八月十九日 心怀二意的危险
Danger of Doublemindedness, August 19
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8. {TDG 240.1}
有许多人如果他们也能侍奉自己,就要愿意侍奉基督。但这是不可能的。主在祂的军队中,决容不下懦夫,这是不能假装瞒混的。凡跟从基督的人,在任何的时候,不论所要求的是怎样的方式,都务必准备妥当侍奉祂。上帝只愿悦纳诚心实意、头脑清醒、才思广博的人。基督说:“不与我相合的,就是敌我的;不同我收聚的,就是分散的”(太12:30)。{TDG 240.1}
There are many who would serve Christ provided they could serve themselves also. But this cannot be. The Lord will not accept cowards in His army. There can be no dissembling. Christ’s followers must stand ready to serve Him at all times and in every way that may be required. God will accept only true-hearted, level-headed, all-round men. “He that is not with me is against me,” Christ declared; “and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad” (Matthew 12:30). {TDG 240.2}
有许多人在危机中曾经试图中立,可是他们却没有如愿以偿。没有人能保持中立的立场。凡努力这样做的人,就正好应验基督所说的话:“一个人不能侍奉两个主;不是恶这个,爱那个,就是重这个,轻那个。你们不能又侍奉上帝,又侍奉玛门(玛门:财利的意思)”(太6:24)。凡心怀二意而开始度自己基督徒生活的人,不论他们的意向怎样,到头来终归会投身到仇敌的那一边。{TDG 240.2}
Many have tried neutrality in a crisis, but they have failed in their purpose. No one can maintain a neutral ground. Those who endeavor to do this will fulfill Christ’s words, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (chap. 6:24). Those who begin their Christian life by being half and half, whatever may be their intentions, will at last be found enlisted on the enemy’s side. {TDG 240.3}
那三心两意的男女人士,正是撒但上好的盟友。不论他们对于自己有多么良好的看法,他们总是伪君子。凡忠于上帝和真理的人,必须因为正义终归是正义而坚立稳固。要与那般未曾献身的人同负一轭、而仍然忠于真理,简直是不可能的事。我们绝不可能既与那般侍奉自己、又按世俗计划而行的人联合,而又不致丧失与那位天上“策士”的联系。我们或许侥幸得以逃脱仇敌的罗网。但我们却难免遭难受伤,使自己的经验发展受到阻滞。“岂不知与世俗为友就是与上帝为敌吗?所以凡想要与世俗为友的,就是与上帝为敌了”(雅4:4)。{TDG 240.3}
Double minded men and women are Satan’s best allies. Whatever favorable opinion they may have of themselves, they are dissemblers. All who are loyal to God and the truth must stand firmly for the right because it is right. To yoke up with those that are unconsecrated and yet be loyal to the truth, is simply an impossibility. We cannot unite with those who are serving themselves, who are working on worldly plans, and not lose our connection with the heavenly Counsellor. We may recover ourselves from the snare of the enemy, but we are bruised and wounded, and our experience is dwarfed. “Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (James 4:4). {TDG 240.4}
“爱惜自己生命的,就失丧生命”(约12:25)。人一旦丧失了无亏良心的保障,就自知已经失去天使的合作了。上帝既不在祂里面运行;另有一个灵就要激动他。而且要做一个离道叛教的人,作一个出卖上帝圣工的背信者,那真比死更严重;意味着永恒生命的丧失。(《文稿》1897年87号,8月19日, “凡立志在基督耶稣里敬虔度日的,也都要受逼迫”) {TDG 240.4}
“He that loveth his life shall lose it” (John 12:25). When a man loses the shield of a good conscience, he knows that he has lost the cooperation of heavenly angels. God is not working in him. Another spirit inspires him. And to be an apostate, a traitor to the cause of God, is much more serious than death; it means the loss of eternal life.—Manuscript 87, August 19, 1897, “All That Will Live Godly in Christ Jesus Shall Suffer Persecution.” {TDG 240.5}
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