十月三日 改造之恩的大能
The Power of Transforming Grace, October 3
And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples. Luke 11:1. {TDG 285.1}
每一个人都有向主陈述自身的特别需求,并对日常所受福惠表示感激的特权。然而将许多冗长无味,聊无生气的精神,缺乏信心的祷告献给上帝,非但不足以使衪喜欢,反而成了重累。唉!我们真是十分需要清洁悔过的心,也需要加强我们的信心。救主应许说:“你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门”(太7:7)。我们需要训练自己信靠主的这句话,并使我们一切的工作都蒙主的恩眷和光照。我们要持定基督,并且持定不放,直到我们确知那改造之恩的能力已在我们身上表现出来。我们若要反映神圣的品格,就非信靠基督不可。{TDG 285.1}
Every soul has the privilege of stating to the Lord his own special necessities and to offer his individual thanksgiving for the blessings that he daily receives. But the many long and spiritless faithless prayers that are offered to God instead of being a joy to Him, are a burden. We need, O, so much, clean, converted hearts. We need to have our faith strengthened daily. “Ask, and it shall be given you,” the Saviour promised; “seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). We need to educate ourselves to trust in this word, and to bring the light and grace of Christ into all our works. We need to take hold of Christ, and to retain our hold of Him until we know that the power of His transforming grace is manifested in us. We must have faith in Christ if we would reflect the divine character. {TDG 285.2}
基督以神性而披上人性,度了克己与祈祷的生活,天天与试探奋斗,以便扶助今日为试探所侵的人。衪是我们的效率与力量。衪希望人类因领受衪的恩典,得与上帝的性情有份。……人若忠心查考新旧两约所载上帝的话,并使之化入其生命中,就必从而得到属灵的智慧与生命。应当将这话郑重地藏在胸中。相信上帝的话和基督改革人生的力量,就足以使相信的人作衪的工,并在主里面做快乐的人。{TDG 285.2}
Christ clothed His divinity with humanity, and lived a life of prayer and self-denial, and of daily battle with temptation, that He might help those who today are assailed by temptation. He is our efficiency and power. He desires that, through the appropriation of His grace, humanity shall become partakers of the divine nature.... The word of God in the Old and New Testaments, if faithfully studied and received into the life, will give spiritual wisdom and life. His word is to be sacredly cherished. Faith in the Word of God and in the power of Christ to transform the life will enable the believer to work His works, and to live His word and have a life of rejoicing in the Lord. {TDG 285.3}
我屡蒙指示,要向我们的人说:你们要信靠上帝;不可依靠任何有错的人来划定你们的责任。……弟兄彼此商议固是应当的;然而每当人规定弟兄应做什么的时候,惟愿他们答复说,他们业已拣选主为他们的顾问。……{TDG 285.3}
Again and again I have been instructed to say to our people, “Let your faith and trust be in God. Do not depend on any erring man to define to you your duty.” ... It is right that brethren counsel together, but, when men arrange just what their brethren shall do, let them answer that they have chosen the Lord as their counselor.... {TDG 285.4}
无论何人都没有补救品格上缺欠的能力。我们各人的希望和信靠,都必寄于那位超人之主。我们永远要记得帮助是从那位大能者而来的。主已为每一个愿意接受的人预备了所需要的帮助。(《信函》1907年第340号,10月3日,致加利福尼亚南部的工人){TDG 285.4}
There is no power in any man to remedy the defective character individually. Our hope and trust must be in One who is more than human. We need ever to remember that help has been laid on One who is mighty. The Lord has provided the needed help for every soul who will accept it.—Letter 340, October 3, 1907, to the workers in southern California. {TDG 285.5}
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