第04章 亚当的一生
Chap. 4—Adam’s Life
亚当的一生乃是饱经忧患,谦卑,和时常痛悔的。他既教导子孙敬畏耶和华,自己也常因他那造成后代如许不幸的罪恶而悲痛自责。当他离开美丽的伊甸园时,他一想到自己必定死,就不禁因恐怖而颤栗了。他认为死亡乃是可怕的灾祸。他最先因自己的儿子该隐杀死他的兄弟亚伯,而体验到死亡临到人类家庭的可怖事实。他因自己的违命而满怀最沉痛的悔恨,又因丧失了次子亚伯,并看到该隐乃是杀害亚伯的凶手,再认明上帝在他身上所宣布的咒诅,便因悲伤而肠断心碎。他极其悲痛地为自己所犯的首次大罪而责怪自己。他借着所应许的牺牲而恳求上帝赦免。他深深地感受到上帝对他在乐园中所犯罪行的忿怒,他亲自目睹那后来引起上帝终于用洪水毁灭地上居民的普遍性的败坏。创造主在他身上所宣布的死刑,当初对他似乎非常可怕,但经过生活数百年之后,他倒认为上帝结束他不幸的人生,反显明是公义而慈怜的了。{3SG 50.2}[1]
Adam’s life was one of sorrow, humility, and continual repentance. As he taught his children and grand-children the fear of the Lord, he was often bitterly reproached for his sin which resulted in so much misery upon his posterity. When he left the beautiful Eden, the thought that he must die thrilled him with?horror. He looked upon death as a dreadful calamity. He was first made acquainted with the dreadful reality of death in the human family by his own son Cain slaying his brother Abel. Filled with the bitterest remorse for his own transgression, and deprived of his son Abel, and looking upon Cain as his murderer, and knowing the curse God pronounced upon him, bowed down Adam’s heart with grief. Most bitterly did he reproach himself for his first great transgression. He entreated pardon from God through the promised Sacrifice. Deeply had he felt the wrath of God for his crime committed in Paradise. He witnessed the general corruption which afterward finally provoked God to destroy the inhabitants of the earth by a flood. The sentence of death pronounced upon him by his Maker, which at first appeared so terrible to him, after he had lived some hundreds of years, looked just and merciful in God, to bring to an end a miserable life.{3SG 50.2}[1]
亚当向他的子子孙孙,一直到第九代,描述了他伊甸家乡的绝妙美景,和他的堕落及其可怕的后果,以及由于他家庭的破裂而结果造成亚伯的死,致使他感到负疚悲伤。他向他们述说上帝如何让他经受种种痛苦,为要教训他严格遵循祂律法的必要。他向他们声明:罪恶不论形式如何,是必定要受到刑罚的。他恳劝他们务要顺从上帝;如果他们爱上帝并且敬畏祂,祂就必以慈怜对待他们。{3SG 51.1}[2]
To his children, and to their children, to the ninth generation, he delineated the perfections of his Eden home; and also his fall and its dreadful results, and the load of grief brought upon him on account of the rupture in his family, which ended in the death of Abel. He related to them the sufferings God had brought him through, to teach him the necessity of strictly adhering to his law. He declared to them that sin would be punished in whatever form it existed. He entreated them to obey?God, who would deal mercifully with them if they should love, and fear him.{3SG 51.1}[2]
天使在亚当堕落之后,仍与他保持交通,告知救恩的计划,并说明人类并不是无法挽救的。虽然上帝与人之间已经有了可怕的隔离,但上帝已早有安排,使人可以因祂爱子所作的牺牲而得蒙拯救。然而他们唯一的希望乃在于虚心痛悔的生活,以及对于上帝安排的信心。凡能如此接受基督为自己唯一救主的人,将要因上帝儿子的功劳而再度得蒙上帝的眷爱。{3SG 52.1}[3]
Angels held communication with Adam after his fall, and informed him of the plan of salvation, and that the human race was not beyond redemption. Although a fearful separation had taken place between God and man, yet provision had been made through the offering of his beloved Son by which man might be saved. But their only hope was through a life of humble repentance, and faith in the provision made. All those who could thus accept Christ as their only Saviour, should be again brought into favor with God through the merits of his Son.{3SG 52.1}[3]
亚当奉命教导他的后裔学习敬畏主,并且藉他的榜样和谦卑的顺从教导他们高度重视那预表一位要来的救主的供物。亚当谨慎地珍存了上帝给他的启示,并且将之传给了他的子子孙孙。认识上帝的知识藉此得以保存下来。甚至在亚当的日子,地上就有一些义人认识和敬畏上帝。安息日是在人类堕落之前就得到遵守的。因为亚当夏娃违背了上帝的命令,吃了禁树的果子,他们便被赶出了伊甸园;然而他们在堕落之后遵守了安息日。他们已尝到悖逆的苦果,认识到每一次违背上帝的命令迟早都会获悉上帝言出必行,他们必定遭受违命的刑罚。{3SG 52.2}[4]
Adam was commanded to learn his descendants the fear of the Lord, and by his example and humble obedience teach them to highly regard the offerings which typified a Saviour to come. Adam carefully treasured what God had revealed to him, and handed it down by word of mouth to his children and children’s children. By this means the knowledge of God was preserved. There were some righteous upon the earth who knew and feared God even in Adam’s day. The Sabbath was observed before the fall. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command, and ate of the forbidden fruit, they were expelled from Eden; but they observed the Sabbath after their fall. They had experienced the bitter fruits of disobedience, and learned that every transgressor of God’s commands will sooner or later?learn that God means just what he says, and that he will surely punish the transgressor.{3SG 52.2}[4]
那些胆敢轻视耶和华的休息日,就是祂分别为圣并且赐福,命令人守为圣日之日的人,必要知道死是犯罪者的报应。由于上帝给予第七日的特殊尊荣,祂要求祂的子民数算七日,免得他们忘记他们的创造主,祂在六日之内创造了天地,并在第七日安息了。{3SG 53.1}[5]
Those who venture to lightly esteem the day upon which Jehovah rested, the day which he sanctified and blessed, the day which he has commanded to be kept holy, will yet know that death is the reward of the transgressor. On account of the special honors God conferred upon the seventh day, he required his people to number by sevens lest they should forget their Creator who made the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh.{3SG 53.1}[5]
该隐的后代没有小心尊重上帝安息的日子。他们选择自己的作息时间,不顾耶和华特别的命令。地上有截然不同的两等人。一等人公然反叛上帝的律法;而另一等人则顺从祂的命令,尊敬祂的安息日。{3SG 53.2}[6]
The descendants of Cain were not careful to respect the day upon which God rested. They chose their own time for labor and for rest, regardless of Jehovah’s special command. There were two distinct classes upon the earth. One class were in open rebellion against God’s law; while the other class obeyed his commandments, and revered his Sabbath.{3SG 53.2}[6]
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