七月二十五日 你是建立在磐石上吗?
Are You Building on the Rock? July 25
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11. {TDG 215.1}
百姓都坐在山坡,倾听基督所讲的话,这时他们可以看到好些山谷幽峡,还有那顺着它们流到大海里去的山涧溪流。到了夏天,这些溪流往往干涸不见了,只留下那颇多泥沙的河床。但一到冬天山洪暴发,这些小河就变成了猛烈湍激的急流,有时高涨漫布在山谷之间,连带着把一切的东西都随流冲去。因此,农民们在草原上所盖的茅屋,看起来似乎并无危险,往往也被冲走了。可是在那高高的小山之上,却有些盖在磐石上的房子。在有的地带,那些住处全是用石头建筑的,其中有不少已经过千百年暴风雨的侵袭。这些房子都是千辛万苦艰难建立起来的。房子既不容易进去,而它们座落的位置看来也不像草原那样容易进出。但是它们的根基全部建立在磐石上,任由风吹、雨淋、水冲,对房子全无影响。{TDG 215.1}
As the people sat upon the hillside, listening to the words of Christ, they could see valleys and ravines through which the mountain streams found their way to the sea. In summer these streams often wholly disappeared, leaving only a dry and dusty channel. But when the wintry storms burst upon the hills, the rivers became fierce, raging torrents, at times overspreading the valleys, and bearing everything away on their resistless flood. Often, then, the hovels reared by the peasants on the grassy plain, apparently beyond reach of danger, were swept away. But high upon the hill were houses built upon the rock. In some parts of the land were dwellings built wholly of rock, and many of them had withstood the tempests of a thousand years. These houses were reared with toil and great difficulty. They were not easy of access, and their location appeared less easy of access than the grassy plain. But they were founded upon the rock; and wind and flood and tempest beat upon them in vain. {TDG 215.2}
凡听从基督的话的人就是在磐石上建造,因此当暴风雨来到的时候,他们的房子必不至倒坍。他们必因相信基督耶稣获得永恒的生命。凡听见祂的话却不去行的人,就是在那不稳的根基──沙土上建造,灾难必定要压倒他们。{TDG 215.2}
Those who hear and obey the words of Christ are building upon the rock, and when the tempest comes, their house will not be overthrown. They will through faith in Christ Jesus gain eternal life. Those who are hearers but not doers of His words, are building upon a foundation of uncertainty which is sand, and calamity will overtake them. {TDG 215.3}
亚当、夏娃如果在太初听从了上帝向他们所说的话,他们就不会从自己当初原有的地位上堕落了。我们的救主所遭遇的试探较比那临到亚当的,方式可强烈得多了,而祂的唯一武器正是人人都可以得到的──那就是上帝的圣言。当时撒但乘着基督正在软弱的时候进来,告诉祂既可以把石头变成饼充饥,又可以藉此证明祂自己就是上帝的儿子,但基督却回答说:“经上记着说:人活著,不是单靠食物,乃是靠上帝口里所出的一切话”(太4:4)。……{TDG 215.3}
Had Adam and Eve heeded the words that God spoke to them in the beginning, they would not have fallen from their first estate. Our Saviour met temptation in a stronger, fiercer form than it was presented to Adam, and His only weapon was one that is within the reach of all—the Word of God. When Satan came to Christ in His weakness, and told Him to satisfy His hunger by turning the stones into bread, and thus prove Himself to be the Son of God, Christ answered, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).... {TDG 215.4}
我们将要遇见各式各样的假道理,除非我们熟悉基督所曾经说过的一切,并且遵行祂所指示的,我们就必被引诱误入歧途。(《文稿》1886年27号,7月25日, “建造在磐石上”) {TDG 215.4}
We shall meet with false doctrines of every kind, and unless we are acquainted with what Christ has said, and are following His instruction, we shall be led astray.—Manuscript 27, July 25, 1886, “Building on the Rock.” {TDG 215.5}
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