八月二十日 由自然界到自然界的上帝
Through Nature to Nature’s God, August 20
And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. Genesis 1:31. {TDG 241.1}
上帝藉着大自然向我们说话。我们在观赏自然界的美丽与丰盛时,所听到的便是祂的声音。我们在祂手所造的美妙万物中看到祂的荣耀。我们起立瞻仰祂的作为,中间并没有幔子隔开。上帝将这些东西赐给我们,好叫我们在观赏祂亲手的作为上得以认识祂。{TDG 241.1}
God speaks to us in nature. It is His voice we hear as we gaze upon the beauty and richness of the natural world. We view His glory in the beauteous things His hand has made. We stand and behold His works without a veil between. God has given us these things that in beholding the works of His hands, we may learn of Him. {TDG 241.2}
上帝将这些宝贵的东西赐给我们,作为祂大爱的表示。主原是爱美的,祂为了要使我们感到愉快和满意,就将自然界的美丽事物展开在我们面前,正像世上作父母的,尽力把美好的东西摆在自己心爱的儿女面前一样。主总是喜欢看到我们快乐。这个世界虽然充满罪恶,而且是有种种缺点毛病的,但主还是使它满布着有用和美好的东西。那美丽鲜艳的花朵表述着祂的亲切和慈爱。它们各有自己的语言,提醒我们想念那位“赐予者”。 {TDG 241.2}
God has given us these precious things as an expression of His love. The Lord is a lover of the beautiful, and to please and gratify us He has spread before us the beauties of nature, even as an earthly parent seeks to place beautiful things before the children that he loves. The Lord is always pleased to see us happy. Sinful as it is with all its imperfections, the Lord has lavished upon this earth the useful and the beautiful. The beautiful tinted flowers tell of His tenderness and love. They have a language of their own, reminding us of the Giver. {TDG 241.3}
我们可以藉着大自然仰望自然界的上帝。上帝在美丽高耸的树林、灌木、花朵上显示了祂的圣德。当将祂和那最美丽的百合、玫瑰、石竹相比。我喜爱观赏自然界中那属于上帝的东西,因为主将祂的圣德铭印在它们上面了。祂因爱我们就赐下这些东西,意思就是要叫我们从而得到快乐。既然这样,我们就不要崇拜自然界的美物,但要藉着它们仰望自然界的上帝,并因而受引导来敬拜那位“赐予者”。要让这些美丽的爱的使者成就上帝的旨意,吸引我们的心归向祂,得以充满祂圣德的荣美,并且敬慕祂的善良,祂的慈怜,和祂那难以形容的仁爱。{TDG 241.3}
We may look up through nature to nature’s God. In the beautiful lofty trees, the shrubs, the flowers, God reveals His character. He is to be compared to the most beautiful lilies and roses and pinks. I love to look upon the things of God in nature, for the Lord impresses upon them His character. In love to us He has given them, and He means that we shall have pleasure in them. Then let us not worship the beautiful things in nature, but let us look up through them to nature’s God, and be led to worship the Giver. Let these beautiful ministries of love answer the purpose of God, and draw our hearts to Him, to be filled with the beauties of His character, and adore His goodness, His compassion, His inexpressible love. {TDG 241.4}
上帝本是良善的,该受大大地赞美。祂的恩慈已经白白地赐给我们。祂已经用祂爱的信号环绕我们了。不信主的外邦人可能狂暴幻想虚妄的事,但主却是永不改变的。祂已经使那永存岗峦的力量作祂子民安全的避难所。祂已经为祂那受压制被迫害的儿女预备了深山和洞穴。我们可以高唱:“上帝是我们在患难中的避难所和力量。”那位创造高山,就是永存岗峦的主──我们可以仰望祂。(《文稿》1898年100号,8月20日, “从自然界到自然界的上帝” ){TDG 241.4}
God is good, and greatly to be praised. His mercies have been freely bestowed upon us. He has surrounded us with tokens of His love. The heathen may rage and imagine vain things, but the Lord is unchangeable. He has made the strength of the everlasting hills to be a safe retreat for His people. He has prepared the mountains and the caves for His oppressed and persecuted children. We may sing, “God is our refuge and strength in time of trial.” He who made the towering mountains, the everlasting hills—to Him we may look.—Manuscript 100, August 20, 1898, “Through Nature to Nature’s God.” {TDG 241.5}
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