一月二十四日 在祂里面得以完全
Perfect in Him, January 24
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48. {TDG 32.1}
上帝要求众人在道德上达到完全。凡获得亮光和机会的人,作为上帝的管家,应该以完美为目标,决不要降低了公义的标准,来迁就遗传的和养成的犯错倾向。基督曾取了我们的人性,过我们的生活,向我们指明我们可以藉着分享上帝的性情而像祂。我们可以成为圣洁,正如基督在人性中圣洁一样。既然这样,为什么世界上竟还有那么多不令人喜爱的人呢?原因就是:他们没有察觉到他们那种令人讨厌的作风,和粗暴无礼的话语,乃是由于不圣洁的心而产生的结果。……{TDG 32.1}
God requires moral perfection in all. Those who have been given light and opportunities should, as God’s stewards, aim for perfection, and never, never lower the standard of righteousness to accommodate inherited and cultivated tendencies to wrong. Christ took upon Him our human nature, and lived our life, to show us that we may be like Him by partaking of the divine nature. We may be holy, as Christ was holy in human nature. Why then are there so many disagreeable characters in the world? It is because they do not suspect that their disagreeable ways and rough, impolite speech is the result of an unholy heart.... {TDG 32.2}
我们对于同胞的爱所发出的馨香之气,足以显明我们爱上帝的心。那使我们心灵得享安息的,乃是我们在服务上的忍耐。那增进以色列幸福的,乃是谦卑,殷勤,忠诚的辛劳。凡甘愿跟从基督的人,上帝必支持他们,坚固他们。……{TDG 32.2}
It is the fragrance of our love to our fellow men that reveals our love for God. It is patience in service that brings rest to the soul. It is through humble, diligent, faithful toilers that the welfare of Israel is promoted. God upholds and strengthens the one who is willing to learn Christ’s way.... {TDG 32.3}
凡是正当的发明与改革,都可以从那一位谋略奇妙,作为卓越的主身上找到根源。我们不论作什么,不论被安排在什么部门,祂都希望管理我们的思想,使我们能作出完美的工作。{TDG 32.3}
All right inventions and improvements have their source in Him who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working. Whatever we do, in whatever department of the work we are placed, God desires to refine and ennoble us. He desires to control man’s mind, that he may do perfect work. {TDG 32.4}
医生的手熟练的动作,他处置神经与肌肉的能力,他对于人体奇妙结构的认识,都出于上帝大能的智慧,以便为劳苦的人服务。木匠使用锤子的技术,铁匠使铁砧叮当作响的力量,都是上帝所赐的。上帝既然将才干赐给人,祂就希望他们仰赖祂的指导。这样,他们就可本着毫无错失的适应性能,运用祂的种种恩赐,证明他们是与上帝同工的,而将荣耀归与祂。这样,他们就藉着真理而由圣灵使人成圣的能力,使自己的心灵得以洁净了。于是,基督所说清心的人必得见上帝的话,就在他们的经历中应验了(参太5:8)。{TDG 32.4}
The delicate touch of the physician’s hand, his power over nerve and muscle, his knowledge of the delicate organism of the body, is the wisdom of divine power, to be used in behalf of suffering humanity. The skill with which the carpenter uses the hammer, the strength with which the blacksmith makes the anvil ring, comes from God. He has entrusted men with powers, and He expects that they will look to Him for counsel. Thus they may use His gifts with unerring aptitude, testifying to God’s glory that they are workers together with Him. Thus they purify their souls by sanctification of the Spirit through the truth. In their experience, the words of Christ are fulfilled, The pure in heart shall see God (see Matthew 5:8). {TDG 32.5}
大家都应当认识到:他们都是朝向一个伟大的目标而工作。各部门的工作都是属于上帝的,凡力求正确精细、毫无错乱而从事这工的人,也都表现了上帝的完全。(《信函》1899年9号,1月24日,致总会负责人){TDG 32.5}
All should feel that they are working to one great end. The work in every department is God’s, and those who do that work with exactness, without blunder, represent God’s perfection.—Letter 9, January 24, 1899, to those occupying important positions in the General Conference. {TDG 32.6}
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