八月六日 上帝看重谦卑的人
God Honors Humility, August 6
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Isaiah 57:15. {TDG 227.1}
基督接纳那最卑微的人,并和他们交谈。祂悦纳人并不是因为他们具有超人的才能,而是因为他们寻求祂的圣面,渴望得到祂的帮助。祂的圣灵在他们的心中运行,激发每一项才能作活泼有力的运动。主在这些不虚骄自负者身上,看出极其贵重的材料,是经得起狂风、暴雨、炎热和压迫的。上帝看人不像人看人。……{TDG 227.1}
Christ accepts and communes with the most lowly. He does not accept men because of their capabilities of eloquence, but because they seek His face, desiring His help. His Spirit, moving upon the heart, arouses every faculty to vigorous action. In these unpretentious ones the Lord sees the most precious material, which will stand storm and tempest, heat and pressure. God sees not as man sees.... {TDG 227.2}
那班心中存有上帝之爱的人,是有真正光荣的。我们为主工作的目的,应该是要使祂的名因罪人的悔改而得到荣耀。凡为博得称赞而工作的人,并不是上帝所赞许的。主指望祂的仆人,要出自不同动机来从事工作。{TDG 227.2}
There is true honor among those who have the love of God in their hearts. Our object in working for the Master should be that His name may be glorified in the conversion of sinners. Those who labor to gain applause are not approved by God. The Lord expects His servants to work from a different motive. {TDG 227.3}
许多人愿意尽心竭力救灵归向基督。他们肯听从伟大的使命出去为主工作。平凡的人在天使的帮助下,受圣灵的感动,会到大街小巷去警告人。卑微的人既不依仗自己的才能,而是用朴素的方法去工作,时常信靠上帝,他们以恒切的祷告带领生灵到十字架跟前时,就必分享救主的喜乐。我们应当对他们说:“弟兄们,出去吧!只要谦卑而且忠诚地尽你们所能的,上帝必定会与你们同工的。”他们应当得到鼓励、加强力量,尽快地准备好出力工作,好使自己的努力得到成功。有那班眼不能见的上天媒介,跟他们谐和合作。他们是与上帝同工的,他们的弟兄都应当祝他们一路平安、百事成功,又应当为他们代求,因为他们是奉基督的名工作。谁都无权拦阻这样的工作人员。他们理应受到极大的尊敬。他们既然是在这世上艰苦不毛之地撒播福音的种子,谁也不应该说一句责难轻视他们的话语。{TDG 227.3}
There are many who will spend and be spent to win souls to Christ. In obedience to the great commission, they will go forth to work for the Master. Under the ministration of angels ordinary men will be moved by the Spirit of God to warn people in the highways and byways. Humble men, who do not trust in their gifts, but who work in simplicity, trusting always in God, will share in the joy of the Saviour as their persevering prayers bring souls to the cross. We should say to them, “Go forth, brethren. Do your best humbly and sincerely, and God will work with you.” They should be strengthened and encouraged, and as fast as possible fitted for labor, that success may crown their efforts. They harmonize with unseen, heavenly instrumentalities. They are workers together with God, and their brethren should bid them Godspeed, and pray for them as they labor in Christ’s name. No one is authorized to hinder such workers. They should be treated with great respect. No one should speak a disparaging word of them as in the rough places of the earth they sow the gospel seed. {TDG 227.4}
基督必和这些谦卑的工人同在。天上的使者也必在他们所作克己牺牲的努力上与他们合作。耶稣必藉着圣灵的能力感动众人的心。上帝必在罪人悔改归正的事上施行神迹。男女人士都必纷纷被召聚来加入教会。(《信函》1901年109号,致约翰斯顿) {TDG 227.4}
Christ will be with these humble workers. The angels of heaven will cooperate with them in their self-sacrificing efforts. By the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus will move upon hearts. God will work miracles in the conversion of sinners. Men and women will be gathered into church fellowship.—Letter 109, August 6, 1901, to J. O. Johnston. {TDG 227.5}
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