八月七日 认清职责
Discernment of Duty, August 7
Thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. Revelation 3:17. {TDG 228.1}
究竟是什么造成那般自以为富足,已经发了财的人困苦赤身呢?──就是缺少基督的义。按照他们的义,原是被形容是身穿污秽的衣服,可是在这种情形之中,他们却仍然自鸣得意,认为是披戴了基督的义呢。试问还有比这更大的骗人之谈吗?他们正像先知所形容的一样,可能自己喊着说:“这些是耶和华的殿,是耶和华的殿”(耶7:4)。然而实际上他们的心里,却充满不圣洁的买卖和不义的交易。{TDG 228.1}
What is it that constitutes the wretchedness, the nakedness of those who feel rich and increased with goods?—It is the want of the righteousness of Christ. In their own righteousness they are represented as clothed with filthy rags, and yet in this condition they flatter themselves that they are clothed upon with Christ’s righteousness. Could deception be greater? As is represented by the prophet, they may be crying, “The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are we” (see Jeremiah 7:4), while their hearts are filled with unholy traffic and unrighteous barter. {TDG 228.2}
那心灵殿宇的庭院可能就是嫉妒、骄傲、情欲,恶念、苦毒和空洞形式主义的巢穴。基督看到那称为祂民的人自以为富足,在真理的知识上发达了,可是在生活和品格上却缺乏真理,而且还不觉悟自己缺欠的情形,祂感到悲伤。他们沉迷在罪恶与不信之中,竟轻看祂仆人的警告和劝勉,以嘲笑和侮辱来对待祂的使者,把他们责备的话当做无用的闲谈。辨别力好像业已消失,他们已经没有能力分辨上帝所赐给他们的光、和那从心灵仇敌而来的黑暗了。……{TDG 228.2}
The courts of the soul-temple may be the haunt of envy, pride, passion, evil surmising, bitterness, and hollow formalism. Christ looks mournfully upon His professed people who feel rich and increased in the knowledge of the truth, and who are yet destitute of the truth in life and character, and unconscious of their destitute condition. In sin and unbelief, they lightly regard the warnings and counsels of His servants, and treat His ambassadors with scorn and contempt, while their words of reproof are regarded as idle tales. Discernment seems to have departed, and they have no power to discriminate between the light which God sends them and the darkness that comes from the enemy of their souls.... {TDG 228.3}
当耶稣在离去的时候,祂已按照各个不同的部门将祂的工作交托给人,而且每一真正跟从祂的人,也都为祂各有当做的工作,并要为这工作向他自己的主负责,同时主也期望他本着忠诚去做,静候从他“领袖”那里来的命令和指导。我们是向上帝负责的代理人,已经蒙受上天所交托的财物,因此我们应当专以那位召我们之主的荣耀为念。我们这一方面来说,应当忠心的克尽厥职,竭尽自己所有的能力去履行那指定的任务。没有什么人可以代替我们去做我们的工作。我们必须殷勤运用上帝所赐予的才智,去做我们的工作,藉以在自己任务的进展中获得知识与效能。(《评论与通讯》1894年8月7日){TDG 228.3}
When Jesus went away, He intrusted to men His work in all its varied branches, and every true follower of Christ has some work to do for Him, for which he is responsible to his own Master, and that work he is expected to do with fidelity, waiting for command and direction from his Leader. We are the responsible agents of God, and have been invested with the goods of heaven, and we should have an eye single to the glory of Him who has called us. On our part there should be a faithful execution of duty, doing our appointed task to the full measure of our intrusted capability. No living being can do our work for us. We must do our work through a diligent use of the intellect which God has given, gaining in knowledge and efficiency as we make progress in our work.—The Review and Herald, August 7, 1894. {TDG 228.4}
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