第1047号 教会领袖必须实行真理
MR No. 1047 - Church Leaders Must Practice the Truth
少数人管理整个园地的重大利益并不符合上帝的旨意。{13MR 289.1}[1]
It is not in the order of God that a few men shall manage the great interests throughout the field. {13MR 289.1}[1]
许多在董事会和议事会担任顾问的人应该解职,由其他人来取代他们的位置,因为他们的声音不是上帝的声音。他们的计划和打算不符合上帝的旨意。他们长期担任董事的职务,直到在他们的管理和他们意见的左右下,凡火代替了上帝亲自点燃的圣火。这些人不再被称为以色列人,而是排挤他人者。他们我行我素,不受圣灵引导如此之久,以致不知道自己的行动是受什么精神所驱使。{13MR 289.2}[2]
Many of the men who have acted as counselors in board and council meetings need to be weeded out. Other men should take their places, for their voice is not the voice of God. Their plans and devisings are not after the order of God. The same men have been kept in office as directors of boards until, under their own management and their own opinions, common fire is used in the place of sacred fire of God's own kindling. These men are no more called "Israel" but "supplanters." They have worked themselves so long, instead of being worked by the Holy Spirit, that they know not that spirit impels them to action. {13MR 289.2}[2]
巴特尔克里克学院的规模若是只有现在的一半大,另一半迁到远离巴特尔克里克地方去,就会好一些。{13MR 289.3}[3]
The college at Battle Creek would be better if it had been only one-half as large, and if the other half had been located far from Battle Creek. {13MR 289.3}[3]
人心的属灵盲目似乎在加深。有些办理圣工的人并没有归正。这等人应当被那些不仅具有真理知识,而且实行真理,对圣经有足够的尊重以致听从“耶和华如此说”的人所取代。许多长期从事出版社和其它重要部门工作的人对自己的决定所产生的影响茫然无知。他们若是确实意识到这些决定的重要性,及其对工作的影响,在提出意见和对他人的建议进行表决时就会慎重得多了。(《信函》1896年100号,1896年8月27日于澳大利亚新南威尔士州库兰邦森尼赛德,致美国密歇根州巴特尔克里克A.O.泰特)怀爱伦著作托管委员会1984年3月1日发表于美国首都华盛顿{13MR 289.4}[4]
The spiritual blindness which rests upon human minds seems to be deepening. There are men who are handling sacred things who are unconverted. All such should be replaced by men who not only have a knowledge of the truth but who practice the truth and have respect enough for the Bible to obey a "Thus saith the Lord." Many of the men who have long been connected with the Office and with other important lines of work are really ignorant of the influence of the decisions they make. If they had a real sense of the importance of these decisions, and comprehended what they mean with reference to the work, they would be far more modest in advancing ideas, and voicing by their vote the propositions others make.--Letter 100, 1896. (Written August 27, 1896, from "Sunnyside," Cooranbong, N. S. W., to A. O. Tait, Battle Creek, Michigan.) White Estate Washington, D. C. March 1, 1984 {13MR 289.4}[4]
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