九月二十五日 上帝的恩典是我们最大的需要
Divine Grace, Our Greatest Need, September 25
Though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of. 1 Corinthians 9:16. {TDG 277.1}
真正的悔改使我们天天与上帝交往。试探总是免不了要遭遇的,更有一股强烈的暗流吸引我们离开上帝,回到我们那漠不关心,充满罪恶忘记上帝的原来地位。人心缺少了上帝的恩典就不能保持刚强。人除非善于照顾自己,并且有主眷顾他,他就无法保持悔改的经验。他的心如果不紧抱持着上帝,上帝也不支持着他,那么他就必成为自恃自负,心骄气傲的,而且必定行差走错以致跌倒。使徒保罗所倚赖的,就是那因信而来的上帝的能力。他谦卑地宣称:“现在活著的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着”(加2:20)。“所以,我奔跑,不像无定向的;我斗拳,不像打空气的。我是攻克己身,叫身服我,恐怕我传(.福音.)给别人,自己反被弃绝了”(林前9:26,27)。{TDG 277.1}
Genuine conversion brings us daily into communion with God. There will be temptations to meet, and a strong undercurrent drawing us from God to our former state of indifference and sinful forgetfulness of God. No human heart can remain strong without divine grace. No man can remain converted unless he takes care of himself and the Master has a care for him. Unless the heart holds fast to God, and God holds fast to him, he will become self-confident and exalted and will surely stumble and fall. The power of God through faith was Paul’s dependence. “I live; yet not I,” he exclaims in his humility, “but Christ liveth in me” (Galatians 2:20). “I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway” (1 Corinthians 9:26, 27). {TDG 277.2}
保罗是这样的提心吊胆,惟恐自己那恶的倾向习性会胜过他,因此他本着坚强反抗的心,不断地与那些难以控制的食欲和情欲作战。既然这位伟大的使徒,尚且因见到自己的软弱而致战惊恐惧,试问谁还有权自命不凡而自夸自负呢?须知正在我们刚一开始感到自负自恃的时候,我们就已陷入可耻失败的危险中了。{TDG 277.2}
Paul was in such constant dread, lest his evil propensities should get the better of him, that he was constantly battling, with firm resistance, unruly appetites and passions. If the great apostle felt like trembling in view of his weakness, who has a right to feel self-confident and boastful? The moment we begin to feel self-sufficient and confident then we are in danger of a disgraceful failure. {TDG 277.3}
我们唯一对付种种缠累罪恶的可靠防护,就是祷告──每日每时的祷告。并不是一天热心,下一天疏忽,而是藉着警醒和诚恳,得以因与上帝交往成为生机蓬勃的。祈祷原是必不可少的;我们不应当等待什么感觉,乃要祈祷,不论我们觉得喜欢或不喜欢它,都要诚恳地祈祷。祈祷乃是一种通道,既把我们心灵对神圣福惠所存感激和渴望,传达到上帝宝座那里,又将神恩复苏的甘霖带回给我们。可惜就许多人来说,这一通道竟被阻塞了,这样,那与上天的联系也就此中断。……但愿我们要多用功夫双膝跪下,少用时间为自己计划,一心想作出什么大事来。(《信函》1874年52号,9月25日,致埃德森和艾玛.怀特){TDG 277.3}
Our only sure defense against besetting sins is prayer, daily and hourly prayer. Not one day zealous and the next careless, but through watchfulness and earnestness becoming vitalized by intercourse with God. Prayer is necessary, and we should not wait for feeling, but pray, earnestly pray, whether we feel like it or not. Heaven is open to our prayers. Prayer is the channel that conducts our gratitude and yearnings of soul for the divine blessing to the throne of God, to be returned to us in refreshing showers of divine grace. With very many, this channel is allowed to freeze up, and then the connection with heaven is interrupted.... Oh, that we would spend more time upon our knees and less time in planning for ourselves and in thinking we may do some great thing.—Letter 52, September 25, 1874, to Edson and Emma White. {TDG 277.4}
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