七月六日 务要传道
Preach the Word, July 6
Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Isaiah 8:12. {TDG 196.1}
我们的任务是向世人宣传第一,第二和第三位天使的信息。在履行任务时,我们既不要畏敌,也不要轻敌。和不信之人缔交定约,是与上帝的旨意不合的。……{TDG 196.1}
Our work is to proclaim to the world the first, second, and third angels’ messages. In the discharge of our duties, we are neither to despise nor fear our enemies. To bind ourselves up by contracts with those not of our faith is not in the order of God. {TDG 196.2}
固然我们应当对那般拒绝效忠上帝的人谦恭有礼,但却绝对不能在上帝圣工的重大利害关系上,听受他们的怂恿。我们要完全信赖上帝,毅然决然地向前迈进,大公无私地办理衪的事,谦谦卑卑地倚靠衪,将我们自己以及有关个人现在未来的种种,都付托于衪的安排,将我们起初确实的信心坚持到底;时常记得我们得蒙上天的福佑,并非因为自己是配得的,而是由于基督的美德,并且藉着相信衪,才得以承受上帝丰盛的恩典。{TDG 196.2}
We are to treat with kindness and courtesy those who refuse to be loyal to God, but we are never, never to unite with them in counsel, regarding the vital interests of His work, for this is not the way of the Lord. Putting our trust in God, we are to move steadily forward, doing His work with unselfishness, in humble dependence upon Him, committing ourselves and all that concerns our present and future to His wise providence, holding the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end, remembering that it is not because of our worthiness that we receive the blessings of heaven, but because of the worthiness of Christ, and our acceptance, through faith in Him, of God’s abounding grace. {TDG 196.3}
惟愿我的弟兄们要认清楚:第三位天使的信息对于我们关系至大;同时,遵守真安息日,要作为辨别事奉上帝和不事奉上帝之人的标记。凡打盹睡觉和漠不关心的人,都当警醒起来。因为我们原是蒙召成圣的,故此当谨防给人留下一种印象,认为保持我们信仰的特色与否,并无足轻重。我们身负严肃的职责,要为真理和正义采取较诸以往更为坚定的立场。{TDG 196.3}
I pray that my brethren may realize that the third angel’s message means much to us, and that the observance of the true Sabbath is to be the sign that distinguishes those who serve God from those who serve Him not. Let those awake who have become sleepy and indifferent. We are called to be holy, and we should carefully avoid giving the impression that it is of little consequence whether or not we retain the peculiar features of our faith. Upon us rests the solemn obligation of taking a more decided stand for truth and righteousness than we have taken in the past. {TDG 196.4}
守上帝诫命和不守上帝诫命之人的界线,应该毫无疑误地显明出来。我们要本着良心尊荣上帝,勤谨地利用各种方法,以求保守与衪立约的关系,这样,我们就可承受衪所赐的福分,就是那要受严重试炼之人所不可或缺的福分。至于给人留下印象,以为我们的信仰,我们的宗教并非支配我们生活的能力,这实在是大大地侮慢了上帝。(《信函》1902年128号,7月6日,致总会执行委员会和医疗布道董事会) {TDG 196.4}
The line of demarcation between those who keep the commandments of God and those who do not, is to be revealed with unmistakable clearness. We are conscientiously to honor God, diligently using every means of keeping in covenant relation with Him, that we may receive His blessings—the blessings so essential for the people who are to be so severely tried. To give the impression that our faith, our religion, is not a dominating power in our lives, is greatly to dishonor God.—Letter 128, July 6, 1902, to the General Conference Committee and the Medical Missionary Board. {TDG 196.5}
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