第503号 家庭的完全献身
MR No. 503 - Entire Consecration of the Household
It is a terrible thing for a man or woman to have his own way. May my way be God's way, my will God's will. Self shall not enter me. I will submit my will, my way, my life into the hands of God. He will keep that which is committed to His trust. I hope the entire [E. G. White] household will not fail to watch unto prayer and allow nothing to divert their minds from God. He is our strength and our shield and in Him we may trust implicitly. Just in accordance with our obedience and faithfulness will He prosper and strengthen and bless us in all our undertakings. We are all aware how easy it is to conform to the world and separate our affections from God. Let us guard this point. Let your prayers come up before God like sweet incense because of their sincerity and earnestness mingled with faith. {7MR 339.1}[1]
Dear household, precious is the blessing of God. Do not feel at rest or content without this watch. Wrestle and pray until victory shall come and you shall triumph in the God of your salvation. Our hearts shall be with you. Our prayers unite with yours for the salvation of God to come to your house, that you may each seek for a deep and living experience in the things of God. Know Him for yourselves, whom to know aright is light and peace and joy. {7MR 339.2}[2]
To my dear sons, I would say you are God's stewards. Use your time, your ability and strength to His glory. We are doing up our work for eternity. Connect with heaven and the wisdom and power from God will be given you. Do not trust to yourselves. Do not, I entreat of you, become careless in anything that you take hold of. Be thorough and God will bless your undertakings. Be humble and God will teach you.--Letter 15, 1875, p. 2. (To Willie and Edson White, May 4, 1875.) Released June 29, 1976. {7MR 339.3}[3]
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