九月二十六日 上帝时常的呼吁
God’s Constant Appeal, September 26
The good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid. 1 Timothy 5:25. {TDG 278.1}
许多喜爱自我放纵和私下抱怨老底嘉信息之直率证言的人,不知道他们的行为实在多么有罪;然而在审判的时候,他们会以自己忘恩负义和反叛主的做法为耻,主已长久容忍了他们,没有在他们的罪中将他们剪除。那时,对于已经损坏了人生记录的那些人,任何认罪和哭泣都无济于事了。许多现在自称基督门徒的人将会被算在那些不愿悔改而是欺骗了自己的灵魂以致永远灭亡的人中间。回避真理不会使任何人有勇气在审判之日开口为自己辩护。那时案卷要展开,其上有每一个人行为的记录。……{TDG 278.1}
Many who love self-indulgence and who murmur at the straight testimony of the Laodicean message, are ignorant of how sinful their actions really are; but in the judgment they will be ashamed of their course of ingratitude and rebellion against the One who has borne so long with them, and who has not cut them off in their sins. No confession, no weeping will then avail for those who have spoiled their record. Many who now claim to be the disciples of Christ, will be numbered among those who would not repent, but who have deceived their souls unto their eternal ruin. The evasion of truth will not give courage to any soul in the day of judgment to open his lips in self-defense. Then the books will be opened that bear the record of the works of every individual.... {TDG 278.2}
上帝已从祂的道中发信息给过着粗心大意生活的人,和不以他们的错误行径为耻的人。我听到有话说:“雅各啊,你为何说,我的道路向耶和华隐藏?以色列啊,你为何言,我的冤屈上帝并不查问?你岂不曾知道吗?你岂不曾听见吗?永在的上帝耶和华,创造地极的主,并不疲乏,也不困倦;祂的智慧无法测度”(赛40:27, 28)。粗心大意、自我放纵的人如果愿意寻求耶和华并且承认他们的罪,就会看到他们不归正的生活怎样将别人带入歧途,他们就会悔改归正!……{TDG 278.2}
God has sent messages from His Word to the souls who are living careless lives, and who are unashamed of their wrong course of action. I heard the words spoken: “Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the Lord and my judgment is passed over from my God? Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding” (Isaiah 40:27, 28). If the careless, self-indulgent souls would seek the Lord and confess their sins, they would see how their unconverted lives lead others astray, and they would repent and be converted.... {TDG 278.3}
上帝不断地向人心发出呼吁,吩咐它认出祂的爱与怜悯,接受祂的义,取代邪恶的原则。祂就这样在历代向人类恳求。在挪亚的日子,基督藉着人间的代表向人们讲话,向那些被罪奴役的人讲道。祂日间在云柱中夜间在火柱中临到以色列人。祂在那一大批会众在旷野漂流期间教育了他们。……{TDG 278.3}
God is constantly appealing to the human heart, bidding it recognize His love and mercy, and accept His righteousness in the place of the principles of evil. Thus He has pleaded with mankind in all ages. In Noah’s day Christ spoke to men through a human agency and preached to those who were in bondage to sin. He came to Israel enshrouded in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night. He it was who educated that vast multitude in their wilderness wandering.... {TDG 278.4}
有许多人没有充分权衡这些事。今天的每一个活人都应该明白曾赐给以色列的指示。人可能自称大有智识,但他需要过人的智识才能领会福音的启示。 (《信函》1909年第106号,致奥克兰和伯克利的各教会,1909年9月26日){TDG 278.4}
There are many who do not weigh these things sufficiently. The instruction given to Israel should be understood today by every soul living. Man may claim great intelligence, but he needs more than human intelligence in order to grasp the revelations of the gospel.—Letter 106, September 26, 1909, “To Our Churches in Oakland and Berkeley.” {TDG 278.5}
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