九月十六日 要相信耶稣的话
Take Jesus at His Word, September 16
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6. {TDG 268.1}
我一直在挂念着你的情形,也为你心中的不安担忧。如果我的力量够的话,我就想要安慰你。那位可爱的救主耶稣,对于你岂不是多次作过在需要中随时的帮助吗?切不要使圣灵担忧,倒要止住烦恼。这是你多次向别人谈过的事。但愿那些不像你一样有病之人的话,可以安慰你,也愿主帮助你:这就是我的祈祷。{TDG 268.1}
I keep your case before me, and I am grieved that you are troubled in mind. I would comfort you if it were in my power. Has not Jesus, the precious Saviour, been to you so many times a present help in times of need? Do not grieve the Holy Spirit, but cease worrying. This is what you have many times talked to others. Let the words of those who are not sick, as you are, comfort you, and may the Lord help you, is my prayer. {TDG 268.2}
如果主的旨意是你应当去世,你就该觉得自己有特权要把你整个的人──身、心、灵──全都交托在公义怜悯之上帝的手中。祂并没有怀存象你所想象的定你有罪的感觉。我要你别再以为主不爱你。你应当毫无保留地把自己交与祂为你所作的慈悲安排。……{TDG 268.2}
If it is the Lord’s will that you should die, you should feel that it is your privilege to commit your whole being—body, soul, and spirit—into the hands of a just and merciful God. He has no such feelings of condemnation as you imagine. I want you to stop thinking that the Lord does not love you. Cast yourself unreservedly upon the merciful provisions that He has made.... {TDG 268.3}
你不需要以为自己作了什么导致上帝要苦侍你的事。我知道的更清楚。只要相信祂的爱,也信祂所说的话。……{TDG 268.3}
You need not think that you have done anything which would lead God to treat you with severity. I know better. Just believe in His love, and take Him at His word.... {TDG 268.4}
祂要你相信,并实行你的信仰。基督已在祂的生活中,为我们树立了仁慈品格的榜样。祂希望我们都拥有这种品格。……不要容猜疑或不信任占据我们的心思。不要容对上帝的伟大所有的忧惧搅乱我们的信心。但愿上帝帮助我们在柔和谦卑中降卑自己。{TDG 268.4}
He would have you believe, and act out your faith. Christ has given us in His life an illustration of the amiability of character that He would have us all possess.... No suspicion of distrust is to take possession of our minds. No apprehension of the greatness of God is to confuse our faith. May God help us to humble ourselves in meekness and lowliness. {TDG 268.5}
基督脱下祂的王袍和王冠,好与人类交际来往,并且证明世人也可得以完全。祂穿着慈悲的外袍,在我们的世界上度了完美的一生,将祂爱的证据赐给我们。祂所行的应当使人不可能不信祂。祂从天庭崇高统帅的地位,屈尊降卑披上了人性。祂的生平乃是我们生活可能达到的范例。为了使我们对上帝伟大的认识不至抹杀我们对上帝之爱的信心,基督就成了一个多受痛苦、常经忧患的人。人心若奉献给祂,就必成为神圣的竖琴,发出神圣的音乐。(《信函》1904年第365号,9月16日,致怀爱伦的写作助理,患肺病垂危的马利安?戴维斯)。{TDG 268.5}
Christ laid aside His royal robe and kingly crown, that He might associate with humanity and show that human beings may be perfect. Clad in the garments of mercy He lived in our world a perfect life to give us evidence of His love. He has done that which should make unbelief in Him impossible. From His high command in the heavenly courts He stooped to take human nature upon Him. His life is an example of what our lives may be. That no apprehension of God’s greatness should come in to efface our belief in God’s love, Christ became a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. The human heart, given up to Him, will become a sacred harp, sending forth sacred music.—Letter 365, September 16, 1904, to Marian Davis, one of Ellen White’s literary assistants, dying of consumption. {TDG 268.6}
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