四月十二日 仁慈乃是美德
Kindness, a Virtue, April 12
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4. {TDG 111.1}
上帝呼吁信徒要停止吹毛求疵,不再说暴躁冷酷的话。父母们:你们对儿女所说的,都应是亲切和蔼的话,使天使能在你们的帮助下引导他们归向基督。家庭的教会需要彻底改革。要立刻开始。要让一切埋怨、烦躁和责骂全都消失。烦躁责骂的人将天上的使者关在门外,向恶天使敞开门户。{TDG 111.1}
God calls upon believers to cease finding fault, to cease making hasty, unkind speeches. Parents, let the words that you speak to your children be kind and pleasant, that angels may have your help in drawing them to Christ. A thorough reformation is needed in the home church. Let it begin at once. Let all grumbling and fretting and scolding cease. Those who fret and scold shut out the angels of heaven and open the door to evil angels. {TDG 111.2}
但愿夫妇都记住:他们的担子已经够重了,不要再让分争侵入,使他们的人生苦不堪言。凡为微小的分歧留地步的人,等于把撒但请到家里。儿女也染上了为小事争执的习气。邪恶的媒介便尽力使父母和儿女不忠于上帝。{TDG 111.2}
Let the husband and wife remember that they have burdens enough to carry without making their lives wretched by allowing differences to come in. Those who give place to little differences invite Satan into their home. The children catch the spirit of contention over mere trifles. Evil agencies do their part to make parents and children disloyal to God. {TDG 111.3}
我的弟兄姊妹们,难道你们不肯与上帝同工,维持和平与和睦吗?要祈求圣灵那美妙而有塑造之能的感化力。要让那仁慈的规律管辖你们的嘴唇。要拒绝成为乖戾,卤莽或残酷无情的人。务要忠于你们所表白的信仰。……{TDG 111.3}
My brethren and sisters, will you not be laborers together with God, working for peace and harmony. Pray for the sweet, molding influence of the Holy Spirit. Let your lips be governed by the law of kindness. Refuse to be sour, uncourteous, unkind. Be true to your profession of faith.... {TDG 111.4}
什么时候你们同意要背负基督的轭,什么时候你们听从了这个邀请:“你们当负我的轭,学我的样式;因为我心里柔和谦卑,这样,你们心里就必得享安息”(太11:29),那么你们就必住手,不再将重轭加在别人的颈项上了。你们就会停止不再吹毛求疵。你们就必不再认为与人不同乃是一种美德。你们也就必注意重视那些你们所能同意的要点了。{TDG 111.4}
When you agree to wear Christ’s yoke, when you heed the invitation, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:29), you will cease to bind yokes on the necks of others. You will cease to find fault. You will no longer regard it as a virtue to differ from others. You will dwell on those points on which you can agree. {TDG 111.5}
我们正是在准备迎接那位驾着天云,带着能力和大荣耀降临的主。我们要在这一伟大而高贵的工作上彼此相助。作父母的要尽他们所能的,把阳光和愉快带进自己的家里来。他们也要用亲切的话语和行为,使自己的家充满了阳光。……{TDG 111.5}
We are preparing to meet our Lord when He comes in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. In this grand and noble work, we are to help one another. Parents are to bring all the sunshine and pleasantness that they can into their homes. They are to make their homes full of sunshine by kindly words and deeds.... {TDG 111.6}
千万不要因为表现一种苛刻,无情的精神,而去侍奉上帝的仇敌。只有那些胜过试探,说话行事都不是苛刻无情的人,才能进入天国。要以基督的心为心行事,要讲说基督的话语,这样,主耶稣就必藉着祂的圣灵,常在你们的家里作客了。(《信函》1904年133号,4月12日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 111.6}
Do not serve the enemy of God by exhibiting a harsh, unkind spirit. Those only will enter heaven who have overcome the temptation to speak and act unkindly and harshly. Act out the mind of Christ, speak the words of Christ, and the Lord Jesus, by His Holy Spirit, will be a guest in your home.—Letter 133, April 12, 1904, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 111.7}
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