八月二十八日 效仿基督的方法
Copying Christ’s Methods, August 28
When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Mark 2:17. {TDG 249.1}
从来没有教师像我们的主和夫子这样显著地尊荣人。祂以“税吏和罪人的朋友”(太11:19)闻名。祂与社会各阶层的人融合,以便人人都能与祂来给予的福气有分。我们发现祂曾在会堂里也在市场上。祂与同乡共享社会生活,以祂的同在使凡邀请祂的人家快乐。然而祂从未不请自来。{TDG 249.1}
No teacher ever placed such signal honor upon man as did our Lord and Master. He was known as a “friend of publicans and sinners.” He mingled with all classes of society, that all might partake of the blessings He came to bestow. He was found in the synagogue and in the market place. He shared the social life of His countrymen, gladdening with His presence the households of all who invited Him. But He never urged His way uninvited. {TDG 249.2}
祂积极解救本着信心来到祂面前求救济的人间每一种痛苦不幸;但祂并不在表现出独立和自私排外精神以致不表示他们的忧伤也不祈求很需要的帮助的地方不加选择地赐予医治的能力。凡本着信心来到祂面前的人,祂都欣然乐意解救。忧伤在祂面前逃遁;不公正和压迫在祂的斥责之下羞愧;死亡和阴间——我们有罪人类残忍的掠夺者,在祂面前自卑并听从祂的吩咐。{TDG 249.2}
He was active to relieve every species of human misery that was brought to Him in faith for relief; but He did not bestow healing power indiscriminately where there was manifested an independence and selfish exclusiveness that would give no expression to their sorrows nor ask for the help so much needed. All who came unto Him in faith He was ready and willing to relieve. Sorrow fled at His presence; injustice and oppression withered beneath His rebukes; and death, the cruel spoiler of our sinful race, obeyed His commands. {TDG 249.3}
在世界每一个时代中都有自称信奉基督却采取一种隐退或法利赛式的错误做法。然而他们并没有造福自己的同胞。他们在基督的生活中找不到这种自以为义的偏执的借口,因为祂的品性是和悦慈善的。祂原会被地上每一个修会排除在外,因为祂会逾越他们的清规戒律。在每一个教会和教派中都会有一些行为古怪的人,责备祂慷慨赐予的怜悯。……{TDG 249.3}
In every age since Christ was among men, there have been some who, while they professed His name, have pursued a course of seclusion or of Pharisaical preeminence. But they have not blessed their fellow men. They have found no excuse in the life of Christ for this self-righteous bigotry; for His character was genial and beneficent. He would have been excluded from every monastic order upon earth because of overstepping their prescribed rules. In every church and denomination are to be found erratics who would have blamed Him for His liberal mercies.... {TDG 249.4}
蒙上帝托付祂的真理的人必须安排与世人的交往,以获得宁静神圣的平安,和一种神圣而且极其彻底的知识,知道如何对付人们的偏见,知道他们在哪里,并且帮助他们接受上帝的真理,得到亮光、安慰和平安。他们应当以基督鼓舞人心的、有权威的社交生活为榜样。他们必须培养祂所具有的慈善精神,必须在就地接触人时怀有同样宽广的行动计划。。(《信函》1878年2a号,8月29日,致在瑞士的弟兄们){TDG 249.4}
Those with whom God has entrusted His truth must so order their intercourse with the world as to secure to themselves a calm, hallowed peace, as well as a sacred and most thorough knowledge of how to meet men with their prejudices where they are, and minister to them the light, comfort, and peace found in the acceptance of the truth of God. They should take for example the inspiring, authoritative and social life of Christ. They must cultivate the same beneficent spirit which He possessed, and must cherish the same broad plans of action in meeting men where they are.—Letter 2, August 28, 1878, to “Dear Brethren [in Switzerland].” {TDG 249.5}
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