六月十八日 忠心服务
Fidelity in Service, June 18
Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously. 1 Peter 2:23. {TDG 178.1}
我希望你们不要因为受到批评和指摘,就表示不耐烦。如果有这样的情形发生,就要想念到你们并不是完全的,可能也会犯错,而且一生所犯的许多错失还会产生出猜疑来;尽管那些批评的人,在他们的经验中也难免没有同样的错失。许多人没有想到这一点,结果他们对别人就残酷不仁,拿自己来判断别人,认为别人也和自己一样的有毛病,甚或有过之而无不及呢。但是我们每个人都务须保持自己没有报复的行为。{TDG 178.1}
I hope that you will not become impatient by criticism and faultfinding; but if it comes, consider that you are not perfect, that errors are liable to occur, and that many mistakes made in a lifetime occasion suspicion, although the very ones who criticize have similar errors in their experience. Many do not think of this, and as a result they are unmerciful to others, judging others by themselves, to have the same or worse weaknesses than they themselves have. But we must individually preserve a course above retaliation. {TDG 178.2}
我们生活为人理应表现最高度的智慧,忠贞正确地从事自己的工作,不偏左右,保持直向前进的行径,专心着眼在荣耀上帝上面。那证明品格坚强的并不在乎对不公平待遇所表现情感的程度,而在于自制,就是对激烈情绪所加的坚强抑制,这才显示品格的坚毅和耶稣的精神。上帝乐园当中的生命树,乃是要赐给胜利者的。这乃是给战胜、给辛劳和自我牺牲、给从事工作而打那美好信心之仗的基督徒的报赏。我们务必豪爽地努力为争取胜利而奋斗。凡合法地从事战斗的人必得蒙赐予基督的恩典。{TDG 178.2}
We shall show the greatest wisdom as we pass along, doing our work with fidelity, not swerving to the right hand or to the left, keeping a straightforward course, having our eye single to the glory of God. It is not how much feeling we manifest over injustice in treatment that evidences strength of character, but it is the self-control, the firm check put upon a strong emotion, that evidences strength of character and the spirit of Jesus. The tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God is to be given to the overcomer. It is the reward given to conquest, to toil and self-sacrifice, to the working Christian who will fight the good fight of faith. We must be nobly striving and fighting for the victory. The grace of Christ will be given to all who fight lawfully. {TDG 178.3}
我儿啊(指埃德森),你务必尽可能少注意人们所说的。让他们爱怎么说就怎么说吧,但切莫在言行上表现自我的突出。主却愿你所取的行动是被认为配得倚靠和信任的。只要你不容自己被情绪冲昏了头,你是具有能力足以为他人谋福的。你如果证实自己确是坚定倚靠上帝的,你就必获得尊重和信任,这样,你就必发挥为善的感化力了。你必让你的光尽量地照耀出来。你必力求要表现耶稣。你知道我们的救主也受过辱骂,但祂却没有还之以辱骂。祂既被人藐视被人厌弃;试问那跟从祂的人,还能希望在今生得到什么更好的待遇吗?但愿我们仁慈的天父赐给我们各人更多的恩典,更愿我们在祂的爱中喜乐。(《信函》1886年99号,6月18日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 178.3}
Now, my son [Edson], take as little notice as possible of what people say. Let them say what they will, but do not by word or deportment show the rising up of self. The Lord would have you pursue such a course that you will be considered worthy of trust and confidence. You have abilities calculated to do good to others if you do not allow yourself to be carried away by impulse. If you evidence that you have a firm reliance upon God, you will gain respect and confidence and then you will exert an influence for good. You will let your light shine forth to the best advantage. You will seek to represent Jesus. You know our Saviour was reviled, but He reviled not again. He was despised and rejected of men; and can His followers expect anything better in this life? May our gracious heavenly Father impart to each of us more grace and may we rejoice in His love.—Letter 99, June 18, 1886, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 178.4}
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