七月八日 主啊,快来吧!
Come Quickly, Lord, July 8
But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. 1 Peter 4:7. {TDG 198.1}
末期近了,我们务必为我们一定要应付的事早作准备。我们的生命必须和基督一同藏在上帝里面。我们需要接受圣灵的教育。{TDG 198.1}
The end is near, and we must be prepared for what we will have to meet. Our lives must be hid with Christ in God. We need the education of the Holy Spirit. {TDG 198.2}
我们有高兴快乐的特权。有的时候我看到我们的许多弟兄是多么地盲目犯错,我的心灵也会受诱感到沮丧。我一想到这些动荡不定,和迷失自己方向的人,就不免心中伤痛。惟愿主施展作为挪开这半信半疑的乌云,好使真理和正义得以伸张获胜。那欺骗迷惑的势力是这么地强大,看来简直是不可能的。我可怜这班人,可是他们给别人心理上所留下的印像竟是那么地强大,却叫我不得不恐惧担忧。多风暴的前途就在我们的面前,但我们却有一位大有能力克胜的和我们同在。{TDG 198.2}
It is our privilege to be cheerful. At times I have been tempted to feel a depression of soul, as I see how blind and mistaken many of our brethren are. It makes my heart ache to think of the men who are unsettled, and who have lost their bearings. May the Lord work to remove the cloud of uncertainty, that truth and righteousness may prevail. It seems scarcely possible that the power of deception can be so strong. I pity these men, but the impression they have made on other minds is so strong that it makes me tremble. A stormy future is before us, but we have with us One who is mighty to prevail. {TDG 198.3}
有的时候我看见天空中有云,就不由得要呼喊说:“来吧,主耶稣啊,快快来吧!”像这样的时候是一定会彰显人品格的。我渴望见到仇敌迷惑人的势力被制服。但我们却不要让自己的信心失败。我所发现的唯一真正安慰,就是展望远在这一斗争之后,看到那最后的胜利,有上帝的荣耀照亮着那班得胜的人。预言指明这斗争的必然后果,我们凭着信心也可以看到。我切望体验到主在给我的这异像中所向我展示的经历。{TDG 198.3}
At times as I see a cloud in the sky, I involuntarily exclaim, “Come, Lord Jesus, and come quickly.” Such times as this will reveal character. I long to see the deceptive power of the enemy broken. But we will not let our faith fail. The only real comfort I find is to look beyond this conflict, and see the final triumph, the glory of God reflecting brightness on the overcomers. Prophecy points out the sure result of the conflict, and by faith we may see it. I long to realize the experiences opened before me in the visions the Lord has given to me. {TDG 198.4}
上帝圣灵的抑制之能,现在正渐渐从地上收回。我们的任务必须要快快地完成。我们必须竭尽我们一切所能的,去拯救生灵脱离死亡。再过不久,天上的主上帝就必建立祂的国度,那是绝不致被毁灭的。现在正是我们发展纯洁属天品格的时候。这工作在诚恳与热切方面必越来越见增加,直到末时。我们在信心方面也需要增加。我们务须警醒祷告。{TDG 198.4}
The restraining power of the Spirit of God is being withdrawn from the earth. Our work must be done quickly. We must put forth every effort in our power to save souls from death. Soon the Lord God of heaven will set up His kingdom, which shall never be destroyed. Now is the time for us to develop a pure, heavenly character. The work will increase more and more in earnestness and intensity until the end. We need an increase of faith. We must watch unto prayer. {TDG 198.5}
好几个星期以来,我简直就像满载禾捆不胜负荷的车一般,这并不是因为我对上帝所交给我的工作怀有少许的问题,也不是因为有意要规避祂所加在我身上的责任;而是为了那般行在盲目错误中,丧失自己的辨别力,并且不能分辨真理与谬论的人,心中感到伤痛。(《信函》1906年226号,7月8日,致协助工作并担任南方联合会会长的巴特勒长老”){TDG 198.5}
For weeks I have been as a cart beneath sheaves, not because I have the least question regarding the work God has given me to do, nor because of any desire to shun the responsibilities He has placed upon me; but my heart aches for those who are walking in the blindness of error, who have lost their discernment, and who cannot distinguish truth from error—Letter 226, July 8, 1906, to Elder G. I. Butler, a longtime associate in the work and president of the Southern Union Conference. {TDG 198.6}
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