第08章 缅因州的狂热主义
Chap. 8—Fanaticism in Maine
那天晚上我蒙指示看到上帝在缅因州的圣工受了损伤,祂的儿女因一种狂热的精神而灰心分散。我们曾信任的J. T.和J. H.在敬虔的外衣下正在使战兢尽责的人恐惧。我看到我们的责任是去在缅因州作见证。{2SG 49.1}[1]
That night it was shown me that the cause of God had been wounded in Maine, his children disheartened and scattered by a fanatical spirit. Persons in whom we had placed confidence, J. T. and J. H., under a cloak of godliness were casting fear among the trembling, conscientious ones. I saw that it was our duty to go and bear testimony in Maine.{2SG 49.1}[1]
我们不久就回到了波特兰,发现弟兄们处在大混乱中。在H先生家指定了聚会,我好有机会叙述主所指示我的事。我在祈求得着力量好履行那痛苦的职责时,见了异象,当着J. T.的面再一次蒙指示看到他不敬虔的行为。那些在场的人说我在他面前把所见到的事说了出来。我出离异象之后,他说我是在一种错误的影响之下。他承认异象的一部分是对的,但另一部分是错的。他说要有属灵洞察力才能看出其中的不同;还说就是这种精神总是追随着他要压碎他,等等。我十分难过地离开了聚会,因为我有一个信息给他妻子,一个安慰她忧伤之心的信息。我去作了我的见证,发现她在哭泣,很忧伤,好像她的心都要碎了似的。我叙述了所见的异象,得到了她的证实。我们从一致的证言得知:诚实正直的宝贵生灵已遭到这些狂热分子的拒绝,且被这些狂热者说他们是被上帝拒绝的。我们还获悉这些多管闲事的人还曾聚结到我父亲家里去,使那里成了他们的停留地。J. T.和J. H.是这等狂热之徒的领袖。他们随从自己的印象和“使命感”,导致了败坏,而不是纯正和圣洁。{2SG 49.2}[2]
We soon returned to Portland, and found the brethren in great confusion. A meeting was appointed at the house of Sr. H. that I might have an opportunity to relate what had been shown me. While praying for strength to discharge that painful duty, I was taken off in vision, and in the presence of J. T., was again shown his ungodly course. Those present said I talked it out before him. After I came out of vision he said I was under a wrong influence. He acknowledged that a part of it was right, but the other part was wrong. Said it would take a critical spiritual observer to detect the difference; that this was the same spirit that had always followed him to crush him, &c. With anguish of spirit I left the meeting, for I had a message for his wife, a message of comfort to her sorrowing heart. I went to bear my testimony, and found her?weeping and grieving, as though her heart would break. I related the vision, which she confirmed. We learned from united testimony, that honest, precious souls had been rejected by these fanatics, and by them told that they were rejected of God. We also learned that these officious ones had been flocking to my father’s house, making that their stopping place. J. T. and J. H. who were leaders in this rank fanaticism, followed impressions and burdens, which led to corruption, instead of purity and holiness.{2SG 49.2}[2]
我们的父母既见到他们撇弃了理智和判断,便感到厌烦,并且抗议他们伪善的行为。但他们却发现无法摆脱这群人,于是他们就关闭了家门,并且离开城市去了波特兰,我有两个已经出嫁的姐姐住在那里。这并不令J. T.感到满意,当我们抵达波特兰的时候,他告诉我说,我父亲是一个注定灭亡的人。我母亲和姐姐们可以得救,但我父亲会沦丧。他所提出的理由是因为我父亲离开家时没把房子的所有权移交给他。然后我们去了波特兰,我父母讲述了他们的磨难,并且提到了在波特兰发生的事件,完全证实了在新罕布什尔州所赐的异象。{2SG 50.1}[3]
Our parents were disgusted as they saw reason and judgment laid aside by them, and protested against their hypocritical course. But finding that they could not be freed from this company, they closed their house, and left the city for Poland, where my two married sisters were living. This did not suit J. T., and when we arrived at Portland he told me my father was a doomed man. My mother and sisters might be saved, but my father would be lost. The reason offered was because my father would not give him possession of his house when he left it. We then went to Poland, where my parents rehearsed their trials, and mentioned incidents which occurred at Portland, all of which confirmed the vision given in N. H.{2SG 50.1}[3]
