一月十六日 宇宙的能力之源
Powerhouse of the Universe, January 16
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10. {TDG 24.1}
耶稣基督是世界上最伟大的教师。我已经试验过,而且证实了这一有福的证据。祂已使我作祂的信使,将伟大的属灵真理传给千万的人。……我是多么渴望这样传达祂的训示,好引导许多人来亲就祂。我从不怀疑祂的领导,而且我也明知,我是受着那位从前吩咐门徒出去传福音信息之主的支持;祂说:“凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了”(太28:20)。{TDG 24.1}
Jesus Christ is the world’s greatest Teacher. I have tested and proved the blessed evidence of this. He has made me His messenger, to communicate great spiritual truths to many thousands.... How greatly I desire so to present His instruction that many will be led to Him. I never question His leading, and I know that I am sustained by the One who bade His disciples go forth and proclaim the gospel message, “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20). {TDG 24.2}
自从1844年以来,我就一直参加为公众服务的工作。我总是蒙主加强能力。我了解有自上面来的能力赋予我,赐给我身、心、灵三方面的效能。我有充分的保证,确信是基督赐给我祂那支持的恩惠,又有祂为世界之光的凭据。我承认祂的权能。我惟愿在我有生之年,尽我一切所能的为祂工作。我要本着泰然自若而完全的信赖,将自己的心灵交托上帝保守,直到那日。我在此世的工作一旦结束,我就必安歇。在耶稣里安睡,我一无所惧。因为在那复活的清晨,我必得见祂的真体。……{TDG 24.2}
Since 1844 I have been engaged in public labor. I am always strengthened by the Lord. I realize that a power from above is imparted to me, giving me physical, mental, and spiritual efficiency. I have the full assurance that Christ gives me His sustaining grace and the evidence that He is the light of the world. I acknowledge His power. I desire to do all I possibly can for Him while I live. I want, in calm, perfect trust, to commit the keeping of my soul to God against that day. When my work here is ended, I shall rest. Sleeping in Jesus has no terror for me. In the morning of the resurrection I shall see Him as He is.... {TDG 24.3}
惟愿我们都确知:我们自己的心灵是与上帝和洽无间的,那样,主就能教导我们,引领我们,并将祂的旨意启示我们。请思考这些事。惟愿我们多多在祈祷中与上帝同在。主是我们的帮助者,我们的力量和堡垒。我们若存谦卑的心与上帝同行,敬畏并荣耀祂的名,那么,祂就必常在我们的思想与心意之中,而我们也就必变得与祂的形像相同了。惟愿我们殷勤省察我们自己的心,并得到那惟有上帝才能赐予的智慧。{TDG 24.3}
Let us be sure that our own souls are right with God, so that the Lord can teach us and guide us, and reveal His will to us. Please consider these things. And let us be much with God in prayer. The Lord is our helper and strength and fortress. If we walk humbly with God, and fear and glorify His name, He will be in our thoughts and hearts, and we shall become assimilated to His image. Let us diligently search our own hearts, and obtain that wisdom that God alone can give. {TDG 24.4}
我们务要记得:疑惑是危险的;如果怀存疑惑,就导致不信。……我们全体信徒现在都亟需寻求圣灵的教导。丝毫不要参加争论,反而要放弃纷争与不和,力求符合那记载在《约翰福音》第十七章中的祷告。我恳劝你们要祈祷,全心全意发声祈祷。(《信函》1906年58号1月16日,致沃什本,普雷斯科特,丹尼尔斯,科尔科特弟兄){TDG 24.4}
Let us remember that doubts are dangerous. If entertained, they lead to unbelief.... All our people need now to seek for the impartation of the Holy Spirit. Enter into no contention, but put away dissension and strife, and seek to answer the prayer recorded in the seventeenth chapter of John. I beg of you to pray, pray, with heart and soul and voice.—Letter 58, January 16, 1906, to Brethren Washburn, Prescott, Daniells, Colcord. {TDG 24.5}
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