九月五日 使我们明白一切真理的导师
Our Guide Into All Truth, September 5
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. John 14:16. {TDG 257.1}
基督宣布在祂升天之后要将祂至上的恩赐保惠师差来赐给祂的教会,以代替祂。这位保惠师就是圣灵──是祂自己生命的灵、祂教会的能力,世界的光明与生命。连同祂的圣灵,基督也赐予一种和好的感化力与消除罪恶的能力。{TDG 257.1}
Christ declared that, after His ascension, He would send to His church, as His crowning gift, the Comforter, who was to take His place. This Comforter is the Holy Spirit—the soul of His life, the efficacy of His church, the light and life of the world. With His Spirit, Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power to take away sin. {TDG 257.2}
上帝已经指示我要告诉你们和祂的众子民,要非常地小心,切不可抗拒圣灵──就是基督所派遣“保惠师”的运行。要担心恐怕在抗拒方面采取头一步冒昧无礼的行动。基督在向门徒提到圣灵的时候,祂力图提高他们的思想,扩大他们的愿望,好领会到那最高有关优美的概念。但愿我们都要尽力以求明白祂的话。但愿我们都要极力重视,祂赐予我们这奇妙恩赐的价值,但愿我们都要极力重视圣灵的充满。……{TDG 257.2}
God has instructed me to tell you and all His people to be very careful not to resist the working of the Holy Spirit—the Comforter that Christ sends. Fear to take the first presumptuous step in resistance. When Christ spoke to the disciples of the Holy Spirit, He sought to uplift their thoughts and enlarge their expectations to grasp the highest conception of excellence. Let us strive to understand His words. Let us strive to appreciate the value of the wonderful gift He has bestowed on us. Let us seek for the fullness of the Holy Spirit.... {TDG 257.3}
“若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起他的十字架来跟从我”(太16:24)。我看不出除了听从基督所说的这话以外,还有什么别的方法。我们如果想要获得永恒的生命,就非听从这话不可。天上的至尊者竟降临到这世上来,藉着一种不断舍己的生活,把这个教训传授给我们。难道我们还不该听从祂的指示吗?{TDG 257.3}
I see no other way for us than to heed the words of Christ, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). These words we must obey if we gain eternal life. The Majesty of heaven came to this world to teach us this lesson by a life of constant self-denial. Shall we not heed His instruction? {TDG 257.4}
我们为了要得救,就必须在属上帝的事上具有丰富完全的经验。赎罪的大工,已藉着无穷无尽的上帝恩赐祂的儿子完成了。……{TDG 257.4}
In order to be saved, we must have a full and complete experience in the things of God. The atonement for sin has been made by the gift of the Son of the infinite God.... {TDG 257.5}
那引领罪人到基督这里来的,乃是“保惠师”──圣灵的工作。救赎主原是神圣的“模范”,是全然圣洁的,祂也使生灵再造复新。我们有特权从基督领受:为使品格完全所必需的一切美德。可是我们为了要获得这种美德,就必须表现出更多的舍己,更多的自我牺牲。{TDG 257.5}
To bring the sinner to Christ is the work of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. The Saviour is the divine Example, the perfection of holiness, and He fashions the soul anew. We are privileged to receive from Christ all the excellence necessary for perfection of character. But in order for us to obtain this excellence, we must show more self-denial, more self-sacrifice. {TDG 257.6}
基督为要我们成为上帝的儿女,已经作妥了各样的准备。啊!我心里说:赞美祂的圣名,由于祂的丰富,我们都能领受恩上加恩。但愿我们都要努力,藉着领受祂的圣言,达到那崇高的完全标准。我们惟有寻求那促使我们成为上帝儿女的种种品质,享有成圣的优美,才是安全可靠的。(《信函》1902年155号,9月5日,致巴特尔克里克疗养院本会委托律师亚瑟法官夫妇){TDG 257.6}
Christ has made every provision for us to be children of God. Oh, my heart says, Praise His holy name that of His fullness we can receive grace for grace. Let us strive, by receiving His word, to reach the high standard of perfection. We are safe only when seeking the qualities that make us children of God, possessors of sanctified excellence.—Letter 155, September 5, 1902, to Judge and Mrs. Arthur, Adventist attorney at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. {TDG 257.7}
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