当我回到波特兰时,有越来越多的证据表明狂热派破坏性的影响。这些狂热分子似乎以为宗教乃在乎激昂的情绪和喧闹。他们讲话的态度会刺激不信的人,并使他们憎恨他们,于是他们因为受了逼迫,反倒大大欢喜。不信的人在这样的表现中看不出前后一贯的信仰来。结果若干地方的弟兄们竟被禁止不能聚会。因此,没有错误的人也和犯错误的人一同受苦了。我心中时常忧伤沉闷;眼见基督的事业竟被这一等不智之人的行径所破坏,真是极其不幸。他们非但危害了自己的心灵,也给圣工加上了一个不易磨灭的污点。何况撒但正喜爱如此。他看到真理由不熟练的工人经手;使之与谬论混合,然后一同被人践踏于尘埃,这正合乎他的心意。他得意洋洋地看着上帝儿女混乱分散的情形。{2SG 50.2}[4]
As I returned to Portland evidences increased of the desolating effects of fanaticism in Maine. These fanatical ones seemed to think?that religion consisted in making a noise. They would talk in such a manner as to irritate unbelievers, and cause them to hate them, and then they would rejoice that they suffered persecution. Unbelievers could see no consistency in their course. The brethren in some places were prevented from assembling for meetings. The innocent suffered with the guilty. Much of the time I carried a sad and heavy heart. It seemed so cruel that the cause of Christ should be injured by injudicious men. They were not only ruining their own souls, but placing a stigma upon the cause not easily removed. And Satan loved to have it so. It suited him well to see the truth handled by unskillful workmen; to have it mixed with error, and then altogether trampled in the dust. He looked with triumph upon the confused, scattered state of God’s children.{2SG 50.2}[4]
J. T.竟然使我的一些朋友甚至亲人反对我。他为什么这么做呢?因为我曾忠诚地讲述了蒙指示看到的他非基督化的行为,他便散播谎言要破坏我的影响力,证明自己是正确的。我的命运似乎很艰难。灰心的情绪重重地压着我;上帝子民的状况使我充满了痛苦,以致有两周之久我神志恍惚。我的亲戚们以为我不能活了;但同情我这种痛苦的弟兄姐妹们聚在一起为我祷告。我不久就认识到为我献上了恳切有效的祷告。祷告得胜了。强敌的势力被打破了,我得了释放,立刻进入了异象。在这次的异象中,我看到人的影响决不会在这样使我痛苦了。如果我感到人的势力影响了我的见证,无论我在哪里,只要呼求上帝,就会有一位天使奉差来搭救我。我已经有一位守护天使不断地照顾着我。然而若有必要,主会差派另一位天使来加给我力量,并且救我脱离地上的一切势力。然后我便初次看到了新地的荣耀,如下。{2SG 51.1}[5]
J. T. labored with some success to turn my friends, and even my relatives, against me. Why did he do this? Because I had faithfully related what was shown me respecting his unchristian course. He circulated falsehoods to destroy my influence and justify himself. My lot seemed hard. Discouragements pressed heavily; and the condition of God’s people so filled me with anguish that for two weeks my mind wandered. My relatives thought I could not live; but brethren and sisters who sympathized with me in this affliction, met to pray for me. I soon realized that earnest, effectual prayer was being offered in my behalf. Prayer prevailed. The power of the strong foe was broken, and I was released, and immediately taken off in vision. In this view I saw that a human influence should never afflict me again in like manner. If I felt an influence affecting my testimony, no matter where I might be, I had only to cry to God, and another angel would be sent to my rescue. I already had one guardian angel attending me continually, but when necessary, the Lord would send another to strengthen, and raise me above the power of every earthly influence. Then I saw for the first time the glory of the new earth as follows.{2SG 51.1}[5]
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