第10章 巴别塔
Chap. 10—Tower of Babel
挪亚的有些子孙不久便开始背道了。一部分人却效法挪亚的榜样,并遵守上帝的诫命;其他的人则不信而悖逆,这些人甚至连对洪水的看法也各有不同。有些人不相信上帝的存在,便在自己的心意中以自然的原因来解释洪水。另一班人则相信上帝的存在,也相信祂曾用洪水毁灭洪水以前的人类;他们的感情象该隐一样悖逆上帝,因祂曾从地上毁灭人类,并借洪水给全地带来第三次的咒诅。{3SG 96.1}[1]
Some of the descendants of Noah soon began to apostatize. A portion followed the example of Noah, and obeyed God’s commandments; others were unbelieving and rebellious, and even these did not believe alike in regard to the flood. Some disbelieved in the existence of God, and in their own minds accounted for the flood from natural causes. Others believed that God existed, and that he destroyed the antediluvian race by a flood; and their feelings, like Cain, rose in rebellion against God, because he destroyed the people from the earth and cursed the earth the third time by a flood.{3SG 96.1}[1]
那些与上帝为敌的人,天天因那些敬爱、顺从、并高举上帝之人的公义言行和敬虔生活而自觉受到责备。不信的人自相商议,决定要离开那些忠心的人,因为他们正义的生活在这些人的邪恶途径上经常是一种限制。他们离开义人走了相当一段路程,便拣选一个辽阔的平原住下了。他们为自己造了一座城,随即异想天开,要建造一座直达云霄的高塔,以便常在城中和塔里居住,不再分散。他们推想,再有一次洪水他们必能自卫,因为他们要将那塔造得非常之高,较比洪水水势所涨到的程度高出许多,那时全世界人类便要尊崇他们,他们便可象神明一样管辖众人了。建塔的计划乃是要推崇建筑的人,并企图使其他住在地上之人的注意转离上帝,而与他们一同敬拜偶像。在建筑工程完竣之前,众人住在塔里面,室内布置装饰得非常华丽,并且是献给偶像的。那些不信上帝的人妄想,如果他们的塔能一直高出云霄,他们便可发现那造成洪水的原因。{3SG 96.2}[2]
Those who were enemies of God felt daily reproved by the righteous conversation and godly lives of those who loved, obeyed, and exalted God. The unbelieving consulted among themselves, and agreed to separate from the faithful, whose righteous lives were a continual restraint upon their wicked course.They journeyed a distance from them, and selected a large plain wherein to dwell. They built them a city, and then conceived the idea of building a large tower to reach unto the clouds, that they might dwell together in the city and tower, and be no more scattered. They reasoned that they would secure themselves in case of another flood, for they would build their tower to a much greater height than the waters prevailed in the time of the flood, and all the world would honor them, and they would be as gods, and rule over the people. This tower was calculated to exalt its builders, and was designed to turn the attention of others who should live upon the earth from God to join with them in their idolatry. Before the work of building was accomplished, people dwelt in the tower. Rooms were splendidly furnished, decorated and devoted to their idols. Those who did not believe in God, imagined if their tower could reach unto the clouds they would be able to discover reasons for the flood.{3SG 96.2}[2]
他们竟想高抬自己反抗上帝。但祂决不容许他们完成他们的工作。他们将塔建造到相当高的时候,主就差遣了二位天使来搅乱他们的工作,那些奉派为塔顶工人传话以便运送材料的人,头一个要将话传给第二个,第二个再传给第三个这样一直将话传到那些在地面上的工人。当工人这样往此传话下达的时候,天使就变乱了他们的口音,及至话传到地面上的工人时,所要的材料竟不是原来指定的了。当材料经过一番艰苦的手续送达塔上面的工人之后,它却不是他们所想要的。于是他们便感到失望而且恼怒,就责怪他们所认为作错了的人。此后,他们在工作上就失去和谐了。他们互相恼怒,而又不明白他们中间何以发生如此的误会和奇怪的话语,他们便放下工作,彼此别离,而分散在全地上了。这时以前,人类只讲一种言语。象征上帝忿怒的闪电从天而降,将他们的塔顶击毁,抛落于地。如此上帝要向叛逆的人类显明祂是至高无上的。{3SG 97.1}[3]
They exalted themselves against God. But he would not permit them to complete their work. They had built their tower to a lofty height, when the Lord sent two angels to confound them in their work. Men had been appointed for the purpose of receiving word from the workmen at the top of the tower, calling for material for their work, which the first would communicate to the second, and he to the third, until the word reached those upon the ground. As the word was passing from one to another in its descent, the angels confounded their language, and when the word reached the workmen upon the ground, material was called for which had not been required. And after the laborious process of getting the material to the workmen at the top of the tower, it was not that which they wished for. Disappointed and enraged they reproached those whom they supposed were at fault. After this there was no harmony in their work. Angry with one another, and unable to account for the misunderstanding, and strange words among them, they left the work and separated from each other, and scattered abroad in the earth. Up to this time men had spoken but one language. Lightning from heaven as a token of God’s wrath broke off the top of their tower, casting it to the ground. Thus God would show to rebellious man that he is supreme.{3SG 97.1}[3]
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