有一个悔改的时期,一个宽容时期,那时污秽的能得以洁净。与撒但及其使者同工的人把亮光带到将来时代,教导说基督降临后还有宽容时期。这就迷惑了罪人,使冷淡无情自称信主的人有属肉体的安全感。这种人粗心疏忽、漠不关心,在其宽容时期蹒跚而行。亮光既被挪到远处,他们便处在一片黑暗中。米迦勒站起来。受迷惑的罪人感受到的不是怜悯,而是毫无怜悯的忿怒。他们对这个致命的欺骗醒悟得太迟了。这个计划是撒但精心研究的,并由那些将上帝的真实变为虚谎的传道人实行出来。{2SG 276.1}[5]
But Satan flatters some, through his chosen servants, as he flattered Eve in Eden. Thou shalt not surely die, and tells them there will be a season for repentance, a time of probation, when the filthy can be made pure. The co-workers with Satan and his angels carry the light into the future age, teaching probation after the advent of Christ, which deludes the sinner, and leads the cold-hearted professor to carnal security. He is careless and indifferent, and walks stumblingly over the hours of his probation. The light is made to reach far ahead, where all is total darkness. Michael stands up. Instead of mercy, the deluded sinner feels wrath unmixed with mercy. And they awake too late to this fatal deception. This plan was studied by Satan, and is carried out by ministers who turn the truth of God into a lie.{2SG 276.1}[5]
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