六月十七日 我们要坚持
Let Us Hold Fast, June 17
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9. {TDG 177.1}
昨天夜里我只睡了一段很短的时间。我试图仰望耶稣,把我自己放在这位“大医师”的手中。祂曾经说过:“我的恩典够你用的”(林后12:9)。基督的恩典引导人在一切的情况之下都说出合适的话语来。肉体上的痛苦并不足作为非基督化行为的藉口。{TDG 177.1}
During the past night I have slept but little. I tried to look to Jesus, to place myself in the hands of the Great Physician. He has said, “My grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Corinthians 12:9). The grace of Christ leads men to speak right words under all circumstances. Bodily suffering is no excuse for un-Christlike actions. {TDG 177.2}
在不能入睡的这几小时之内,我一直在思想着这个胜利的题目。主宣布说:“得胜的,我要赐他在我宝座上与我同坐,就如我得了胜,在我父的宝座上与他同坐一般”(启3:11)。{TDG 177.2}
During these sleepless hours, the subject of overcoming has been the burden of my thoughts. “To him that overcometh,” the Lord declares, “will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne” (Revelation 3:21). {TDG 177.3}
有一些人总是在为自己听从仇敌的怂恿不断地编造藉口。有人以为自己身体有了毛病,因此就有权说急燥的话,采取令人讨厌的态度了。可是,难道耶稣就没有为这样的人作什么胜过试探的准备吗?因为遭受试炼和苦难,他们就可以不必存心感谢,也不必圣洁了吗?基督那公义的光线,难道还不够明亮到足以驱散撒但的黑影吗?{TDG 177.3}
There are those who are forever making excuses for walking in the counsels of the enemy. Some think that because they have physical infirmities, they are privileged to speak pettish words and to act in an unlovely manner. But has Jesus made no provision for such ones to overcome temptation? Because of trial and affliction, are they to be unthankful and unholy? Are not the rays of Christ’s righteousness bright enough to dispel the shadow of Satan? {TDG 177.4}
上帝的恩典,已经宣布足够应付世人跟一切邪恶和磨难作斗争用的。既然这样,难道它对应付肉体方面的弱点就无能为力么?在撒但列阵开战,以他那邪恶的势力控制着受害者时,难道上帝的恩典会退却吗?{TDG 177.4}
The grace of God is declared to be sufficient for all the ills and trials against which human beings have to contend. Is it powerless then against bodily infirmity? Shall divine grace stand back, while Satan takes the field, holding the victim in the power of his evil attributes? {TDG 177.5}
耶稣对于信靠祂的人来说是多么宝贵啊!但许多人却在黑暗中行走,因为他们将自己的信心埋葬在撒但的阴影里。他们没有靠赖耶稣的恩典,做他们力所能及的事。他们从没有谈论过信心,希望和勇气。. 我们片时也不能让撒但以为,他使人困惑烦恼的能力强过基督支持加强的能力。{TDG 177.5}
O how precious is Jesus to the soul who trusts in Him. But many are walking in darkness because they bury their faith in the shadow of Satan. They have not done that which it was in their power to do through the grace of Jesus. They have not talked faith and hope and courage. Never for a moment should we allow Satan to think that his power to distress and annoy is greater than the power of Christ to uphold and strengthen. {TDG 177.6}
“人要常常祷告,不可灰心”(路18:1)。每一诚恳祈祷都要搀着基督宝血的功效献上。答覆如果迟延,那是因为上帝希望我们表现出圣洁的勇气,求上帝履行祂的诺言。祂是信守诺言的。(《文稿》1892年19号,1892年6月17日){TDG 177.6}
“Men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1). Every sincere prayer that is offered to God is mingled with the efficacy of Christ’s blood. If the answer is deferred, it is because God desires us to show a holy boldness in claiming the pledged word of God. He is faithful who hath promised.—Manuscript 19, June 17, 1892,. {TDG 177.7}
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