七月二十四日 在各水边撒种
Sow Beside All Waters, July 24
And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.... Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat. Matthew 10:7-10. {TDG 214.1}
外邦人的伟大使徒的保罗学会了制造帐棚的手艺。制造帐棚这一行也有高级和低级的分别,保罗所学的原是高级的,可是在情况需要的时候,他也能去做那普通的。……{TDG 214.1}
Paul, the great apostle to the Gentiles, learned the trade of a tentmaker. There were higher and lower branches of tentmaking. Paul had learned the higher branches, and he could also work at the common branches, when circumstances demanded.... {TDG 214.2}
那沿海一带的希腊人,都是些机敏的生意人。他们自己学会了一套灵巧的经营方式,因此相信谋利乃是敬虔神圣的,而赚钱发财的本领,无论正当不正当,也都是应当受到尊重的。保罗熟悉他们的作风,因此他不愿意给他们有机会,说他和他的同工们传道,是为要靠福音养生的。{TDG 214.2}
The Greeks on the seacoast were sharp traders. They had educated themselves to sharp practice in deal, and had come to believe that gain was godliness, and that an ability to acquire gain, whether by fair means or foul, was a reason why they should be honored. Paul was acquainted with their practices, and he would not give them a chance to say that he and his fellow laborers preached in order to be supported by the gospel. {TDG 214.3}
虽然他靠这种方式来养生是完全正当的(因为“做工的得工资是应该的”),但他看出了如果他这样做,那么他对于他的同工和那些听他讲道的人,就不会有最好的感化力。保罗恐怕如果他靠传福音为生,人们就要怀疑他这样做是出于自私的动机了。……他必须要显明自己乐愿从事任何有用的劳作。他不愿意给人有任何藉口,归咎于那班传道人是出自自私的动机,以致贬低福音的工作。他更不愿给那班机敏的希腊人有任何的把柄,来损害上帝仆人们的感化力。{TDG 214.3}
Although it was perfectly right for him to be supported in this way (for “the labourer is worthy of his hire”), yet he saw that if he were [to do so], the influence upon his fellow laborers and those to whom he preached would not be the best. Paul feared that if he lived by preaching the gospel, he might be suspected of selfish motives in [so] doing.... He must show that he was willing to engage in any useful labor. He would not give any an excuse to demerit the work of the gospel by imputing motives of selfishness to those who preached the word. He would not give the sharp Grecians any occasion to hurt the influence of God’s servants. {TDG 214.4}
保罗仔细想过:他如给人有任何理由,认为他是爱自己过于爱邻舍或爱上帝,他也效法希腊人的作风,很明显地是利用自己的职分为了赚钱,而不是遵行福音的原则,那么,他又怎能教导那要他尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱上帝;并爱邻舍如同自己的诫命呢?他如果尽可能的要从民众那里博取获得,那么他怎能引领他们归向基督呢?因此保罗决定:他不要给这般敏感、善于吹毛求疵、不讲道义只顾赚钱的生意人有理由,来推想上帝的仆人也和他们一样,行事为人也是投机取巧、惯用不诚实的方法。(《文稿》1899年97号,7月24日, “传道人和医疗工作”) {TDG 214.4}
Paul reasoned, How could he teach the commandments, which required him to love God with heart, and soul, and strength, and mind, and his neighbor as himself, if he gave any one reason to think that he loved himself more than his neighbor or his God, that he followed the practices of the Grecians, trading sharply upon his office for the sake of gain, instead of following the principles of the gospel. How could he lead the people to Christ, if he took all he possibly could from them? Paul decided that he would not give these keen, critical, unscrupulous money traders occasion to suppose that God’s servants were working as sharply and following as dishonest methods as they were.—Manuscript 97, July 24, 1899, “The Minister and Physical Work.” {TDG 214.5}
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