九月四日 看不见的权势在争斗
Unseen Forces in Conflict, September 4
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.... He is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44. {TDG 256.1}
我们大家都要明白有一个堕落的天使,他在众天使中,尊荣原是仅次于基督的。他那欺骗的伎俩竟是那么的奇特神秘,以致地位不太高的天使,都把他当作天上的统治者了。撒但声称天上所存在的一切错误暗示,都是从众天使中产生的,其实制造这些暗示的就是他自己,如果不是他捏造的,众天使也就决不会相信存记了。他狡诈地把这些事提到上帝面前,说是从众天使而来的,而实际上这全都是撒但他自己所发起的。……{TDG 256.1}
We are all to understand that there is a fallen angel who was once next to Christ in honor among the heavenly host. His work of deception was done in so great secrecy that the angels in less exalted positions supposed that he was the Ruler of heaven. Satan made the representation that all wrong insinuations existing in heaven originated among the angels, while he himself had made suggestions which would never have been entertained by the angels, had he not created them. He artfully presented these things to God, as having come from the angels, while they all originated with Satan himself.... {TDG 256.2}
他因为无法使基督接纳他这样的欺骗,于是就决心利用虚谎的声明和报告来暗害他。结果天上便引起了战争,撒但也被驱逐了。从此他就成了基督最致命的死敌。他经常所努力的,就是要尽一切可能的方法,消除祂救灵的伟大工作。{TDG 256.2}
Because he was not able to insinuate his deceptions upon Christ, he determined to undermine Him by false statements and reports. War in heaven was the result, and Satan was expelled. He became Christ’s most deadly foe. His constant effort was to counteract, in every possible way, His great work of saving souls. {TDG 256.3}
基督在天庭曾经尽力使撒但相信他犯了可怕的错误,直到最后,那恶者和他的同情者居然公开背叛上帝。那时,作为遮掩宝座的基路伯,他竟声称有权要取得高过基督的地位。他从天上被驱逐了,就到这个世界上来;决心和基督作对。他不再担心有丧失那些受他欺骗之天使的危险了。他们都已列入他的麾下,参加对抗上帝圣子的战斗了。{TDG 256.3}
Christ had worked in the heavenly courts to convince Satan of his terrible error, till at last the evil one and his sympathizers were found in open rebellion against God Himself. Then he claimed a right to take a position above Christ as covering cherub. Expelled from heaven, he came to this earth, determined to work against Christ. He is in no danger of losing the angels that he deceived. He has them under his banner, enlisted to fight against the Son of God. {TDG 256.4}
基督来到这个世界上的时候,撒但仍然在不断地追踪祂,竭力要使祂的工作归于无效。每逢基督医治患病受苦的人,撒但也在现场,使祂救灵的工作尽可能的感到困难。……{TDG 256.4}
When Christ came to this world, Satan was constantly on His track, striving to make His work of no avail. When Christ was healing the sick and afflicted, Satan was on the ground, making His work of saving souls as hard as possible.... {TDG 256.5}
每逢生灵认罪悔改,并且觉悟到自己的危险时,就开始发问说:“我应当作什么,才可以得到永生?”撒但便在那里激动祭司和官长们的心,来反对救主的工作,拦阻祂的路。但是基督始终证明祂自己高过撒但。祂斥责撒但的爪牙,释放那些受他锁链捆绑的可怜生灵,嘱咐他们去享受自由。(《信函》1906年292号,9月4日,致澳大利亚悉尼疗养院克雷斯医生夫妇){TDG 256.5}
When souls, convicted, and aroused to their danger, began to inquire, “What shall I do that I may have eternal life?” Satan was present, to stir up the minds of the priests and rulers to oppose the Saviour’s work, to hedge up His way. But Christ ever proved Himself superior to Satan. Rebuking the Satanic agencies, He set free the poor souls who were bound by his chains, and bade them go free.—Letter 292, September 4, 1906, to Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Kress, at the Sydney Sanitarium in Australia. {TDG 256.6}
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