七月五日 真理终必得胜
Truth Will Triumph, July 5
Not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. 2 Corinthians 4:2. {TDG 195.1}
决不可破坏主藉着许多神奇凭证所提出来的基本真理。应当有声音发出,清楚地证明真理,反驳那从真理仇敌而来的种种怀疑和谬误的论调。改革一定会发生,神圣真理原则的实践必在恩典中表现出长进,因为各种神圣的能力媒介,都是足能胜任启导并圣化世人悟性的。{TDG 195.1}
There is to be no undermining of the fundamental truths that the Lord has submitted by many miraculous evidences. A voice is to be heard in clear affirmation of the truth, in contradiction to the skepticism and fallacies that have been coming in from the enemy of truth. Reformations will take place, and the working out of the principles of divine truth will reveal growth in grace, for the divine agencies are efficient to enlighten and sanctify the human understanding. {TDG 195.2}
那在耶稣里的真理,正像祂被密云掩蔽时所宣布的,在我们现今这个时代仍然是事实和真理,而且也必像从前更新人的心一样,更新那接受之人的心。基督曾说:“若不听从摩西和先知的话,就是有一个从死里复活的,他们也是不听劝”(路16:31)。{TDG 195.2}
The truth as it is in Jesus, as it was proclaimed by Him when He was enshrouded by the billowy cloud, is verity and truth in this our day, and will just as surely renovate the mind of the receiver as it has renovated minds in the past. Christ has declared, “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead” (Luke 16:31). {TDG 195.3}
我们这班人必须在圣灵的支配指导之下,预备主的道路,传扬纯洁的福音。这活水的泉源在它流经的路上要加深拓宽。在远近的各个地区,必有人从耕作中,和那占据人心意的更普通商务行业中被召选出来,在富有经验的人──也就是明白真理的人手下受教参与工作。藉着上帝神奇的作为,所有困难的大山都必被挪移扔到海里去。……{TDG 195.3}
As a people, we must prepare the way of the Lord, under the overruling guidance of the Holy Spirit, for the spread of the gospel in its purity. The stream of living water is to deepen and widen in its course. In all fields, nigh and afar off, men will be called from the plow and from the more common commercial business vocations that largely occupy the mind, and will become educated in connection with men who have had experience—men who understand the truth. Through most wonderful workings of God, mountains of difficulty will be removed and cast into the sea.... {TDG 195.4}
传扬真理的人必努力藉着秩序井然的生活和敬虔的言行来证明真理。而且他们这样做,就必在拥护真理方面大有能力,同时也必明确地传扬真理像上帝所传扬的那样。……{TDG 195.4}
Those who preach the truth will strive to demonstrate the truth by a well-ordered life and godly conversation. And as they do this, they will become powerful in advocating the truth and in giving it the sure application that God has given it.... {TDG 195.5}
有呼召声要发出:“我儿,你今天到葡萄园里去工作吧。”这个呼召一得到顺从,对地上居民有十分重大意义的信息,就必为人听见而且明白了。人们就必知道什么是真理。圣工必将前进,不断地前进。在报应和福惠方面,必有出乎天意的重大事情发生并且被识别。真理终必获得胜利。(《信函》1906年230号,7月5日,致巴特尔克里克教会长老、传道人和医生们”){TDG 195.5}
The call is to go forth, “Son, go labor today in My vineyard.” As this call is obeyed, the message that means so much to the dwellers on the earth, will be heard and understood. Men will know what is truth. Onward, and still onward, will the work advance. And marked events of Providence will be seen and recognized, in judgments and in blessings. The truth will bear away the victory.—Letter 230, July 5, 1906, to the elders of the Battle Creek church and to ministers and physicians. {TDG 195.6}
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