五月四日 劳动的福气
The Blessing of Labor, May 4
And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; that ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing. 1 Thessalonians 4:11, 12. {TDG 133.1}
许多人都把劳动看作是一种咒诅,这种观念来自众生之敌而。这是一种错误的见解。上帝把劳动当作一种福份赐给人,要占用他的心思,加强他的体力,并发展他的才能。亚当在伊甸园中从事劳动,他发现在心智和身体的活动中,竟有着他圣善生活中最高尚的乐趣。后来由于他违命的结果,从那美丽的家园被赶出来,被迫为了得食糊口而去跟那难以处理的土地挣扎奋斗,才领略到劳作竟是他忧伤心灵的一种慰藉,是他抗拒试探的一项防卫。{TDG 133.1}
Many look upon work as a curse, originating with the enemy of souls. This is a mistaken idea. God gave labor to man as a blessing, to occupy his mind, to strengthen his body, and to develop his faculties. Adam labored in the garden of Eden, and he found in mental and physical activity the highest pleasures of his holy existence. When he was driven from that beautiful home as the result of his disobedience, and was forced to struggle with a stubborn soil to gain his daily bread, that very labor was a relief to his sorrowing soul, a safeguard against temptation. {TDG 133.2}
明智的劳动对于我们人类的福乐和繁荣,乃是绝对必要的。它可以化弱为强,变怯为勇,使穷为富,转苦为乐。我们所受不同的委托,原是与我们的能力成正比例的,因此上帝期望从祂所赐给祂仆人的才干、得到相称的报答。那决定赏赐的,并不在乎拥有才干的伟大,乃在于运用才干的方式也就是履行人生职责的忠心程度,不论这些职责是大或小。{TDG 133.2}
Judicious labor is indispensable both to the happiness and the prosperity of our race. It makes the feeble strong, the timid brave, the poor rich, and the wretched happy. Our varied trusts are proportioned to our various abilities, and God expects corresponding returns for the talents He has given to His servants. It is not the greatness of the talents possessed that determines the reward, but the manner in which they are used—the degree of faithfulness with which the duties of life are performed, be they great or small. {TDG 133.3}
那可能落在人身上的最大灾祸之一,就是懒惰;因为随之而来的,乃是恶习与罪行。撒但在暗中埋伏着,准备要突袭并消灭那些不谨慎防守的人,他们闲暇时间就给他机会,使他得以在某种动人的化装假扮之下,巧妙奉承地博得他们的喜爱了。他最成功来引诱人的机会,就是在他们闲懒的时间。{TDG 133.3}
Idleness is one of the greatest curses that can fall upon man; for vice and crime follow in its train. Satan lies in ambush, ready to surprise and destroy those who are unguarded, whose leisure gives him opportunity to insinuate himself into their favor, under some attractive disguise. He is never more successful than when he comes to men in their idle hours. {TDG 133.4}
那随着富足而来的最大祸患,就是时下流行的以工作为耻的观念。“看哪,你妹妹所多玛的罪孽是这样,她和她的众女都心骄气傲,粮食饱足,大享安逸,并没有扶助困苦和穷乏人的手”(结16:49)。圣经的话在这里面向我们说明了闲懒的可怕后果。这也就是导致那平原各城毁灭的原因。闲懒削弱心智、贬低灵性、败坏理解力,并将那原来赐予的福乐转变成了灾祸。(《时兆》1882年5月4日){TDG 133.4}
The greatest curse following in the train of wealth is the fashionable idea that work is degrading. “Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy” (Ezekiel 16:49). Here are presented before us, in the words of Holy Writ, the terrible results of idleness. It was this that caused the ruin of the cities of the plain. Idleness enfeebles the mind, debases the soul, and perverts the understanding, turning into a curse that which was given as a blessing.—The Signs of the Times, May 4, 1882. {TDG 133.5}
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