七月三日 不给骄傲留有余地
No Place for Pride, July 3
Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. 1 Peter 5:5, 6. {TDG 193.1}
主已经赐下充分的凭据,证明祂应许和警告的真实性。祂的子民可以信靠祂的话。他们既然面对亮光和凭据,难道还要一意孤行,不理会上帝所命定的机构吗?即使是善良的人也需要在各方面加以防护,免得因上帝所赐给他们的福惠而自高自大,让世人的奉承和夸奖刺激他们炫耀自己的智慧和才华。{TDG 193.1}
The Lord has given abundant evidence of the truthfulness of His promises and threatenings. His people may trust His word. Will they then, in the face of light and evidence, follow a course of their own choosing, independent of God’s ordained agencies? Even good men need to be guarded on every hand, lest they shall become so elevated over the blessings God has given them that the applause and praise from worldlings shall be as a stimulus for them to display their great wisdom and acquisitions. {TDG 193.2}
主已看见,主也知道。祂一定会降卑这样的欲望,因为祂憎恶骄傲、自私和贪婪。工作本身越兴旺,人就要越少高抬自己,好象他们理应受抬举似的。我们务要倚靠上帝。祂已经将能力和才干交托给人,好使他们在祂的圣工上尽重要的责任。但愿他们防备自我抬举。……{TDG 193.2}
The Lord sees, the Lord knows. He will certainly humble all such aspirations; for He hates pride and selfishness and covetousness. The more prosperous the work may be in itself, the less appropriate is it for men to exalt themselves, as though they were the ones who should be lifted up. Our trust must be in God. He has entrusted men with abilities and capabilities, that they may act a prominent part in His work. Let them take heed how they shall exalt themselves.... {TDG 193.3}
规定恩待锡安的时间快要到了。上帝已经预备了人员和资金来完成祂的工作。祂不会让祂的子民蒙羞,而要完成祂的工作。祂的工作一定会按照祂既定的方针进行。我们与基督所立的约,把全能大君的权威与慈牧的温柔和亲切结合在一起。请阅读《以赛亚书》第四十二章。{TDG 193.3}
The set time to favor Zion will soon come. God has provided men and means whereby His work shall be accomplished. He will not leave His people to shame, but will accomplish His work. His work will move just as He has ordained it to move. Our covenant with Christ unites with the majesty of an omnipotent King the gentleness and tenderness of a caretaking shepherd. Please read the forty-second chapter of Isaiah. {TDG 193.4}
上帝希望人了解祂对他们的要求。任何介入同胞与他们的上帝之间、诱导他们进入不是为赎民所筑之路的人,祂都必审问。“这话是从创世以来,显明这事的主说的”(徒15:18)。祂巳命定让祂的作为以清楚、圣洁和高尚的方式呈现在世人面前。上帝的国降临,不是人肉眼所能看得到的,而是藉着祂圣言温柔的感动,和祂圣灵在心中的运行。祂在世上许多地方的圣工,如果没有人介入上帝与百姓之间,做上帝所没有指派的工作,那比现在就会有远大得多的发展。(《信函》1900年93号,7月3日。致总会会长欧文长老) {TDG 193.4}
God desires men to understand the claims He has upon them. He will judge any man who shall interpose between his fellow men and their God, to lead them into paths not cast up for the ransomed. “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world” (Acts 15:18). He has ordained that His works shall be presented before the world in distinct, holy, sacred lines. The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, but by the gentleness of the inspiration of His word, by the operation of His Spirit in the soul. His work in many places of the world would now be much farther advanced had not man interposed between the people and God, to do a work God has not appointed.—Letter 93, July 3, 1900, to Elder G. A. Irwin, president of the General Conference. {TDG 193.5}
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