第678号 卡罗姐妹的传道工作
MR No. 678 - Sister Caro's Ministerial Work
Sister Caro Very Capable Woman.--Sister Caro is a superior dentist. She has all the work she can do. She is a tall stately woman, but sociable and companionable. You would love her if you should see her. She does not hoard her means, she puts it into bags which wax not old. She handles an immense amount of money, and she uses the money to educate young men to become laborers for the Master. I am greatly attached to her. She holds her diploma as dentist and her credentials as minister. [MRS. CARO IS LISTED IN THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST YEARBOOK FOR 1894, P. 7, AS MINISTERIAL "LICENTIATE."] She speaks to the church when there is no minister, so you see that she is a very capable woman. Her husband is a physician and surgeon.-- Letter 33, 1893, p. 2. (To Jennie L. Ings, Sept. 26, 1893.) {9MR 25.1}[1]
She [Sister Caro] is a queenly woman, tall, and every way proportioned. Sister Caro not only does her business, but she has a ministerial license [MRS. CARO IS LISTED IN THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST YEARBOOK FOR 1894, P. 7, AS MINISTERIAL "LICENTIATE."] and bears many burdens in their church at Napier [New Zealand]. She speaks to the people, is intelligent and every way capable. She supports her three sons--two in Battle Creek, and one in England who is studying law. . . . Dr. Caro supports the home. Sister Caro takes in a great deal of money, but nothing is expended in luxuries. She is supporting young men in the Bible school at Melbourne, besides some in America. The Lord blesses this noble, unselfish woman. Her work is about double when compared with the patronage of the other dentists in Napier.--Manuscript 22, 1893, p. 2. (Untitled, July 12, 1893.) White Estate February 1, 1979 {9MR 25.2}[2]
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