九月十二日 现在就作基督徒
Christians Now, September 12
And now, little children, abide in him; that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 1 John 2:28. {TDG 264.1}
许多人想将来基督徒,可是却不愿立即开始。……不但你们自己遭受很大的损失,把你们一生中最好的部分献给了仇敌,更是教养你们的儿女忽略有关永恒的事物了。他们有你们作榜样,全都是在错误的一方面。你们的忽略乃是掠夺了他们应有的知识,就是上帝为你们所定的本份,要你们使他们可以学习敬爱、尊重、并且顺从上帝的要求。……{TDG 264.1}
Many mean to be Christians sometime, but do not want to make the start just yet.... Not only are you losing much yourselves in giving to the enemy the very best part of your lives, but you are bringing your children up in the neglect of eternal things. They have your example, all on the wrong side. Your neglect is robbing them of the very knowledge which God makes it your duty to give them that they may learn to love, reverence, and obey the requirements of God.... {TDG 264.2}
你们的小孩子,在年长的人面前,都是敏捷而善于观察的。你们正在塑造他们的心意,按照你们所想的去想,效法你们所行的去行;因为你们并不屈膝跪拜宇宙的主宰,他们也照样不拜。想念到你们若不把自己的心灵归服上帝就必丧失,想念到你们自己还没有进入得救之门,这已经是够坏够可怕的了。可是再想到你们阻碍着你们儿女的进入之路,那就更可怕了。……要断然地忘记你们的尊严和社会地位,并且当着自己儿女的面,在基督的门下作学生。坦白地告诉他们:你们犯了错误,忽略承认自己是上帝的儿女。要告诉他们:从现在起,你们希望全家都要开始为上帝而生活,而且从今以后也和你们的儿女一同读经祈祷。……{TDG 264.2}
Your little ones are quick and observing in the presence of older persons. You are molding their minds to think as you think, to act as you act; not to bow the knee to the Sovereign of the universe because you do not do so. It is bad enough and fearful enough to contemplate the loss of your own souls unless you surrender to God, to contemplate that you are not entering in at the door of salvation yourselves, but it is more terrible to think that you bar the way to the entrance of your children.... Forget for once all about your dignity and social position, and start out before your children as learners in the school of Christ. Tell them frankly that you have made a mistake in neglecting to acknowledge yourself as a child of God. Tell them that you want that as a family you should now commence to live for God, and then read and pray with your children.... {TDG 264.3}
你们惟有在耶稣里,才可以得到你们所寻找的安息和平安。这世界,它的格言和它的风俗习惯,乃是不可胜数之痛苦的根源。有许多人因心愿不能满足而感到痛苦。他们把重担──就是那些没有得到满足的欲望,捆绑在自己的身上。受着良心的责备──不与上帝和好,加上害怕祂的不悦和忿怒,他们生活为人全是不断的忧虑不安。在痛苦中缺少属天的安慰。他们害怕刑罚。对于将来也抱着恐惧的预感。{TDG 264.3}
You can have rest and peace only as you find it in Jesus. The world, its maxims and its customs, are the parents of unnumbered sufferings. Many suffer with ungratified wishes. They bind burdens on themselves—their ungratified desires. With the condemnation of conscience—not having harmony with God, and with an apprehension of His displeasure and wrath—their existence is a matter of continual anxiety. There is a dearth of heavenly consolation in suffering. They are fearful of punishment. There is a fearful foreboding of the future.... {TDG 264.4}
赎价早已为生灵付上了,那是一种无限的牺牲──一位君王为背叛的子民而死,使他们可以逃脱罪恶、败坏、和不幸。他们藉着上帝儿子伟大的纡尊降贵,都可以得蒙赦免、洁净,和进入天国。……{TDG 264.4}
A ransom has been given for souls, a sacrifice that was infinite—a Monarch dying for rebellious subjects, that they may escape from sin, corruption, and misery. They may all receive pardon, purity, and heaven through the great condescension of the Son of God.... {TDG 264.5}
当趁着恩典美妙的声音在邀请你的时候前来。(《信函》1879年26号,9月12日,给一对夫妇的个人见证){TDG 264.5}
Come while Mercy’s sweet voice invites you.—Letter 26, September 12, 1879, a personal testimony to a husband and wife. {TDG 264.6}
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