十月十五日 神圣的使命
The Divine Commission, October 15
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:18, 19. {TDG 297.1}
那统辖万有的权柄已经赐给基督,而且也只赐给基督。凡信靠祂,并把自己所宣称的信仰坚持到底的人,就必得蒙保护。一切的工作人员既是基督的门徒,又是与祂同工的,彼此之间就必须行动一致。有些人是以某种方式归向真理,另外的人却以不同的方法受到最好的感动。因此工作人员所采用的方法虽然不同,但仍可以配合一致。每一个人都有他所领受的当作之工。{TDG 297.1}
To Christ, and to Christ alone, is given the right of authority over all things. Those who put their trust in Him, and will hold fast the profession of their faith firm unto the end, will be protected. As Christ’s disciples, as laborers together with Him, there must be united action among all the laborers. Some are converted to the truth in one way, others are best reached by a different method. So the laborers will act, some in one line, others in another, but all may blend unitedly. To every man is given his work. {TDG 297.2}
凡批评自己同工的人,就等于敞开了一道门,好让仇敌得以进来。试问还有什么事能较比看到弟兄互相攻击,表示怀疑不信对方的真心实意、更叫人伤痛的呢?人人都有足够运用上帝所赐给自己才能的地方。大家都是本着同一个目的在工作,就是激发人对于那出自灵感之话语的信仰。既然这样,每一个人在言行上就该与那些象他自己一样,为这同一目的而工作的人谐和一致。……{TDG 297.2}
Those who criticize their fellow workers open a door through which the enemy will enter. What can be more sad than to see brother working against brother, expressing suspicion and doubts of the other’s sincerity? There is room enough for all to use their God-given talents. All are laboring with the one object of inspiring belief in the words of inspiration. Then let every one so order his speech and work that he may be in harmony with those who are laboring to the same end as he himself.... {TDG 297.3}
但愿凡受托从事传授上帝圣言工作的人,都要确定自己是服在那位“天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了”的主的管束之下(太28:18)。祂所给祂门徒的使命,也包括了以下的话:“凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守”(太28:20)。任何人都没有得蒙授权,要把他自己的心意拿来当作标准,强迫别人一律遵从。……{TDG 297.3}
Let those who are entrusted with the work of teaching the Word of God be sure that they are under the control of Him who has declared, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:18). His commission to His disciples includes the words, “Teaching them [all nations] to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (verse 20). No man is authorized to set up his own mind as the standard to which he may compel others to conform.... {TDG 297.4}
这荣耀的福音,上帝救赎大爱的信息,务必要传给民众,同时工作人员的心上也要表现出这种爱来。这拯救恩典的题目,乃是苛刻之心的解毒剂。那存在心中的基督的爱,一定会在热诚拯救罪人的工作上表现出来。……{TDG 297.4}
The glorious gospel, God’s message of redeeming love, must be brought to the people, and that love is to be revealed in the hearts of the laborers. The theme of saving grace is an antidote for a harsh spirit. The love of Christ in the heart will be expressed in earnest work for the salvation of sinners.... {TDG 297.5}
要表显福音乃是生命与救恩之上帝的圣言。……这福音也必因本着爱心而工作的精神得到称赞。“那报佳音,传平安,报好信,传救恩的,对锡安说:你的上帝作王了!这人的脚登山何等佳美”(赛52:7)!(《信函》1906年318号,10月15日,致在纳什维尔和麦迪逊的弟兄姊妹们){TDG 297.5}
Let the gospel be presented as the word of God for life and salvation.... The gospel will be commended by the revelation of a spirit that works by love. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace” (Isaiah 52:7).—Letter 318, October 15, 1906, to the brethren and sisters in Nashville and in Madison. {TDG 297.6}
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