四月十一日 上帝的威严
The Majesty of God, April 11
O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee? ... Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. Psalm 89:8, 9. {TDG 110.1}
昨天,(查尔斯)奇腾登弟兄带了我们几个人,坐了他的船出海。……我们整天就逗留在水上和海滩那里,驶出金门湾就到了太平洋海面。……那里波浪翻腾,我们一起一落地颠簸得非常厉害。……浪花不时地溅泼在我们身上。那位警觉的船长一直在发布命令,水手无不立时听从。风势相当地猛烈,而我却认为这是我生平最快乐的一次经历。{TDG 110.1}
Yesterday, Brother [Charles] Chittendon took out a number of us on the water in his boat.... We remained on the water and beach all day. Sailed out of the Golden Gate upon the ocean.... The waves ran high and we were tossed up and down so very grandly.... The spray dashing over us. The watchful captain giving his orders, the hands ready to obey. The wind was blowing strong and I never enjoyed anything as much in my life. {TDG 110.2}
今天我原来要写的,就是基督在海面上行走和平静风浪的事。这情景是多么深刻地印在我的脑海中啊!……我一直在思想着上帝的威严和祂的作为。祂的圣手掌握着四方的风,祂也控制着众水。我们这有限的世人,在上帝看来,不过是浩瀚深遂的太平洋水面上的微尘罢了,然而天上的使者仍然从祂那卓越的荣光中奉差而来,保护那因浪倾斜而驶的小小帆船。……{TDG 110.2}
I was today to write upon Christ walking on the sea and stilling the tempest. Oh, how this scene was impressed upon my mind.... The majesty of God and His works occupied my thoughts. He holds the winds in His hands, He controls the waters. Finite beings, mere specks upon the broad, deep waters of the Pacific, were we in the sight of God, yet angels of heaven were sent from His excellent glory to guard that little sailboat that was careening over the waves.... {TDG 110.3}
那艘载着门徒、逆浪而驶的小船,多么形象地出现在我脑海之中啊!那是一个暴风雨的黑夜。他们的主不在船上。海浪汹涌,逆风猛烈。如果他们的救主耶稣在身边,他们就会感到安全。在漫漫长夜中,他们拼命摇橹,冒着风浪前行。他们被危险和恐怖所包围。这些健壮的人原来惯于冒险犯难,是不容易被危险威胁的。{TDG 110.3}
How vividly before my mind was the boat with the disciples buffeting the waves. The night was dark and tempestuous. Their Master was absent. The sea was strong, the winds contrary. Had Jesus, their Saviour, been with them, they would have felt safe. All through the long and tedious night they bend to their oars, forcing their way against wind and waves. They are beset with danger and horror. These were strong men, accustomed to hardships and perils, and not easily intimidated with danger. {TDG 110.4}
他们原来期望在某一指定的地点迎接他们的主上船。可是祂不在,他们又怎能到达那里呢?风始终跟他们作对,一切全都徒劳无功。摇橹的人已经精疲力尽了,而那无情的暴风雨却仍不见减轻,反而冲击着波涛,使得它更为猛烈,似乎连船和人全都要吞噬了。他们此刻是多么地渴望耶稣啊!{TDG 110.4}
They had expected to take their Saviour on board the ship at a certain point designated, but how without Him could they even reach that spot? All in vain, the wind was against them. The strength of the rowers was exhausted and yet the merciless storm had not abated, but was lashing the waves into a fury as though to engulf the boat and themselves. Oh, how they longed for Jesus. {TDG 110.5}
在他们极为危险、一切都濒于绝望、到了夜晚四更之时,在电光闪耀之中耶稣向他们显现了。祂在水面上行走。原来耶稣并没有忘记他们!祂那亲切同情与慈悲仁爱的警觉目光,即使在可怕的风暴中,仍一直注视着他们的。祂在最需要的时候来到他们身边。(《信函》1876年第5号,4月11日,致怀雅各){TDG 110.5}
In the hour of their greatest peril, when they had given up all for lost, amid the lightning flashes in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus is revealed to them walking upon the water. Oh, then Jesus had not forgotten them! His watchful eye of tender sympathy and pitying love had watched them, all through that fearful storm. In their greatest need He was close by them.—Letter 5, April 11, 1876, to James White. {TDG 110.6}
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