七月三十一日 怎样应付反对
How to Meet Opposition, July 31
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: which some professing have erred concerning the faith. 1 Timothy 6:20, 21. {TDG 221.1}
我们为上帝工作,一定会遭遇很多的反对。从前犹太人曾经利用谎言和欺骗,力图拦阻民众相信基督。现今假教师也必利用各种的方法、拦阻民众获得真理的知识。有一班人原来就喜爱谬论过于喜爱真理,因为真理是和他们的爱好倾向与行为方式相反的。他们拒绝悔改归正,纵使真理的证据是十分明显而令人信服的,还是一样。他们不愿意查考圣经,看看这些事究竟是不是真的这样。虽然有应当背负的十字架,但是他们却不愿意舍己。上帝要他们守安息日为圣,但是他们却不肯放弃自己的习惯。{TDG 221.1}
In our work for God we shall meet with much opposition. By falsehood and deception the Jews strove to keep the people from believing on Christ. Today false teachers will resort to any means to keep people from obtaining a knowledge of the truth. There are those who love error more than they love truth, because truth is opposed to their inclinations and their course of action. They refuse to repent and be converted, even though the evidence for truth is clear and convincing. They do not want to search the Scriptures, to see if these things are so. There lies the cross to be lifted, but they are unwilling to deny self. God asks them to keep holy His Sabbath, but they refuse to give up their own way.... {TDG 221.2}
一项伟大而严肃的工作,已经摆在上帝子民面前了。他们要本着克己和自我牺牲的精神来亲近基督,他们唯一的目的,就是要将恩典的信息传遍世界。按照主所给他们的呼召和引导,有的人用这种方式,有的人用另外一种方式从事工作。但是他们都要齐心努力,想方设法保持工作的完整性。上帝的仆人们要用笔和口来为祂效劳。真理的印刷品要翻译成各种不同的语文。这福音要传给世上的万民。……{TDG 221.2}
A great and solemn work is before the people of God. They are to come close to Christ in self-denial and self-sacrifice, their one aim being to give the message of mercy to all the world. Some will work in one way and some in another, as the Lord shall call and lead them. But they are all to strive together, seeking to make the work a perfect whole. With pen and voice God’s servants are to labor for Him. The printed word of truth is to be translated into different tongues. To all peoples the gospel is to be preached.... {TDG 221.3}
那些心意未曾奉献成圣的人,要像他们过去所作的一样,用各种障碍来拦阻上帝的圣工。但决不可停下来参加争执,也不要引起令人不愉快的辩论。如果在某一方面遭遇拦阻了,就要随时准备到已经开通的路上做工,藉此将荣耀归与上帝。到了适当的时候,那目前似乎不能克服的障碍就必挪开了。一旦上帝看出祂最能因自己的作为而归荣耀与祂的圣名,祂就必用意想不到的方法把所有的障碍挪开。……{TDG 221.3}
Unconsecrated minds will place hindrances in the way of God’s work, as they have done in the past. But do not stop to enter into controversy and create disagreeable issues. If hindered in one way, be ready to honor God by working in a way that is open. In due time obstacles that now seem insurmountable will be removed. God can remove obstructions in ways most unexpected when He sees that by doing this He can best glorify His name.... {TDG 221.4}
试炼一定会来到的,因为有许多的人行事为人都跟上帝的旨意相反。你们要确保自己是存着柔和谦卑的心行在祂的面前。不错,你们可能,也必定会被人判断错误,但是只要你们时常表现基督圣德的优美,那些传说流言恶语的人就必自觉羞愧了。(《信函》1901年193号,7月31日,致 “亲爱的孩子们”) {TDG 221.4}
Trials will come, for there are many who are walking at cross purposes with God. Be sure that you are walking before Him in meekness and humility. You may, yes, you will be misjudged, but the evil talkers will be ashamed if you constantly reveal the sweetness of Christ’s character.—Letter 193, July 31, 1901, to “Dear Children.” {TDG 221.5}
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