六月十六日 十字架的奇迹
The Wonder of the Cross, June 16
Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 1 Peter 1:18, 19. {TDG 176.1}
这真是爱荷华州人民的一个好日子。我们的聚会一直到差不多一点钟才结束。……这宝贵的救恩和凡接受救恩之人的得蒙救赎,真是十分奇妙,远超过我们有限的理解力;那位世界的救赎主所放在我们掌握中的无限福乐,也是言语无力表达而且描述不出的。祂的伟大竟屈就了我们的微弱。{TDG 176.1}
This was a good day for the people in Iowa. Our meeting did not close until about one o’clock.... The precious gift of salvation and the redemption for all those who will accept it seemed so marvelous, so far beyond our finite conception, that language was tame and could not portray the infinite blessings brought within our reach by the world’s Redeemer. His greatness condescended to our feebleness. {TDG 176.2}
耶稣,珍贵的救主!我们可以在天父赐下祂爱子为这堕落世界而死的这件事上,研究祂的大爱。我们依照髑髅地的十字架而来研究这难以形容的爱,我们就必充满了奇异和惊服。我们看到公正、尊严、与威权中,竟和谐地融合了慈怜、温柔、与宽恕。耶稣吩咐罪人要仰望祂而得以存活。祂说:“我……已得到赎价了。”罪恶所开辟的灭亡深渊,已经由髑髅地的十字架作为桥梁跨越了。悔改而相信的生灵可以看到一位慈悲的天父,藉着这髑髅地的十字架亲自使我们与祂和好了。{TDG 176.2}
Jesus, precious Saviour! We may study the love of the Father in that He gave His dear Son to die for a fallen world. As we study this inexpressible love in the light of the cross of Calvary, we are filled with wonder, with amazement. We see mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness blended harmoniously with justice and dignity and power. Jesus bids the sinner to look to Him and live. “I,” He says, “have found a ransom.” The gulf of perdition opened by sin is bridged by the cross of Calvary. Penitent, believing souls may see a forgiving Father reconciling us to Himself by that cross of Calvary. {TDG 176.3}
The knowledge of Christ reveals the depths of sin and its offensive character, while by faith we see the cleansing stream, the blood of Christ which washes away every spot, every stain of sin. This salvation is not half appreciated. Salvation brought to us through the blood of Jesus is not estimated of priceless value. By faith this gift must be fully accepted as the great gift of God through Jesus Christ. The burden of our sins and of our sorrows was laid upon One who is merciful to pardon, mighty to save. {TDG 176.4}
为什么耶稣的爱没有在我们的心坛上燃烧着呢?祂既然担当了我们罪孽和忧患的重担;为什么我们还没有更大的信心呢?为什么我们不完全的信靠,而凭着信心从那曾经被钉十字架,并且足有全能施行拯救的手中接受一切呢?我们为什么不信靠那曾经以无限牺牲的方式,向我们表示过而使我们得以存活的大爱呢?{TDG 176.3}
Why are we so cold? Why are we worldly? Why are we so careless? Why does not the love of Jesus burn upon the altar of our hearts? He carried the burden of our sins, of our sorrows; why do we not have greater faith? Why do we not trust fully and receive by faith everything from that hand which was nailed to the cross that it might be all powerful to save? Why cannot we trust that love which has been expressed to us in such infinite sacrifice that we might live? {TDG 176.5}
要凭着信心仰望十字架。仰望就得以存活。这就是我们永世无穷的学科与诗歌。(《信函》1881年6号6月16日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 176.1}{TDG 176.4}
Look in faith to the cross. Look and live. This will be our study and song throughout eternity.—Letter 6, June 16, 1881, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 176.6}
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