第06章 洪水之前的罪孽
Chap. 6—Crime before the Flood
那些尊荣上帝、不敢得罪上帝的人起先只是轻微地感到了咒诅;而那些转离上帝并践踏祂权威的人却更严重地感受到了咒诅,尤其是在身材和体形的高贵方面。塞特的后裔得称为上帝的儿子;该隐的后裔却被称为人的儿子。上帝的儿子们与人的儿子们混合在一起,他们就趋向败坏了,并因与他们通婚而由于妻子的影响,就丧失了自己那种特殊,圣洁的品格,以致与该隐的儿子们一同敬拜偶像。许多人丢弃了敬畏上帝的心,便践踏祂的诫命。但仍有少数人行义,敬畏并尊荣他们的创造主;挪亚和他一家就列在这少数义人之中。{3SG 60.2}[1]
Those who honored and feared to offend God, at first felt the curse but lightly; while those who turned from God and trampled upon his authority, felt the effects of the curse more heavily, especially in stature and nobleness of form. The descendants of Seth were called the sons of God—the descendants of Cain, the sons of men. As the sons of God mingled with the sons of men, they became corrupt, and by intermarriage with them, lost, through the influence of their wives, their peculiar, holy character, and united with the sons of Cain in their idolatry. Many cast aside the fear of God, and trampled upon his commandments. But there were a few who did righteousness, who feared and honored their Creator. Noah and his family were among the righteous few.{3SG 60.2}[1]
人类如此罪大恶极,并已增长到如此可怕的程度,以致上帝就后悔造人在地上,因为祂看到人的罪恶很大,终日所思想的尽都是恶。{3SG 61.1}[2]
The wickedness of man was so great, and increased to such a fearful extent, that God repented that he had made man upon the earth; for he saw that the wickedness of man was great, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.{3SG 61.1}[2]
咒诅并没有立刻改变大地的外观,地上依然富有上帝已经给它的厚恩。金银甚多。那时的人类身材很高大,具有不可思议的体力。那时的树木也高大得多,远比现在凡人所能看到的树木完美匀称。这些树木纹理细密材质坚固——在这方面更象石头。即使是当时体力那么强健的人,要准备这种木材作建筑的材料,也要比如今这堕落时代体力较弱的人准备地上生长的树木需要更长的时间和更多的劳作。这些木料非常经久耐用,历经许多年而一点不会朽坏。{3SG 61.2}[3]
The curse did not change at once the appearance of the earth. It was still rich in the bounty God had provided for it. There was gold and silver in abundance. The race of men then living were of very great stature, and possessed wonderful strength. The trees were vastly larger, and far surpassing in beauty and perfect proportions anything mortals can now look upon. The wood of these trees was of fine grain and hard substance—in this respect more like stone. It required much more time and labor, even of that powerful race, to prepare the timber for building, than it requires in this degenerate age to prepare trees that are now growing upon the earth, even with the present weaker strength men now possess. These trees were of great durability, and would know nothing of decay for very many years.{3SG 61.2}[3]
先是由于亚当的背命,后是由于该隐犯的凶杀罪,使大地受了沉重的双重咒诅;然而大山小山依然可爱。在最高的山岭上生长着参天的大树,它们的枝条向四面延伸到极远处。平原也是一片鲜绿,就象一个巨大的花园。有些小山满是美丽的树木,且有葡萄树攀缘在雄伟高大的树木上,结果累累。美丽的花卉使空气中充满了香气。然而尽管大地依然富饶华美,若与它受咒诅以前的状况相比,还是显出了必然衰败的迹象。{3SG 61.3}[4]
A heavy, double curse, first in consequence of Adam’s transgression, and second, because of the murder committed by Cain, was resting upon the earth; yet the mountains and hills were still lovely. Upon the highest elevations grew majestic trees, rising to a lofty height, their branches spreading to a great distance on every side, while the plains were covered with verdure, and appeared like a vast garden of flowers. Some of the hills were covered with trees of beauty, and vines climbing the stately trees were loaded with grapes, while beautiful flowers filled the air with their fragrance. But notwithstanding the richness and beauty of the earth, yet when compared with its state before the curse was pronounced upon it, there was apparent evidence of sure and certain decay.{3SG 61.3}[4]
人们用金银宝石和上等的木材为自己建造房屋,争相胜过他人。他们用极其精心的作品美化和装饰自己的房屋田地,并因他们的恶行惹怒上帝。他们造了偶像来拜,还教导自己的儿女把他们自己的手所造的这些东西当作神明来敬拜。他们不选择思想天地的创造主上帝,也不向祂表示感谢,他们所拥有的一切都是祂赐给他们的。他们甚至否认天上的上帝存在,竟以自己的手工为荣,并且敬拜之。他们用上帝安置在地上为要使人受益的那些东西败坏了自己。他们用结有各种果子的树木为自己预备美丽的道路,并在这些宏伟可爱枝条广布的常青树下安置了他们所敬拜的偶像。整个小树林因有树木的枝条作华盖而被奉献给了他们所崇拜的假神,并且使之显得优美动人,好吸引人们去那里崇拜他们的偶像。{3SG 62.1}[5]
