十月四日 派给各人当做的工作
To Every Man His Work, October 4
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. Matthew 25:14. {TDG 286.1}
我们一生的时间相当宝贵,因此每一项行动都应当加以考虑。如果我们愿意的话,我们有权把握住这段时间,本着适当的精神,来完成一番为主所认为良好而永存的工作。我们生活为人要念念不忘:须为自己的光阴、自己的才能、和自己的影响而向上帝交账,这的确是一件非常严肃的事。这些都是珍贵的东西;才能原是不该埋藏在地里,而是要运用的。我们不要埋没自己的才能,这原都是上帝所托付要作明智改进的恩赐,用在为祂的服务上,它们就会增多,这样在祂降临的时候,祂就可以连本带利收回祂自己所有的了。{TDG 286.1}UL.291.2
Our lifetime is precious, and every action should be considered. It has been granted us that we might, if we will lay hold of it in the right spirit, accomplish a work that will be acknowledged by the Lord as good, enduring as eternity. It is an intensely solemn thing to live in view of the account we must render to God of our time, our talents, and our influence. These are precious things, talents that are not to be buried in the earth, but used. We are not to hide our talents, they are God’s entrusted gifts for wise improvement, that they may accumulate in His service, and that at His coming He may receive His own with usury. {TDG 286.2}
上帝在人运用所交托给他的才能上,并没有叫人放下他个人的责任,而要另一个人来代替他作交易。上帝已经派给每一个人当做的工作,人也要为怎样做成那项工作,而向上帝交账。那接受上帝所已经给他这项伟大托付的生灵,决不可把那才能移交给别人。任何人都不能把祂的感化力,转移给另一个人,来代他服务,替他关心或作判断。{TDG 286.2}
No man is called by God, in the use of the talents entrusted to him, to lay off his individual responsibility that another man may do his trading for him. To every man God has given his work, and man is accountable to God for how that work is done. The soul that accepts the great trust that God has given him, cannot transfer that talent to another. No man can transfer his influence to another person, to serve for him, or to be mind or judgment for him. {TDG 286.3}
我们各人都在为上帝服务。祂是我们的“导师”,祂所授予的教训,也都应当加以重视并且遵行。我们没有奉命向人交账,而是向上帝交账。我们的心思、我们的判断、我们的机智、我们的聪明、全都是上帝赐给我们要为祂而善用的,而且将来,要我们为了怎样运用祂恩赐而交账的,也是上帝。……{TDG 286.3}
We are each in the service of God. He is our Teacher, and every lesson He shall give is to be appreciated and acted upon. We are not called upon to give account of our talents to man, but to God. Our mind, our judgment, our tact, our wisdom, all are given to us of God to be improved for Him, and it is God who will call us to account for the way in which we have used His gifts.... {TDG 286.4}
人在有生之年无论情形怎样,总受着种种试探的围攻,因此我们惟有靠赖相信耶稣基督,才能在急难中得到恩典作随时的帮助。可是每一工作人员,都各有要度的人生,有要形成的品格。人生的每一时期,都有随岁月而来的某些工作的特别机会;而且每迈进一年都必须加以善用,尽人力之所能的有所改进。这样一来,再加上神圣能力的协助,就必表现出改良,向前向上推进,一步一步地走在迈向天国的安全道路上。(《文稿》1896年28号,10月4日,致“关心《福山宝训》出版的人” ){TDG 286.4}
The period of life in every case is beset with temptations, and it is through faith in Jesus Christ alone that we shall find grace to help in every time of need. But each worker has a life to live, a character to form. Each period of life brings with the passing years some special opportunities for work; and each advancing year must be made use of, improved to the very best of human capability. This, with the aid of divine agencies, will show improvement, advancement onward and upward, walking step by step in a safe path heavenward.—Manuscript 28, October 4, 1896, to “Those Concerned in Publishing Mount of Blessing.” {TDG 286.5}
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