八月一日 得以与上帝的性情有分
Partakers of the Divine Nature, August 1
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Isaiah 5:20, 21. {TDG 222.1}
主要求每一个人都在自己的岗位上从事祂所指定的工作。每一次行动都要先谦诚恳地祷告。要让真理像明灯照耀。捍卫真理之人的行动要十分机警的。……{TDG 222.1}
The Lord requires every man to be at his post of duty doing the very work the Lord has appointed to be done. Let every movement be preceded by humble, earnest prayer. The truth is to go forth as a lamp that burneth. Those who are guardians of the truth are to act as men who are wide awake.... {TDG 222.2}
基督宣告凡违犯上帝诫命的人有祸了。祂曾宣布祂那个时代的律法师有祸了,因为他们利用自己的权柄,迫害指望他们秉公行义的人。罪的一切可怕后果将临到那些在名义上是教会的信徒,却把废除耶和华的律法当作小事、又善恶不分的人。{TDG 222.2}
Christ pronounces a woe upon all who transgress the law of God. He pronounced a woe upon the lawyers in His day because they exercised their power to afflict those who looked to them for justice and judgment. All the terrible consequences of sin will come to those who, even though they may be nominal church members, regard it as a light matter to set aside the law of Jehovah, and to make no distinction between good and evil. {TDG 222.3}
在主所赐给我的异像中,我看见了那些随心所欲、误表真理、压迫弟兄,又把种种障碍摆在他们面前的人。人的品格正在形成;许多人也正在采取立场;有些在主耶稣基督的一边,有些则站撒但和他的使者一边。主呼吁忠心顺服祂律法的人,从自愿置身在仇敌一边的人中间出来,与他们断绝关系。在那些人的名字下写着:“提客勒,就是你被称在天平里,显出你的亏欠”(但5:27)。……{TDG 222.3}
In the representations the Lord has given me, I have seen those who follow their own desires, misrepresenting the truth, oppressing their brethren, and placing difficulties before them. Characters are now being developed, and men are taking sides, some on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ, some on the side of Satan and his angels. The Lord calls for all who will be true and obedient to His law to come out of and away from all connection with those who have placed themselves on the side of the enemy. Against their names is written, “TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting” (Daniel 5:27).... {TDG 222.4}
许多人看上去很有道德,但他们并不是基督徒。他们在真基督徒的评价标准上受了欺骗。他们混杂的品格破坏了纯金的价值,因此不能被盖上上帝悦纳的印记。他们一定会作为不纯而无价值的金属被抛弃。{TDG 222.4}
There are many men, apparently moral, but who are not Christians. They are deceived in their estimate of what constitutes true Christians. They possess an alloy of character that destroys the value of the gold, and they cannot be stamped with the impress of divine approval. They must be rejected as impure, worthless metal. {TDG 222.5}
我们靠自己无法完善真正的道德品质,但我们可以接受基督的义。我们可以脱离世上因情欲而带来的败坏,得以与上帝的性情有分。基督已经为我们留下了一个完美的榜样,使我们可以成为上帝的儿女。(《信函》1906年256号,8月1日,致“我在澳大利亚传道的弟兄们” ){TDG 222.5}
We cannot, of ourselves, perfect a true moral character, but we can accept of Christ’s righteousness. We can be partakers of the divine nature, and escape the corruptions that are in the world through lust. Christ has left before us a perfect pattern of what we are to be as sons and daughters of God.—Letter 256, August 1, 1906, to “My Ministering Brethren in Australia.” {TDG 222.6}
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