The people used the gold, silver, precious stones, and choice wood, in building houses for themselves, each striving to excel the other. They beautified and adorned their houses and lands with the most ingenious works, and provoked God by their wicked deeds. They formed images to worship, and taught their children to regard these pieces of workmanship made with their own hands, as gods, and to worship them. They did not choose to think of God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and rendered no grateful thanks to him who had provided them all the things which they possessed. They even denied the existence of the God of Heaven, and gloried in, and worshiped, the works of their own hands. They corrupted themselves with those things which God had placed upon the earth for man’s benefit. They prepared for themselves beautiful walks overhung with fruit-trees of every description. Under these majestic and lovely trees with their wide-spread branches, which were green from the commencement of the year to its close, they placed their idols of worship. Whole groves, because of the shelter of their branches, were dedicated to their idol gods, and made attractive for the people to resort to for their idolatrous worship. They corrupted themselves with those things which God had placed upon the earth for man’s benefit.{3SG 62.1}[5]
他们非但不公平地对待邻舍,反而实行他们自己不合法的心愿。他们有多个妻子,这与上帝明智的安排是相反的。起初上帝只给了亚当一个妻子,这向凡要生活在地上的人说明了祂在这方面的秩序和律法。亚当夏娃的犯罪堕落给人类带来了罪恶和不幸,人便随从自己属肉体的欲望,改变了上帝的秩序。人们越给自己多添妻子,就越发邪恶不幸。一个人若是决定夺取邻舍的妻子、牲畜或任何东西,并不认为这有什么不对,要是他能用武力胜过邻舍,或将邻舍杀死,他就这么做,还会因自己的暴行而自豪。他们喜爱毁灭动物的生命。他们以动物为食物,而这使他们更加残忍暴虐,杀人流血,草菅人命。{3SG 63.1}[6]
Instead of doing justice to their neighbors, they carried out their own unlawful wishes. They had a plurality of wives, which was contrary to God’s wise arrangement. In the beginning God gave to Adam one wife—showing to all who should live upon the earth, his order and law in that respect. The transgression and fall of Adam and Eve brought sin and wretchedness upon the human race, and man followed his own carnal desires, and changed God’s order. The more men multiplied wives to themselves, the more they increased in wickedness and unhappiness. If one chose to take the wives, or cattle, or anything belonging to his neighbor, he did not regard justice or right, but if he could prevail over his neighbor by reason of strength, or by putting him to death, he did so, and exulted in his deeds of violence. They loved to destroy the lives of animals. They used them for food, and this increased their ferocity and violence, and caused them to look upon the blood of human beings with astonishing indifference.{3SG 63.1}[6]
但是如果有一种导致洪水毁灭人类的极大的罪,那就是人与兽的杂交这种丑化上帝形像并在各处引发混乱的卑劣之罪。上帝定意要灭绝这个强大长寿的并在祂面前败坏堕落的族类。祂不愿让他们活到他们几百年的寿数了。那时距亚当以前吃能延年益寿的生命树的果子的时候只过了几个世代。他在背命之后就不能再吃生命树的果子了,免得成为不死的罪人。人若要拥有永生,就必须继续吃生命树的果子。若是不能吃那树的果子了,人的生命就会逐渐消亡。{3SG 64.1}[7]
But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere. God purposed to destroy by a flood that powerful, long-lived race that had corrupted their ways before him. He would not suffer them to live out the days of their natural life, which would be hundreds of years. It was only a few generations back when Adam had access to that tree which was to prolong life. After his disobedience he was not suffered to eat of the tree of life and perpetuate a life of sin. In order for man to possess an endless life he must continue to eat of the fruit of the tree of life. Deprived of that tree, his life would gradually wear out.{3SG 64.1}[7]
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