八月二十七日 在世却不属世界
In the World, But Not of It, August 27
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. James 4:4. {TDG 248.1}
主的大日临近了。一旦基督在天空的云彩中显现,凡没有全心全意寻求祂的人,凡容让自己受迷惑的人,都必定要灭亡。我们唯一的保障,就是藉着悔改归正,使自己的罪得以涂抹。凡在现今诚恳地寻求主,在祂面前谦卑己心,并且弃绝己罪的人,就必因真理使人成圣的功能,得以配与王室的分子联合,并得见“君王”的荣美。……{TDG 248.1}
The great day of the Lord is near at hand. When Christ appears in the clouds of heaven, those who have not sought Him with all the heart, those who have allowed themselves to be deceived, will surely perish. Our only safety is to be found through repentance and conversion, and the blotting out of sins. Those who will now seek the Lord earnestly, humbling their hearts before Him, and forsaking their sins, will, through the sanctification of the truth, be fitted to unite with the members of the royal family, and will see the King in His beauty.... {TDG 248.2}
不论一个人教育方面的造诣怎样,他惟有感悟到自己须向上帝负责,并得蒙圣灵的引导,才能够做一个有效的教师,或成功地劝导那些在他影响之下的人归向上帝。试问那般不留心注意神圣指导的人,怎能获得认可作主的机构领导人呢?──绝不可以。试问那般表现着不信精神,又在言语和品格上并没有显出真正敬虔的人,我们怎能认为他们是安全的向导呢?{TDG 248.2}
Whatever his educational attainments, only he who realizes his accountability to God, and who is led by the Holy Spirit, can be an effectual teacher, or be successful in winning to God those who are brought under his influence. Shall those who do not heed the divine counsel be acknowledged as leaders in the Lord’s institutions?—God forbid. How can we regard as safe guides those who manifest a spirit of unbelief, and who, in words and character, fail of revealing true godliness? {TDG 248.3}
“我实在告诉你们,你们若不回转,变成小孩子的样式[学习主的样式],断不得进天国”(太18:3)。{TDG 248.3}
“Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children [in learning the way of the Lord], ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). {TDG 248.4}
自我必须向基督的轭表示归顺。那位伟大的“教师”邀请众人都学祂的样式。……“人子来,为要拯救失丧的人”(太18:11)。可是凡指望得救的人,务必甘心乐意按照主所指定的方式,而并不是按照自己所选择的方式得蒙拯救。上帝所白白赐给的恩典,乃是人唯一的希望。上帝是很郑重认真地对待你我每一个人的。……{TDG 248.4}
Self needs to be brought into submission to the yoke of Christ. The great Teacher invites all to learn of Him.... “The Son of man is come to save that which was lost” (verse 11). But those who desire to be saved must be willing to be saved in the Lord’s appointed way, and not in a way of their own choosing. The free grace of God is man’s only hope. God is in earnest with every one of us.... {TDG 248.5}
我们蒙召作主特选的子民,这意义较比许多人所感悟的还要崇高得多。世界是伏在罪恶之中的,因此上帝的子民要脱离世界,与他们有别。他们要摆脱世界的风俗和世俗的习惯。他们不可附和世俗的感情观点,却要以上帝特选子民的身份,独特有别,在自己所有的服务上认真热心。他们切不可与黑暗的作为有任何的关联。(《信函》1906年280号,8月27日,致 “在丹佛和博尔德的弟兄姊妹们” ){TDG 248.5}
We are called to be the Lord’s special people in a much higher sense than many have realized. The world lies in wickedness, and God’s people are to come out of the world, and be separate. They are to be free from worldly customs and worldly habits. They are not to accord with worldly sentiments, but are to stand out distinct, as the Lord’s peculiar people, earnest in all their service. They are to have no fellowship with the works of darkness.—Letter 280, August 27, 1906, to “My Brethren and Sisters in Denver and Boulder.” {TDG 248.6}
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